today is a "busy" day..
well, not realli busy but yar..
i never stop working till now.
Had a great info today from SE asia lecture!
whee! they offer summer prog too.
I can apply for their summer prog if i fail the hongkong one!!
I is actually quite excited for the next semester to come actually.
Altho i have decided to build my resume..
but i realize..
that can put on hold..
enjoying what i can have now is more important..
i still have all my life to experience it after 1.5years.
I am left with less than 1.5 years..
*hai.. still stuck with my essay.. i die also must finish today! i have been panda for very long alr*
Projects projects and projects..
at least it is moving..
tho i am not sure which direction it is taking..
i am alr having the mentality of okay, fine, just do.
You know this feeling..
the most hateful dreadful kind..
not gg to talk abt it..
in any case,
i am stepping back..
and enjoying my rest of the semester..
Am early for voices meeting..
so i went to meet boi while he is having a conference.
Seeing how an usp-cians(can i use tt?) work..
(bought 2 ice-cream from bazaar while working! fattening!)
sitting in, doing my work..
listening to how the conference works..
i really had good insights..
sitting there quietly..
typing away..
like a nobody..
but am examing how ppl react and work..
cant realli say how i feel..
but within 2 hours..
my boi had 2 different ppl coming in..
they are two very different people in seeking advice..
i had greater insights of my boi today too!!
he is realli zai..
i shld say knowledgeable..
i am not being bias or anything..
but seriously..
how do u write an essay base on physics??
what black hole and what space and time??
u may think this is nothing..
but to me..
such a foreign topic..
such a non-related, freaky topic..
if u are able to converse on it..
i can only say you are good..
for that 2 hours, i learn alot!
'm thankful!
Next, VOICES meeting..
that's the only thing that keep all of us happy!
today topic is abit heavy..
we still have lotsa fun..
SERIOUS work with money, hard work involve..
we are still able to sit casually..
talk it tru..
and work it out..
tho there is risk involve.
tho there is uncertainty..
but hey..
since there's this spirit call "you never know it until you try it"
so why not..
I love this dynamic that voices always have..
no matter how it is not feasible..
no matter how hard..
no matter how tired we are..
the impossible is always makes possible.
because we BELIEVE we can..
we have done many 突破,
with this one at hand.
with the people we had..
i believe it is possible..
I cant help but envy this year's juniors who is in the comm.
i want to be in the comm too!!
i am all hyped up!
on the way back,
ginnie says her father complain that she is spending too much time in voices..
he wants her to focus on her studies..
he is totally exactly like my parents..
i really wonder do they understand how we feel?
or have they experience how we have feel?
in any case..
i want to count my blessing for today..
tho the day was abit bad..
the 3 hours meeting that we had..
had make the day all worthwhile..
~altho the wind is strong, i am glad i always had a warmer with me. S.H.M.I.L.Y~