It's been a long time..
Very long..
and i had lost track of when we had one.
tho it's long..
but we still dun change.
nOt one bit..
and i just lOve the way it is.
the way we behave after so lOng..
the way we talk..
the way we feel abt each other..
the way we dun feel any qualms after not meeting each other for very long.
i juZ lOve today.
too bad it is a short one..
but the luNch was good..
i think it's becos of the company that we had got.
so wad's the update?
today there were ten of us.
too bad.. hui gor gor(muahahaha..) n hwa hwa not free to come..
they went overseas.
think it is for army..
and the rest nvr reply..
but i am quite satisfied with the turnout la.. got 10 lea..
oh yeah.. kel is nOt here.. he went to US to stUdy le~
so we went to the big swensens in town to have our lunch..
Wad else is new?
nothing! hahahah..
i sms them to meet at orchard mrt @ 11am.
and wad is the time that we finally left the mrt stn?
i think its 1145.
i is cleber.. i know they will surely b late.. n i nvr put 12 if not.. hahaha.. i really dunno wad will b the time for us to start eating..
*den ching says. next time see ah loo sms, she knows wad time to reach le.. PI!*
so it is the usual people who were late again as usual. (except ah ngia)
but it is fun to see this standard..
aNd our blur queen eileen woke up at a wonderful timing..
i think she woke up at 11am. hahaha.. and sO we had to wait.
oh yeah..
mar and the poly guys went into army!
haha.. and marcus got real thin lor!
army really do wonders.
hahha.. opps!
we tok alot of cock lar..
not just thAt...
we r still lame as ever..
still blur as ever..
still 搞笑 as ever..
oh my gosh..
today no hwa hwa n jh..
alr so farnie.. i cant imagine the next one! hahaha..
and also..
jasmine's bro is gg to get married..
so cool..
we wan to 喝喜酒。。
too bad.. we dunno him.. if nOt we sure can go..
and den.. when we tok abt this..
the tOpic inevitably will b linked to lionel n xh..
结婚! 结婚!
its so cute to see them lar..
hahah.. and so is oUr conVersAtion about their relationships..
they have been tOgether since sec 4 ba.. Cool~~
i wan to be the wedding planner..
ok.. 姐妹团!
u know..
lionel says zoo vv smelly so dun wan to go zoo with xh..
den today i go tell him..
den he stress and tell xh they will go next time..
xh says last time is he has to listen to her..
den now.. is she has to listen to him..
so cUte hor.
aNd lastly..
we ask them to get married n ask lionel to saVe
n lionel's reply is tt his army $$ all spent on xh liao..
no more...
hahahaha.. u see the both of them!
okie.. set.. i die die .. wan to see u all get married!
oh yeah..
times flies..
especially when u are grOwing up..
u dun realise how times flies~~~~~~~
and u r gRowing up as a rate that's so fast..
xh says her bro alr reject so many girls and stuff..
i still rmb the times when i went to her hse and her bro was still in primary sch..
and he is like a small boi..
eating parsley w xh to irritate me..
cos i dun like the smell! hahahaha..
and 粪妹..
last time like charcoal..
cos play bball..
nOw is girl liao..
and wans to b white..
even i am darker than her! hahahaha..
and she is as stUpid as ever..
yp is as lame and irritatIng as ever~ hahaha
got sColding from eileen todAy..
obigood lor..
i remember one incident..
is abt eileen n i went usa recently...
den ch say:"OHyo"
den i stress..
i say" is OHIO (o-hi-yo) k"
den xh says..
"ah loo pronounce wrongly is it.."
i look at her with stun eyes..
and she says..
"ah loo alwaZ prOnoUnce wrongly.."
shan is worse lor..(oops! hee~)
oh.. lastly..
hope ch, eileen n fen mei found their dao ming si!!
*ch i know u wan dao ming si too*
hahaha.. so fun..
here's some pics!

grp photo


the guys tt came

the chiobus~

act cute~

the two zhabo tt went US~
*i love you all*
1 comment:
ohaiyo~ nice one! i miss all of you too.. so fun to meet up again.. next time we shall hang out the whole day.. go ktv! whee~
p.s/ wish you and ur 男人 forever in love! :D take care!! :)
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