Friday, April 28, 2006
all the XXXism....
decide to blog..
wad's XXXism???
someone idoitic tot of some terms and i decide to help him continue it..
Do u feel like u have these symptons??
if have..
den CONGRATS!! u r diagnosed with
wingyanism: 1) Excessively being silly 2) Always announced you are smart 3)Excessively BLUR
yingtatism: 1) Obessive suaning 2) Obessively tot u r jennified 3) always crazy
mingyangnism: 1) obsessive suaning 2) like to bully cute girls (example poke fats) 3) is a pervert
i dun think this exist..
but.. *shrugs*
JENNIFICATION : 1) Obsessive snacking 2) Uncontrollable laughter 3) Acting cute
i will bless u, if u happen to have these symptons..
one last word: I dun JENNIFIED ppl, is YOU all choose to be MOI!!!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
i decide to be determined too..
after so many suaning and scolding..
i finally decided to really stop eating!!!
i realise..
after exams got so MANY people wants to meet me..
cannot stunned them right..
must be 美美 and 瘦瘦.
i stunned them once..
its not like i cant for this holidays!!
I, JENNIFER GOH HWEE LOO, nirc number S860XXXXX, hereby swear that i will not eat any junk food. if u try to tempt me, i may decide to put you into my ignore list. i am trying my best to curb all my sinful thoughts and to cut down on my eating. Do bear with my groaning and whining. It's exam week. i am vv stress and i cant eat junk food. Just let me be!! Please give me support and help me along the way. i got an aim. yeah..
shan, i will report my achievement to you also. Let's see who is more successful! fwahaha..
lastly, i will perform magic to all of you! Just u wait!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
was so bored. whole day like do nothing.
i dun have the mood.
to say the TRUTH!
haha.. *will not give up tho*
when shan is bored. she requested someone to do magic for her..
okie.. i also wan..
but cannot copy right.
wait km say we...
i wan surprise!! give moi surprise~
magician also can~
my life is so damn boring now tt i think i gonna be a stone like wy~
1 more week!
my life rocks!
伤害; 竟是你 走到门外
心霾; 深夜里 那份期待
等待; 等变成 一种无奈
回来; 看不到 你已不在
泪海; 记忆中 寂寞徘徊
失败; 没办法 不再去猜
明白; 他们俩 才是现在
未来; 消失了 换来悲哀
恋爱; 原来是 残酷淘汰
hope u all like it..
StoRies to sHaRe...
*btr do look at the post, 2 suaykias, 2 piggies... if u happen to miss it.. when i post it, it was not post as the latest entry!*
these stories are what that touched me long long time ago..
was searching for stories and came upon it again!
well, they still had the effect. hope u all will like it..
1st story:
Unconditional Love story
"Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask. I have a friend I'd like to bring home with me."
"Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him."
"There's something you should know the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."
"I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."
"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."
"Son," said the father, "you don't know what you're asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own."
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know, their son had only one arm and one leg.
The parents in this story are like many of us. We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don't like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable. We would rather stay away from people who aren't as healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are. Thankfully, there's someone who won't treat us that way. Someone who loves us with an unconditional love that welcomes us into the forever family, regardless of how messed up we are.
Tonight, before you tuck yourself in for the night, say a little prayer that God will give you the strength you need to accept people as they are, and to help us all be more understanding of those who are different from us!!!
2nd story:
A boy walked into a CD store
and saw a girl behind the counter.
She smiled and he thought it was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen before and wanted to kiss her right there.
He said "Uh... Yeah... Umm... I would like to buy a CD." He picked one out and gave her money for it.
"Would you like me to wrap it for you?" she asked, smiling her cute smile again.
He nodded and she went to the back.
She came back with the wrapped CD and gave it to him. He took it and walked out of the store. He went home and from then on, he went to that store everyday and bought a CD, and she wrapped it for him. He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out and he really wanted to but he couldn't. His mother found out about this and told him to just ask her.
So the next day, he took all his courage and went to the store. He bought a CD like he did
everyday and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it
wrapped. He took it and when she wasn't looking, he left his phone number on the desk and ran out...
The mother picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"
It was the girl!!! She asked for the boy and the mother started to cry and said, "You don't
know? He passed away yesterday...
" The line was quiet except for the cries of the boy's mother. Later in the day. The mother
went into the boy's room because she wanted to remember him. She thought she
would start by looking at his clothes. So she opened the closet. She was face to face with piles and piles and piles of unopened CDs. She was surprised to find all those CDs and she
picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one.
