Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
fcuking ugly world..
if one day, u look nto the mirror and ask yrself why are u so ugly..
it's ok.
you need not go into depression.
the whole darn world is ugly too.
so why waste yr energy on being sad when everybody is ugly too..
i am very angry. very very angry..
till to a point i wan to slap everybody..
i have not been so angry since i am back till now..
wad the hell..
come on people..
let me tell u something.
when u grow up.
Dun ever think that u r force to take care of yr parents.
this is wad u should do.
yes you!
wad you have now..
is not drop from the sky.
is what yr parents provide u
so one day..
u got yr own family..
and they are smth that is important to u at that point of time..
( please use yr darn brain - without yr parents u will NEVER have existed and had such accomplishment. )
if u want to be filial to yr parents.
do it the right way.
dun think that bringing them out is smth wonderful u had done.
And u r filial.
good that u have their heart.
let me tell u wad is monkey see monkey do.
if u let yr child see how u neglect yr parents.
let me tell u.
when u r old..
u will experience it too..
cfm guarantee plus chop.
read before 小木碗?
tt's it!
and peeps,
if u got time.
please do go n visit yr grandparents if u have time.
dunno wad to say to them its still ok.
show that u care.
u all understand not??
Singaporeans is really smth else..
i wonder how effective is all the campaign that the govt is trying to instil into u.
i think nothing goes into those inconsiderate ppl's brainer.
mayb i shld do my part in repeating wad the govt is trying to go into.
they want a polite society.
remember the 4 million smiles??
please dun smile at the elites only..
if u wan..
smile at the people arnd u.
darn it!
if there's alot of people taking the train..
do u have to worry that u dun have a place to sit.
(mayb its becos there's smth wrong with yr legs and u desperately need to sit down no matter wad..
oops! me bad.. really.. i am so bad.. i dunno that the feeble legs of yours after a few hours of SHOPPING will result yr legs to give way.. and u dun care any image of yours and had to snatch that only precious seat with an elderly..
i am not a doctor.. but i can give u an advice/advices. if u are poor, drink milk. if u have some money on hand. go get a car. u dun have to throw face n will get a comfy seat without fighting.. isn't it cool?!)
to girls..
if u need to attend to smth which is important to u but..
u are meeting yr bf..
and u dunno wad to do..
if u are worried that yr bf is angry for being late..
and decide not to do that important thing..
u can jolly well, say gdbye to him forever.
if he is the one, no matter how long..
he will still wait and respect what you are doing..
y becum a 笨女人。
so yar..
ppl is ugly..
the world is shit..
do yr part..
dun you think i am scolding everybody except myself.
i is ugly too..
nuttin will ever change.
wad the hell..
i am still angry..
meaningful song..
歌手:范玮琪 专辑:一比一
Monday, October 16, 2006
please see the post before first!!!!!!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
long lost frEn?
it's been how long?
i think the last time we communicate is when i am having emerge this year.
like km..
the feeling is the same..
so whenever,
i think of a higher hokkien ah beng..
a drummer,
a guitarist,
a not a christian christian..
i'll remember the times our clazz had together..
abit strange.
i dun rmb how i study in JC.
i only rmb the times when our class are waiting for the next lesson to start.
the times we went to the fish tank.
the times..
we dunno is studying or slacking..
the times they suan me! *darn it*
hahahaha.. how i miss tt class.
and wonder how come the situation is not as bad as i tot will becum.
bao is leaving..
wad will our situation b like?
i really wonder..
i thank those who had a part in my life.
i miss you all.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Free Hugs Campaign
Come on peeps.
A day a hug keeps the sorrow away..
it's really nice.. but Singapore is too conservative..
But please..
ppl like *ahhem* dun abuse it.. (joking!!!)
it's a gesture to show that u care~
i care!
pls pass on..
Thursday, October 12, 2006
taboo words..
Vivien says in wadever we write..
We must never use words such as SHOULD n WOULD.
i agree.
Will blur the users.
I begin to learn.
I will try not to use it.
ppl.. try not to use this words..
if u want to tell me smth.
i dunno u want or dun want.
