She inspires me to write this post. :)
well, i am not an art person. REally! My primary school art is always done with the help of my parents. I do know how to draw k. BUT! I remember drawing a pig from a chinese story book and sent it for competition. It's a competition by NKF k and I won the second prize i think.
Art is something that has never cross my mind. In my secondary school days, art was done by my art teacher who loves to help. I never realli took art seriously and i like to color stuff that i like. I remember i colour an eel purple for a project in secondary school and i think i am banned from colouring the stuff on the paper. I understand how they feel. Where got eel is purple de! hee.. well, at that time, i just want to colour it purple cos i think purple is nice. My stubborn-ness! tsk. And yeah, i thought my talent for art is realli zero and that somehow concludes my art life in school. And now i came to Uni, i got to get in touch with design tru voices. Video editing and photoshop is all i learnt from scartch. Sccrratchhh.. With pains. I still remember the time when i had to extract a word. i magic wand it for like 40 times. And in the end, i learnt that all i need to do is to inverse it. Well, good lesson. However, all these made me realise the joy in designing. I had so much fun doing it.
from April: art is freedom. I love this. Freedom. this is wad many yearns for. looking at many art pieces or works. Sometimes it is just this freedom that makes all the works so wonderful. today, i wanted to revamp my blog. just to put a picture that depicts the feelings i had for my blog. I realise there is no such thing as perfect picture for my blog. And it got to me! "Of course there isnt." The one that i call perfect is the one i had to shoot it myself. Design and put it up. Of course. It is no easy work. But i would love to try on it. :)
Some dreams that i would like to attempt with regards to art(which i set long ago):
to shoot abstract photos(those i saw at cher chen's concert)
to learn photography
to do abstract video editing
of course the list will go on.
i decide to start my photoshooting from now on.
keep it.
who knows.
one day these pictures may be able to depicts a certain emotion?
my camera can be made to good use again!
i had neglect it for too long.
it is more than the right color or piecing it up together.
at the end of the day,
i feel that
is a feeling
Friday, November 30, 2007
My friend.
I had talked about her before.
She was the one who grew up with me.
She was the one who moved away from the neighbourhood first.
I am glad we still "sorta" keep in touch.
I finally went to her blog after losing her web add.
Lucky, i find her back!
She is doing good.
The most important thing is that she is happy.
And to know how her family is supporting her.
Reading her life now.
I admire her.
She realli found her niche.
But i would say,
it's more of i am happy for her.
After reading her everyday post about school and thoughts.
looking at her works.
thinking back of the days when i and her lie on the floor and do art.
I depend on my parents.
She depend on herself.
I can't help but teared.
if u are reading this.
its tears of happiness for u.
i am happy.
how i hope i can have the honour to see all your works/passion/sweat in the projects that you have done and put up.
if there's this chance.
please tell me.
I will go dwn.
miss you!!
and JiaYou!

let's meet again soon!!
very sick today..
this is not going right.
in addition,
new goals.
i have decide to make myself certified in adobe.
peeps! jiayou if u have some more papers to go!!
i always look in wonder how does japan's vending machine produce hot beverage in cold weather.
i always wonder how it felt
i always wonder..
no more wondering..
i had an experience today.
and was so excited when i bring it back to the library to show everyone.
i am not the first.
yanyan says geck buy before le.
but oh well..
i is still excited!
HOT royal milk tea produced by the machine at the forum.
becareful when u hold it.
it is not scalding.
but can be hot wor! :)

the hot royal milk tea. It tastes not bad too!
She was the one who grew up with me.
She was the one who moved away from the neighbourhood first.
I am glad we still "sorta" keep in touch.
I finally went to her blog after losing her web add.
Lucky, i find her back!
She is doing good.
The most important thing is that she is happy.
And to know how her family is supporting her.
Reading her life now.
I admire her.
She realli found her niche.
But i would say,
it's more of i am happy for her.
After reading her everyday post about school and thoughts.
looking at her works.
thinking back of the days when i and her lie on the floor and do art.
I depend on my parents.
She depend on herself.
I can't help but teared.
if u are reading this.
its tears of happiness for u.
i am happy.
how i hope i can have the honour to see all your works/passion/sweat in the projects that you have done and put up.
if there's this chance.
please tell me.
I will go dwn.
miss you!!
and JiaYou!