Inside, there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper, out fell a piece of paper. The
mother picked it up and started to read it.
It said: Hi... I think you are really cute. Do you wanna go out with me? Love, Jacelyn
The mother opened another CD...
Again there was a piece of paper. It said: Hi... I think you are really cute. Do you wanna go out
with me? Love, Jacelyn
(A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle) Girl: Slow
down. Im scared. Guy: No this is fun. Girl: No its not. Please, its to scary! Guy:
Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a BIG
hug. (Girl hugs him) Guy: Can u take my helmet off and put it on? Its bugging me.
In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke,
but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt
her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it
meant he would die.
Well will find more stories~~
Have a nice day!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
when yr treshold level is exceeding
i am dying..
please bless me~
give me a 完美的葬礼。。
let me rest in peace..
okie.. the above are all nonsense..
it's vv obvious that i am having a pre-exams PMS-ing..
i gonna flunk~!!!!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
2 suay kias, 2 piggys, 2 best frens
haha.. piggy is sleeping.. hope she dun realise that i am blogging.
we just finish our supper and "dong" she fell asleep.
can't blame. she woke up damn early for her gym lessons @ cedar. (she's a P.E teacher k, muahaha)
well, shan decide to stay over in my room so she need not travel all the way back to her house and den back again to school to mug again!
the two of us == SUAYEST PEOPLE
haha.. we r combo sia~
it's like tat, yz n my together and suan me..
When we get together.
vv suay things happen to us!
we r so scare alr lo..
wad happen??
okie.. well, anOther of our funny disasters.
after our mugging, we head back to my room.
well, tt DAY, only tt DAY, the bus was packed.
moi and this suay kia had to carry so much stuff in our hand n squeeze on the bus.
well, it was only packed behind 'cos got this great "kinad and considerate" soul decide not to move infront and made me and her squeeze at the back of the bus.
tell u..
the bus uncle, think watch too much initial D.
He GOES ON FULL SPEED even when turning!!!
argh.. can u imagine it.
two of us, one hand holding a support, the other hand holding our heavy textbooks and we are not well balanced. we were standing on close feet 'cos it was packed. ( if u can open up a little, it aids in balancing.)
and me and her.. were set for this rollercoaster ride.
We are so unbalanced.
okie.. cant really describe the scenario.
BUT it was so mao leng han tt, two guys finally offered to let us sit.
i is grateful.
BUT, i cant even move to the seat. 'cos it is so........... FAST!!!!!!!!!!
i nearly fell, den i decide to kneel down instead. and the two guys look at me.. dunno wad to do with me.. (i cant walk to yr seat idoits! haha.. no la.. u two are good ppl)
Finally, at HSS, the uncle STOPS! why? ppl wan to go down ma.. and two of us found a seat, hide and start laughing profusely..
everytime sure got stupid things happen to us..
it is so disgraceful!
i tell u!! VERY !!!
haha.. den when we walk to my block..
saw someone gg up and i decide to walk slowly, 'cos i cant find the transponder.
BUT this good soul, wait for me..
so after i found the transponder, i rush to the lift..
AND the LIFT decide to close the door. *RIGHT INTO MY FACE*
and the stupid me.. never move.. let the door close.. nearly crushed my face..
lucky the "stunned" guy in the lift managed to press the door open!
and my dear shan..
she run into a place and laff.. she say it was so farnie tt she dunno which button to press..
damn farnie~~
okie.. no more stories.. don't u think we are a riot? haha..
after our bath, we decide to be sinful and i treat shan with my S'mores! haha..
den we began to 暗算 each other again.
i feed her with food.
we even had 鲜虾云吞 much much later..
haha.. she tried to eat abit only lo..
okie.. end of our wonderful mini-sleepover..
was fun!!
-jiayou girls(ss, km, ch) and also to the rest of my frens-
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
smth to smile @ after luNch
dun feel like gg back to heap..
and exam is on friday!
smth to share..
hope everybody likes it..
9 Things I Hate About Everyone
1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
2. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the TV. remote because they refuse to walk to the TV. and change the channel manually. ?
3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it? ?
4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses! ?
5. When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.! ?
6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine? ?
7. When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new. ?
8. When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer? ?
9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumb ass?
have a niCe daY
1102 not confident, 1104 not confident, marketing not confident.
gem and lsm not touched..
where am i heading to?
no mood..