作词:f.i.r 作曲:f.i.r
good song. vv meaningful..
altho i dun like to sing the chorus! hahahah..
i am a woman on a mission
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
life Vs swing
and while i am swinging, i got this thinking pop into my head.
people ususally compare life to a see saw..
in life when there's up, we will surely have down.
so i shall compare life to a swing.
mayb not swing. but the experience on sitting on a swing
ever walk past a playground full of kids playing happily with the swing?
ever notice the happiness they had when they go real high?
next scenario..
ever walk past a group of teenagers/adults perhaps swinging?
especially girls.. *i am not stereotyping or anything*
screaming at the top of their lungs to ask their fren to stop pushing them so high??
maybe this theory of mine only applies to ppl like me.
likes the thrill of going high.
wants to feel the freedom?
wants to feel the carefreeness?
and den..
when u are about to go real high..
u stop
u became a coward..
scare of falling.
*tho u jolly well know, u wun fall*
and u stop!
i think i will just swing at a comfortable height..
darn it. wad's the use of working so hard and the result u get is fcuking not wad u wan.
just aim low. mayb i'll feel better.
(it may mean another thing.. i'm not smart.)
did i tell u all i saw hwa hwa on monday??
so busy till i forgot..
mao han!
i saw him outside mac.. like thief like tt.. muahahaha..
no lar.. vv aimless.. dunno what to do.
needless to say..
what is his purpose le lar hor.
updates.. he coming to engine lea.. NUS one somemore..
is this a bad news or good news?
i think life will be better.. i can laff more.
oh ya..
talk for awhile..
den i rmb wad ah ngia told us when we have gathering..
*i think its true..*
he change abit..
but then he is still our hwa hwa..
he ask for another gathering..
alwaz like tt..
den i rmb mei's entry.
i realise too.
they have becum a very special part in our lives.
how i yearn for our sec school life.
I think that's my best years!
cant go back.
only can yearn for it.
but isnt it wonderful to go back.. and stay there forever.
ceteris paribus
how i miss the times.
thanks for everything friends!
i love my sisters too~ :)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
another vv sad song..
however, am proud to say is jay's creation.
::the chorus::
please.. if u got prob.. dun avoid.
go n solve it.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
an advice! *proud*
someone ask me something.
about wad to give to girls lar..
want to know wad girls look out for nowadays.
(u know.. scare give wrong things ma.. as in the girl will appreciate not.)
den we talk and talk for so long..
keep saying must depend on the girl's character and wad she looks out for.
i say something cleber!
i say:"Why must think of things to please girls lea? if she likes what you give then that means she is somehow your type. No point to please someone that has to make you do things that only make that person happy!"
Got point hor..
Saturday, October 07, 2006
for fun..
i think this is not right..
but i think this is farnie..
have wireless at home?
always kena tap by yr neighnours..
go to this website..
and i think they will never tap on yr network ..
cos i think..
check it out!
it's damn cool lar.
but i suspect my 娘 is going towards 可爱路线
like my sistaz's 娘
my sistaz's 娘 all damn cute one lor..
den when i was lamenting to them my my mum not cute..
den she do stun to me...
i think this is a trend..
all the 娘s in the world decide to go 可爱路线
i think my sistaz dunno wad happen yet..
so i shall say here..
this is wad happened..
moi: 没有, 不是讲了咯?
娘: den 有月饼吃吗?
moi:不是讲了咯, 婆婆讲要拜拜了才可以吃, 所以没有带去学校..
*beware! this is the stun part*
娘: obigood lar.. 没有回家, 没得吃咯. (pls.. her tone is damn farnie one.. abit act cute abit suan..)
kao.. kena suan by my niang!
but the moral of the story is that..
is damn farnie la..
woo~ wad is happening man?
Friday, October 06, 2006
sorry peeps..
due tO some technical problems..
my links n tagboard
so give me some time to put it all back ah..
Thursday, October 05, 2006
interesting reads...
means u are tired from your studies and need some reliever??
so here i am..
not gg to bore u with my nonsense..
read if u wan..
it may b boring.. hahahha..
i shall read tmr..
i must finish my ICC first.. ROAR.. (hf's n zommerang's fault.. =.= i vv sleepy!!!)
but alot of course mates says the article is not bad..
ooh.. i like this sentence. from one of the article in tt webby,
"if you don’t like what you see in the mirror, don’t blame the mirror"
what if...
set my tired mind.. really thinking..
and i stress..
