Monday, February 19, 2007

a day in the student life..

just some tots after toking to shan mei mei
she says she feel guilty not studying..
den i tell her..
how guilty i am now..
to take a few hours of afternoon nap this afternoon.

this is wad we human need.
sleep, rest, food, water, etc etc..
how come this society or rather the world
is working at such a pace that during the festive season
we as a student cant rest properly and has to feel guilty over a few hours of sleep???

but in another sense..
if u work hard before the mid term break..
u will not feel guilty!
the paradox of life..
or is it the paradox of a not hard working student??



Anonymous said...

must be like me, everyday happy happy- eat, sleep and laugh can le. least priority is mug. haha.

Anonymous said...

it's time management.
"winners make sacrfices."

a choice of yours.


Anonymous said...

add on.

maybe sometimes ask ourselves.
do we feel guilty when we do not play?