NO MOOD!!! argh...
in the lib now..
feeling as blue as ever..
今天没海看, 只好看树..
告诉你, 树不好看! 我要看海,看天空!
明天, 最好给我看到!
我要死了, 好累..
祝福我 吧........................................................................................................................................
Monday, April 17, 2006
it makes yr mood blue too!
it's the best time of the year to STONE!
haha.. mayb its becos i am studying! *like to stone when i'm studying*
after chatting for a short while on msn..
i decide to listen to this song <<蔷薇>>.
gg to jam this song after exams and i insist i wan to sing..
well, tt's not the point..
the point is tt.
i wan to becum someone like chen qi zhen.
to have a vocal like elva..
but then i realise..
i cant!
hmm.. quite a saddening tot.
tho they say if u train u can get it.
well, the talents i defi dun have..
the skills of guitar can be trained.
and most importantly, i cant have the 潇洒 voice tt elva has..
record abit of 蔷薇 and den i delete it away immediately..
really cmi..
hai~~ haha..
i need to train more..
i realise there are times when u wan to be someone(not exactly the same), its not all about the hard work that u r willing to put in but rather whether do u have the capabilities to do it or not.
my dreams seems so far.
okie, its damn far.
my desire not to go usa is stronger.
i am in such a dilemma.
i really hope exams are over soon!!
so it can give me potential time to really sit down and think..
oh well, we will see how it goes..
and come to think of it..
i am getting excited too! haha..
i can get my guitar after exams! oh boy.. so freaking excited.. and my irish coffee!
well well.
i must be calm!
okie.. back to my AVL trees!
*pLs blEsS moi!*
Saturday, April 15, 2006
it seems like it got worse abit..
i hope it can be under control..
i dun want those migraines i always had..
tt one is unbearable!
this is the time..
i wan to go home!
save me..
it's been such a long time tt you come..
and u choose a time to attack me when i am not at home..
hope it will get better.
bless me!
haha.. plans to go home today! finally.. but it is only for a short while..
decide to go cut my hair..
the end result...
stress.. not wat i wanted.. and got abit of 娃娃头..
stressified.. i DUN WANT!
but after the hairdresser hairdry my hair..
i feel tt its okie la..
but i need to do alot of work to get tt look..
haha.. decide not to care!
my hair will be more messy than ever..
muahaha.. *i gt a feeling tt it got an auntie look. double stress*
went to ah gong's place to eat before go back home.
while waiting for my mum to cook..
i watch SuperBand.
damn. aren't they good?
their love for music is wow~~~
this makes me think whether to go over to usa not.
(if they call me la..)
half a year ago. i dun have any aim, no dreams, no passion!
but now..
i wan to do learn instruments...
cant wait for holidays to come! so i can go learn..
learn liao..
den i can get my music room! haha..
den move on to other stuff..
or i can learn different stuffs concurrently..
if i go usa..
i doubt i will have time.. :(
haha.. but i shall see how it goes after exams!
*i am being fickled-minded abt wad to learn again! haha..*
after tt went home to take my 1104 textbook!
haha.. den went for my supermarket trip!!!
woohoo.. was so excited! got so many things wan to buy and heard the cold storage is damn big lo. haha..
den i shop shop shop..
bought so many stuff and its all tibits!
went to cold storage! there are so many new stuff!
i saw so many meat. so many sauces, so many pastas!
*eileen, and so many different baking stuff! we can bake after our exams. and i saw so many pastas. tortilini, pasta sauces... etc etc..*
*hehe.. we can cook up a feast one day!*
the bill came up to such a large sum that i was quite shock!
and i bought S'mores! haha..
know it from my fav. Archies comics and today i saw.. cant resist it and decide to buy and try..
so expensice okie!
den its raining heavily just now..
tell u cannot go back pgp.. and i cant go to bukit timah food centre to buy my peanut dessert.. well, its okie..
haha.. go back there straight to pgp lo...
tell u the sudden weather 'cos me to have my old ailment(migrane) again...
argh.. fed up!!
haha.. hope it will got worse..
i am having m&ms to make it better.. bless me!