Very meaningful..
i bet u think of these problems before..
*food for thought*
took from
By Daniel Sokol |

Suppose you could save five lives by taking one - what would be the correct thing to do? Such ethical dilemmas provide classic "experiments" for philosophers. Here the Magazine presents four such quandaries and asks readers to vote on what they think is right.
[Magazine note: apologies but we have had a technical hitch with the votes. We've replaced the vote modules, and will add those already cast to the totals.]
Like scientists, philosophers use experiments to test their theories. Unlike scientists, their experiments do not require sophisticated laboratories, white-robed technicians or even rodents. They occur in the mind, and start with 'What if...'.
These "thought experiments" help philosophers clarify their understanding of certain concepts and intuitions. In the field of ethics, thought experimenters typically present a dilemma, examine the most popular "intuitive" response and then show the implications for real-world issues.
But such experiments are rarely tested on large numbers of people. So to reach a larger group, here are four typical experiments. Readers are invited to vote on how they think they would act in each case.
Here is a well-known example:
One day, you wake up in hospital. In the nearby bed lies a world famous violinist who is connected to you with various tubes and machines.
To your horror, you discover that you have been kidnapped by the Music Appreciation Society. Aware of the maestro's impending death, they hooked you up to the violinist.
If you stay in the hospital bed, connected to the violinist, he will be totally cured in nine months. You are unlikely to suffer harm. No one else can save him. Do you have an obligation to stay connected?
The creator of the experiment, Judith Thomson, thinks the answer is "no". It would be generous if you did, she claims, but there is no obligation to stay, even if that means the violinist will die.
So how is this bizarre scenario related to the real world? Thomson used the experiment to show that a pregnant woman need not go to full term with her baby, as long as she had taken reasonable steps to avoid getting pregnant. It is thus a "pro-choice" argument.
The violinist represents the baby, and you - in the hospital bed - play the role of the mother. If you think unhooking yourself from the violinist is acceptable, but aborting an unwanted foetus is not, what are the moral differences between the two cases? In both situations, you could save a person by bearing a great burden for nine months.
One major flaw with thought experiments, especially in ethics, is that they are rarely tested on people. The sample size is minuscule. The philosopher will simply assume that most people think that one option is right (or wrong).
Philippa Foot, a renowned British philosopher, believed that if a doctor, about to save a patient's life with a large dose of a scarce drug, was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of five patients each in need of one fifth of the drug (without which death would be certain), then the doctor should give it to the five. It is, after all, better to let one person die than five.
Elizabeth Anscombe, another prominent philosopher, disagreed: "There seems to me nothing wrong with giving the single patient the massive dose and letting the others die". As these assumptions about people's intuition are central to the arguments of many philosophers, and as these assumptions can be tested, why not do so?
One of the most famous thought experiments in ethics is "the runaway trolley". It aims to clarify how we should distinguish right from wrong.
Here is the scenario with two well-known variations.
A runaway trolley car is hurtling down a track. In its path are five people who will definitely be killed unless you, a bystander, flip a switch which will divert it on to another track, where it will kill one person. Should you flip the switch?
The runaway trolley car is hurtling down a track where it will kill five people. You are standing on a bridge above the track and, aware of the imminent disaster, you decide to jump on the track to block the trolley car. Although you will die, the five people will be saved.
Just before your leap, you realise that you are too light to stop the trolley. Next to you, a fat man is standing on the very edge of the bridge. He would certainly block the trolley, although he would undoubtedly die from the impact. A small nudge and he would fall right onto the track below. No one would ever know. Should you push him?
Philippa Foot would say that everyone ("without hesitation") would choose to flip the switch in the first trolley case, but that most of us would be appalled at the idea of pushing the fat man.
The philosophical puzzle is this: Why is it acceptable to sacrifice the one person in The Runaway Trolley Car but not in The Fat Man case? Can it ever be morally acceptable to kill an innocent person if that is the only way to save many? Should some actions - such as deliberately killing innocent people against their wishes - never be done? The last thought experiment explores this idea:
An enormous rock falls and blocks the exit of a cave you and five other tourists have been exploring. Fortunately, you spot a hole elsewhere and decide to let "Big Jack" out first. But Big Jack, a man of generous proportions, gets stuck in the hole. He cannot be moved and there is no other way out.