*i am broke! haha.. wish me luck for exams!*
* i gg to cook up a feast after exam!*
四个臭男人, 一个笨女人,一个受害者
today, study with 4 idoitic guys..
and these 4 idoitic guys "suan" me from morning till dawn..
thanks ah...
was thinking whether i am really tt good to suan..
they suan me abt my eating..
all my "dun wan la.. ", " i wan to jian fei"...
and the best part is...
they wan to eat dinner will announce that i am the one tt is hungry and wan to go for dinner..
k, alot of times i am like tt..
haha.. thanks!
and one more right..
the 笨女人。。
no other den... *ah-hem.. her nick name will explains why i call her 本女人*
haha.. laff with them..
and suan me time to time, when i din notice!!
to think.. i tot we are on the same frequency.. and u!!!
laff with them~!!!
nvr mind! haha.. 我忍!
the 臭男人is the worse..
never stop..
even when go home..
still "suan"
attempt to leave me in engine and go off without me..
i have no true frens.. *sob*
and lastly after listening to all my whining..
u should know who is the 受害者了吧..
that's me..
n0 other ppl...
well, was fun today tho! thanks!

was listening to leehom's 《一首简单的歌》
and i got to notice this two sentence and it made me think..
feel smth close to yr heart?
have u forgotten to smile at yr families, frens n close ones recently??
when u try to be someone, try to be good, try to do yr best...
u seems to forgot the best thing in the whole world..
u forgot it is important.
u forgot how important it meant to yr close one..
u forgot..
just a smile, can brightens up someone's day.
so no matter how stress yr day is, no matter how sad u are, no matter how busy u are...
just a smile..
will makes everyone's day brighter and brighter..
i am not toking rubbish..
even a smile to a stranger will make his day a good one.
and he will naturally smile to every other person he saw that day.
So start making yr life a happier one and pass it on to the person you will see on that day.
Make yr day and everyone's day count!
每天都在流泪, 连我也觉得有点闷闷的。
昨晚, 还好好的。。
以为天空想通了什么, 所以心情好好。。
没有乌云, 只有月光!
月亮又大又圆把整个地方都照亮了 。
不止喔, 星星也出现了。
不是一颗, 是好多好多!!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
10 things to make me happy
tat says i write wrongly.. *see sassifying post*
should be 10 things that can make me happy!
haha.. and he shall be the first to do it for me..
okie.. i still appreciate the work and brain juice you all have did to help me write the 10 things about moi!
i love it alot! thanks..
will change my bad habits :)
haha.. okie..
if any of u all r free..
haha.. help me do this one too! :)
*tat says this is an excercise to show whether you all know wad makes me happi not.. haha..
he is killing himself man!*
4th May..
that's my freedom~
i could not keep my excitement and i decide to blog!
Nanli says he found a place to drink irish coffee!
oh my!!
but have to wait till 4th May!
oh well..
but it's okie..
i will work hard for it!
tt's my reward..
thanks boi!!!
i will gambette! :)
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
was hoping that i could specialise in something and enjoyed it.
i could only live once.
y not made this one a good one.
and a one to be proud of.
well, the only think i could think of now was to do something related to music.
i love music.
but i have no knowledge about it.
i wan to specialise in something.
i wan to showcase my talents.
i wan you to be proud of me.
so after much consideration.
And to say the truth.
i am not sure whether i made the correct choice...
i decide to learn guitar.
and foresake my loving for drums.
however, i think i will learn abit of drums.
Maybe some rhythms or some sort.
maybe one day after i think i am ready *after guitars?*
i will learn drums.
-ching, why not u learn le. master it den u teach me??-
also, not forgetting to improve my singing..
am i ambitious?
i think i am..
but i will try my best!
wish me luck! :)
Monday, April 10, 2006
laff until i think my roommates think i am crazy..
at 4am a crazy woman next door is laffing madly to herself!!
den in the end dunno got hear this mad woman cry not. hee..
it's such a nice show..
mayb it's becos it has been a long time since i watch it again there's alot of part which i have already forgotten. and when i saw it again..
it's like watching a new movie!
many would think not that nice. -so just bear with me k-
the food is nice lo.
wanna eat korean.
'cos never really eat an original korean food before.
Dun consider eating korean food in food court counts! :p
well, got a weird idea.
u know in the show(for those who dunno), the guy is able to recite 10 things, he needs to do when he is with her or what the girls like to do/tends to do (i think smth like tt, die.. i got short term memory)..
so, for those who are free haha..
could u do something for me??
Could you all do the same for me?
-ok, i know its lame.. but for the fun of it i would like to know what a person i am when i am with you all! haha.. u knoe.. i think i can foresee, act cute as the first one on the list lo. -_-" -
*haha.. must help me do wor.. when u all r free! :)*
*ch, km, ss, u all r not spared. i know u all have the face "oh shit, my name is mentioned!" but just do for me ma.. relac relac lo..*
*tell me on msn oso can!*
*okie.. no need 10. just list a few~*
-okie.. think tt would be all.. jiayou peeps!-
'm watching "My Sassy Girl".
the food was so nice!
I wan to go eat korean food!
I wan to be like 全知贤!
I wan to have an exciting life like her in the show(minus the sad past). :)
well, blog more about the show after i finish watching it. :)
btw.. this is my dunno how many times i watch this show.
Think got 5 to 6 times. hee..
that means i have to change! :)
dun care abt that post.
aftr this post i will be like cinderella change to another person! :)
but i think i gonna change to a better one..
please anticipate the new me! :)
i am going to be 淑女! hehe..
oops.. 要温柔。。
如果看不到我不要吃惊, 我只是想闭关修炼。
好啦。。 如果想我请读以下的东西:
Feel like you are going insane?
Heart pain and emotional confusion?
You probably have the "I MISS HWEE LOO" syndrome!
For instant relief, SMS/CALL: *my hp no.* :p
okie.. seriously think my msn 没救了,
i only hope that my hotmail will be fine!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
每当肚子再跟我闹情绪时,我好想好想吃温暖牌饭! :)
温暖牌饭一定是要一大伙人, 坐在一起吃着好吃的食物,说说笑笑的吃完一餐!!
我以为温暖牌饭就是要有饭有汤有肉, 但我现在明白了原来一个温暖的晚餐/午餐/早餐最重要的就是要有陪伴。
考试快点跟我离开, 我要好好享受我的每一餐!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
spinwheel n ugliness go hand in hand
-please save me!-
my cutesie clan..
they really made my day! *smilez*
who r the they??
well, let me introduce to you my clan in university!! my clique from GRASS! muahaha..
everyday, in sch is nvr bored!!
haha.. well well.. let me see ah..
let me tell u the origin of my clan! wahaha..
first.. yt decide to follow wy to write out his name on msn to be mirror image..
and act cute MY follow suit too..
and moi.. decide not to lose out also change my name to mirror image, and i ask ch to change too..
so the five of us! u will see tt our nick will always be in mirror image..(some sort la.. but MY seems to change his nick liao..)
okie.. last night! that's the main part!
was so hilarious.. i and yt was like two idoits laffing madly at business..
this is wad happened!
moi: i felt like scolding my a bad boi.. (okie.. becos he did smth in the afternoon.. haha)
yt: okie!
-den both of us change our nick to "Mingyang is a bad boi.."
wahaha.. i tell ch and wy to change too
wy's nick: "Jennifer ask me to change my nick to "Mingyang is a bad boy.""
ch's nick: Mingyang is a bad boi. i is innocent!
wahaha.. den i think my dunno lor! until tat tells him! den he freak out!!!
damn farnie!!
he ask me to change.. den i decide to ignore him..
this cums the best part!!
wy's nick: "Mingyang asked me NICELY to change my nick to Mingyang is a good boi." -tio suan- wahaha
so damn farnie lo..
guess wad.. my's nick: I am not mingyang. thank you..
wahaha.. its so damn freaking farnie..
and den he ask he to change my nick..
so i decide to suan him.
moi's nick: "Mingyang asked me NICELY to change my nick too. etc etc.."
haha.. i think he fed up!
den he say he wan to eat 斋! (b a vegetarian? pls lar.. )
and the worse thing is his msn pic change to a buddha pic!
muahaha.. he really is so damn farnie!
haha.. den after sometime.. we got bored and we decide not to care abt him liao..
muahaha.. and tt's the end of my last night's fun!!
*okie.. back to my mugging..*
Friday, April 07, 2006
cant go sing ktv so i will use blogging as a substitution to relief stress lo!
was reading marketing yesterday and we got into alot of econs terms. and one term that we tok alot is SUBSTITUTION~
what's substitution to you?
a thing tt u cant get and u decide to to find something tt is similar to replace it?
well, was stoning for awhile.. and i got a scenario came up to my mind..
customer: Hi, can i have this please? *pointing to a camera*
salesgirl: opps. sorry, it's sold out. Do you want to look at other models?
customer: *disappointed* wad abt this on display? Or is the camera cuming in another time? Can i make an order?