The high tide is rising and, unless you get out soon, everyone but Big Jack (whose head is sticking out of the cave) will inevitably drown. Searching through your backpack, you find a stick of dynamite. It will not move the rock, but will certainly blast Big Jack out of the hole. Big Jack, anticipating your thoughts, pleads for his life. He does not want to die, but neither do you and your four companions. Should you blast Big Jack out?
If the roles were reversed, what would you advise your trapped companions to do?
Thought experiments, although abstract, possibly implausible and open to different interpretations, can have important repercussions on the way we think and act as individuals. They raise thorny questions about morality in medicine, war, politics and indeed in everyday life.
Is there a difference between killing someone and letting them die? Are consequences all that matter, or are there some things we should never do, whatever the outcome?
By pointing out inconsistencies in our thinking, or simply encouraging us to reflect on issues we usually ignore, they can sharpen our intellect and enrich our moral lives. They also make for great conversation topics at the dinner table or at the pub. But be warned: you may lose friends as a result. And stay away from caves and bridges.
Daniel Sokol is a medical ethicist at Imperial College, London.
wow.. long huh..
if u read everything finished..
i bet it set u thinking, right?
how deep is our mind?
how scary it is?
Can we ever know the answer?
Monday, October 02, 2006
save my blog!
it is super duper ugly in Internet explorer.
use mozilla to read my blog..
it is nice!
*and i juz add a tagboard*
but then...
me n my big mouth
i would like to CORRECT this statement.
is either i am crazy that day or i am still in a holiday mood.
super late nights is back.
not going home during the weekend is becoming an option.
i am also looking into the option of sleeping late n waking up early and go to central lib to mug.
~or should i say to make central lib my second home in NUS?~
and to skip lecture.. 'cos i need to finish my SHITS (tt's juz a consideration)
What's efficiency?
to complete my stuff?
or to complete my stuff at a given time?
sometimes i tell myself.
the time u exceed spending on smth is not necessary a bad thing.
it means more effort is put in.
it will be good.
there's a limit to everything ba~
i cant b exceeding time everytime.
too much time spent may not means good quality.
It may still be shit.
i seem to forget how you will feel to finish all the shit that you have on a given day.
i know i have it when i am in zhss n when i am in states.
it IS siong.
not siong. IS super duper siong.
i tot i found the feeling back.
but then again..
*all the pilings of shit.. (really lea.. all sorts of different one!)
shall not tok abt it.*
it's like an internal struggle.
you wan swee swee but u also wan fast.
how can~
to me.. is cannot one.
i shall continue to have this internal struggle.
everyday, i will have different rounds of fight between time n swee.
but i know swee alwaz wins.
(but when i am tired.. i will consider letting time wins) ==> and that's when fear comes into play too.
my life rox man!
that's me. =.=
*i shall announce. i'm so screwed.*
my habits have change.
but i still dun feel accomplished.
come on..
let me feel it once more..
i shall make it happen.
i am a woman on a mission.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
~love story~
66 chapters.
i have read it before but briefly.
so today, i decide to read it again.
At one go.
With one feeling.
it's like a sine curve.
story is building up in the beginning and den slowly it reaches its peak and then the peak falls.
however, this story has more than 1 peak.
when there's more than one peak,
it would mean that there's more than one trough too.
So as the story progress,
each chapter gets longer.
with more details to add.
the author wants to convey more?
or is it becos there are too many things not to be missed out?
I have read that book before.
BUt not at one go.
after finish reading it.
i am speechless.
it's a good book.
I learn alot.
grow alot from it.
and i realise i have been foolish.
(people learn from mistake dun we?)
i think at some point in time,
there's only one word to describe me.
de javu. (hope i spell correctly)
its like its all coming back to me.
I FELT like reading the part 2 of the book.
However, it is not out yet.
juZ for fun
haha.. it's cute..
mayb it's becoz i have lost contact with programming..
so when i see this..
i find it rather amusing..
function stableMatching {
Initialize all m M and w W to free
while free man m who still has a woman w to propose to {
w = m’s highest ranked such woman
if w is free
engage (m, w)
else some pair (m’, w) already exists
if w prefers m to m’
(m, w) become married
m’ becomes free
(m’, w) remain married