-this customer is desperate.. he already set all his heart and mind to buy tt camera. For wad reason, we dunno but one fact that we know is that he liked it alot.-
salesgirl: i'm sorry. But the camera wun be coming in for a period of time.. *blah blah.. just some reasons that the he wun get the camera la..*
okie.. so this customer became disappointed. he badly wans tt camera but for some reason he cant have it..
salesgirl: why about this camera? tho, its not exactly the model that u wanted but the functionality is about the same! also, it do look abit like tt camera..
customer: er.. i will look around.. thanks for yr info..
WELL, this customer definitely will not give up 'cos he knows there may be other stores selling that camera too..
he is as suay as me too?
that camera extincts.. no use he cant find it..
den wad will he do?? *he's in need of camera wor!*
he will go and look for SUBSTITUTE!
den he will go see look see look..
he will consider wad the salesgirl and say..
and so he bought something which is AVAILABLE and is smth which is similar to wad he wanted..
*he is happy n not happy*
wad am i toking abt?
happy: he got a camera
not happy: it is not something he wanted but he have to 随便接受他
well.. he think he is not happy? wad abt the camera??
camera: hai.. i am not likeable.. my owner dun like me for i am but like me becos i am a substitute for the model he like.. everytime he use me to take photos, he will tot of the model he like previously..hai..
*freak.. hurts sia~*
okie.. i am crazy.. but substitution may not be so bad..
u cant find something u like but u found smth similar, u will feel good too..
well, in other words,
it is good to the person who is deciding.. but bad for the "substitute"
i am doing substitution now too.. *oh no..*
dun have a hot latte with me, a hot milo will be statisfying too..
i is happy!
We are practising substitution all the time!! muahaha..
okie.. i feel like i am toking nonsense.. but..
i is real bored! u can ignore this post! :p
the perfect him..
ch is watching too much 偶像局again!!
haha.. but this time.. it's different...
HOW different.. u may wan to ask..
well cant divulge much.. but it's really different!
Was chatting on msn just now..
and we decide to have a 美丽的邂逅(see too much this type of show la..)
okie.. she onZ so i decide to onZ with her..
so yah.. the both of us thinking of our 邂逅。。
and i tot of smth real farnie!
moi: hey, i think you must find the other half that is will hit u back when u hit him! like tt den fun wad...
ch: yeah.. but if he hit me real HARD. HE is DEAD!!
moi: lol... *tell u i really burst out laffing*
moi continue: hey, if u all really fight, please tell me, i dun mind paying 5 bucks for this show!
*ch is happy.. wahaha.. 'cos i am willing to pay.. got an intuition, she and her bf will always act shows for me to see.. so i will pay up!*
okie.. those who know ch will get the joke.. 'cos i really flipped! wahahah..
ch: den ss lea? wad sort of bf?
moi: someone who can rap with her? wahaha.. j/k
*to those out there she is damn nice lo.. yr criteria must be high ah.. and of course must go tru the three girls' (moi included) approval before u all can do anything.. :p *
ch: den u lea..
moi: *think think* someone who can act cute with me?
ch: wahaha..
- okie.. and the rest of the conversation shall not be included in! haha..
well.. we talk alot.. and i tot of who shall i find..
and i realise.. i decide to find someone like patrick (jas bf, who suan each other!), can sing like jay(okie. just good in music, okie.. singing good can liao! haha..), as talent as jay(wahaha.. jiu shi li hai), as charasmatic as Richie ren, and etc etc etc...
-i know ch read le will tell me to wait long long.. 你看到啦, 真得很久!but neber mind.. i dun give a damn! 我要帮你chinghui!!!-
wahaha.. i is crazy.. so many criteria wor!
of course.. it's just a dream..
i gg to 淡水to find tt someone! haha..
so now.. i am helping my two vv good frens to search! haha.. please do apply! good catch hard to find.. *got a feeling, i wun be in school next week.. kana killed by both of them.. wahaha*
u all may be wondering wad abt km? hmmm.. she ah.. got 男人了lea。 budden if u think u have the criterias u also can apply.. haha.. yeah!!
den we realise.. wad if we cant find??
den we shall build a house just for the 4 of us! its call B.C.P.S. *dun tell u the meaning..*
wanna have a dog with me! (it's the nippon paint dog!) but before i say..
both of them say NO!
shan even wans his teeth to be taken all out..
den he bo gei liao lea.. *how to eat???*
poor thing!
but neber mind! haha..
was anticipating tt house! *cool lea.. we tot of alot of facilities to be build for the house!*
i is crazy.. on estacy the whole night!
'm tired but i not sleeping..
*went to record songs again.. my new passion.. but it sucks.. and in the end i delete away the file*
-liFe iS bEaUtiFul.. cherish it and love it.. trust me! u wun regret it!-
- i love mYsElF-
alpha moi~
i have wonderful friends around me! i am blessed!
is a stressful month, so my frens please endure! :)
well.. wad's an alpha.. someone to start smth..
haha.. read up the dictionary yah..
well, my cuteness had been spreading!
it's like the forest fire in Sumatra, cannot be prevented.. muahaha.. i is alpha!
well well, just wanna say..
wingyan.aKa.dim1 has master my skills of pouting and "nua-ing"(the sound i made when i dun feel like doing anything.. okie. u can say "teh-ing" budden.. i got so disgusting mea.. wahahah..)
its such a feat!
was so damn farnie when she did that..
i feel accomplished!
i is proud!
wahaha.. okie.. i am sorry..
*narcissism acting up!*
well well, another person who has master my skill of act. (actually) cuteness is MY!
wahaha.. today study.. he make farnie noises..
when i am doing things.. cant really explain.. but he DID IT!! (ask me to demonstrate to u when u see me again!)
he is disgusted!
MOI too!!
fed up!
LOL! so fun.. i'm alpha.. wanna join my club?
u must be as cute as us wor~
*bleah :p*
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
wonderful entries
wanna relac to recharge for my final lap to the exams! getting stressed up! hope it will be over soon with the fact that i must be fully prepared. well, was browsing my frens entries and blinkymonkey entries and i found entries that are worthwhile mentioning and to say.
It has been hard to find such blogs liao.. wanting to do these type of entries but i end up to whine and rant in my own blog! *am so sorry, my frens!*
good entries hard to cum by..
please do go take a looks at it.
read it, feel it and think about it!
my dear girl, jasmine's blog:
entry: For all beautiful women well.
would like to say the same things to all girls out there.
People may have views on who u r! BUT dun be dis-heartened by them! every person has this special element in them to distinguish themselves from the rest! and this element is sPeCiaL. it's only IN you and nobody else!
LOVE yourself, 'cos nobody can understand you any better than yourself!
LOVE the way you are, You are you, you cant change it! *that's what makes u special. :)* lastly... Love your LIFE! 'cos life is beautiful! *well, shall not be biased.. this applies to the males out there too..
LOVE YOURSELF!* *i need to tell myself this too.. haha
* (JAs hope u dun mind abt me linking yr blog.. :p i love yr entry! :) )
up next BlinkyMonkey:
entry: I Will L.O.V.E. You If You Gratify Me, Darling!
haha.. interesting posts.. was feeling tt there's a certain of truth element in there.. I am definitely not tt kind! *i swear! 'cos i will hate myself! haha.. contradicting to the previous post* but however, somehow, somewhere, you feel that i am a materialistic person! please do inform me.. i need to CHANGE! 'cos i do not WANT to be them...
sorry, am being a bit mean! but, in this society(i am referring to Singapore ladies out there), YOU certainly have the ability, capability and the criteria to be what you wanted. there's no need for u to go into such extreme! can u pls be strong, wake up from yr stupid ideas and do smth tt will not throws women's face? i'm sorry that if one of you read this entry.. if u think i is stupid! u r worst..
i only can say this to you: i'm disgusted!
*gg for lecture! :p *
Monday, April 03, 2006
wad if..
one day..
i'm gone?
i'm dead?
i hv disappear?
开玩笑! :p
*shan.. i have the same feeling as u right now! it's too overwhelming!! (we r suay)*
museum visit!
nvr felt betta! fed up!
went to do NUS science Museum to do lsm assignment!
wahaha.. quite a cool place! didn't know of its existance..
haha.. cool.. *upload pics later*
yep.. tt's it.. cool place.. haha.. really an eyeopener..
for those who are interested..
its below the science library! :)
a fruitless saturday..
woke up late!
den was so lazy the whole day...
meeting e4 at Serangoon Garden at 5pm..
took a cab down!
i is crazy!
while waiting i was reading my 1102 notes RAH!! labs again! hai~~
den ch and km came! finally! and blur sotong came much much later.. okie la.. ten minutes late!
and km say tt we really gather with ourselves, cos we hv to leave early ma and the GUYS? late as usual lo..
we decide to go cartel and wait for them! haha..
we ordered CHEESECAKE! (have been craving for some time! but not really tt nice! but its okie! i love it..)
we also ordered a chicken salad and seafood marcoroni to share!
*so nice!*
Finally, the guys came! haha..
and when they reached we tell them we are leaving
haha.. took alot of pics.. *will upload soon*
So fun..
we were still the same! no change!
how i miss the good old days in Zhonghua!
miss u guys!
Hols, we must do smth happening..
i am not gg to plan..
Eileen will.. muahahah!!!
After tt, i left for talentquest!!!
woo! was vv excited actually.
Jessica n Shuhui was competing against Stella n Junbing! haha..
only one winner! hope its either of them..
After joining voices,
i began to went for such performance or competition.
Gradually, i began to have a passion for music(it's growing) haha..
i know more music stuff!
and i am so damn interested to do sounds.. (esp. after emerge! there's so much to do for those who are unaware! :) but it's so damn fun!)
Well, if i really kana rejected by USA.
den i will go for singing lesson,
learn an instruments and learn ya.. learn more music stuff!
music is another therapy to me! hai~~
well well, back to the tq~
GUESS wad!!
Jessica and Shuhui won!!!
was so damn proud!
Voices were vv proud of them too!!
Oh no! i am really impressed! GOOD JOB GIRLS!
and we went to celebrate!
to say the truth, songsong participate.. mayb he can win..
its not tt tq participant not good! they are good lo! damn good..
but if songsong go! he will still have a chance!
'cos his vocal is really GOOD! haha
went to cosy bay! yeah! finally..
haha.. had a long ride! was so damn shu fu!
i wan to dou feng!! haha..
cosy bay was really nice! haha.. but too bad.. we got a large crowd and there's no wind!! i mean not as much as when i pass by..
haha.. will go there again!
back to room!
hai~ plan to study 1102, but then..
devastating news hit me! i dun hav any accomodation for next sem! kana rejected..
super depress sia!
it's ok, yx say can appeal n wait for waiting list.. really hope i can get! please!!!
haha.. den i blog and chat on msn w yz..
haha.. he's really a ba gong! but thanks..
haha.. 爱尔兰咖啡。。
we must go search.. if not we go YEATS(dunno if it's true not!) !
P.S: 我要加眼泪。。。
Sunday, April 02, 2006
think of tt day cant make me stop laffing..
was suppose to have a voices meeting on friday and in the end it turn out to be another fruitless one! haha.. gather gather only..
when to munchie again! but i neva eat!
den watch abit of video and we(i and aNqi) decide to go support jessica's n shuhui's practise for saturday's talentquest before gg home.
Can u believe it?
WE WAIT for 151 for 30min! (fed up!)
haha.. but guess wad? when we board the bus, we got a 冲动!
*meant to keep it as a secret but i think i will just divulge it! haha..*
we decide to go bukit panjang(hope i got the place correctly) food centre to have SUPPER!
time: 9pm!
haha.. budden we realise the 2 of us no shiok! so we called up the people who are still w jessica they all! and nobody care about us! saddening!
den i and aNqi decide to be 2 little devil girls!
we decide to propaganda(u can say force) haha.. *okie, i am the evil one, i do the calling, aNqi do the laffing* those who live in the west to join us!
so i got minghui to come down! muahahah..
and yingzheng(he 自己wants to come dwn, we nvr really force) to come down after his gathering! haha.. *he was so late lor.. but no matter wad he will still cum down the la.. lol*
haha.. we eat until so so so so full!! i like the peanut soup the best(dessert)..
cum to think of it.. i tink i will go to the food centre if i got the craving.. i is CRAZY! haha
had such a wonderful supper..
the only sad part is not enuff ppl..
the more the merrier and the more we can eat!
haha.. it's ok! we will have it again!
joke of the night:
moi: u know wad's TGIF? (asking yz)
*moi n aNqi was damn excited to see whether he knows not.. 'cos mh dunno!*
yz: *look confident* it's a computer program file right??? (he say smth like tt)
* yz really study too much.. when he saw our expression, den he try to salvage the situation! and he say another program out!! -_-''' *
haha.. we really had a good laff! wahaha..
okie.. shall not say anymore..
wait he stress!
for those who are still unaware!
TGIF: Thank God It's Friday
听到了这故事的title就想起颖政的msn nick。
我兴奋的去问他nick 是这么得来的。。
我就很荣幸的得到《爱尔兰咖啡》的original story..
P.S: 珊, 你一定会喜欢这个故事, msn 时, 记得跟我拿!