let's meet again soon!!
very sick today..
this is not going right.
in addition,
new goals.
i have decide to make myself certified in adobe.
peeps! jiayou if u have some more papers to go!!
i always look in wonder how does japan's vending machine produce hot beverage in cold weather.
i always wonder how it felt
i always wonder..
no more wondering..
i had an experience today.
and was so excited when i bring it back to the library to show everyone.
i am not the first.
yanyan says geck buy before le.
but oh well..
i is still excited!
HOT royal milk tea produced by the machine at the forum.
becareful when u hold it.
it is not scalding.
but can be hot wor! :)
the hot royal milk tea. It tastes not bad too!
this is extracted from Mary bukoh blog. VERY intereting.. i read the two qns i give up.. maybe u all want to try..
u do first.. promise not to CHEAT!
This is a quiz for people who know everything! These are not trick questions. They are straight questions with straight answers. –no cheating–try to answer the questions first.
1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends.
2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?
3. Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. All other vegetables must be replanted every year. What are the only two perennial vegetables?
4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?
5. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy, with a real pear inside the bottle. The pear is whole and ripe, and the bottle is genuine; it hasn’t been cut in any way. How did the pear get inside the bottle?
6. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters “dw” and they are all common words. Name two of them.
7. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar. Can you name at least half of them?
8. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh.
9. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter “S.”
.Answers To Quiz:
1. The one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends. Boxing
2. North American landmark constantly moving backward. Niagara Falls. (The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the millions of gallons of water that rush over it every minute.)
3. Only two vegetables that can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. Asparagus and rhubarb.
4. The fruit with its seeds on the outside … Strawberry.
5. How did the pear get inside the brandy bottle? It grew inside the bottle. (The bottles are placed over pear buds when they are small, and are wired in place on the tree). The bottle is left in place for the entire growing season. When the pears are ripe, they are snipped off at the stems.)
6. Three English words beginning with dw Dwarf, dwell and dwindle.
7. Fourteen punctuation marks in English grammar. Period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses.
8. The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh. Lettuce.
9. Six or more things you can wear on your feet beginning with “s.” Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.
*boi got to do his test first. damn. he knows some qns! zai!*
u do first.. promise not to CHEAT!
This is a quiz for people who know everything! These are not trick questions. They are straight questions with straight answers. –no cheating–try to answer the questions first.
1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends.
2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?
3. Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. All other vegetables must be replanted every year. What are the only two perennial vegetables?
4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?
5. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy, with a real pear inside the bottle. The pear is whole and ripe, and the bottle is genuine; it hasn’t been cut in any way. How did the pear get inside the bottle?
6. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters “dw” and they are all common words. Name two of them.
7. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar. Can you name at least half of them?
8. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh.
9. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter “S.”
.Answers To Quiz:
1. The one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends. Boxing
2. North American landmark constantly moving backward. Niagara Falls. (The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the millions of gallons of water that rush over it every minute.)
3. Only two vegetables that can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. Asparagus and rhubarb.
4. The fruit with its seeds on the outside … Strawberry.
5. How did the pear get inside the brandy bottle? It grew inside the bottle. (The bottles are placed over pear buds when they are small, and are wired in place on the tree). The bottle is left in place for the entire growing season. When the pears are ripe, they are snipped off at the stems.)
6. Three English words beginning with dw Dwarf, dwell and dwindle.
7. Fourteen punctuation marks in English grammar. Period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses.
8. The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh. Lettuce.
9. Six or more things you can wear on your feet beginning with “s.” Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.
*boi got to do his test first. damn. he knows some qns! zai!*
it ended..
yesh, exam ended..
not a pretty war for the last paper.
but oh well.. it has ended..
so yeap..
REALISE i haven't loginto msn for SO LONG!
n i am not the only one k.
many of my friends also mia when it is the exam period!
i am gg to revamp my blog..
please await!!!
just now go toilet saw a guy inside.
near the bathing area..
think he stunned when he saw me..
but i seriously no feeling..
(i dunno why!!!)
den i continue to brush teeth.
den i realise..
he may not know tt i have notice his presence..
i assume he is just gg into the toilet to take smth for his girl u see..
den i think he stress!!!
i dunno why
but he just make lots of noise to signal me that he is there.
i think he is thinking of ways of escaping.
he ran out.
i think he will think i will SCREAMED!
but on the contrary..
but yeah. not his fault.
so wad did he do..
he move around the bathing area. sneeze. wash hands.
my god. that is farnie!
sorry, me bad.
he is realli suay.
lucky i am really easy going about having guys in the cluster probably becos my boi frequent there too. but too bad my boi"hum ji"...
go toilet also go to level b1. hurhur..
ppl's boi dare to go into the toilet alone!!!
just to share
a farnie incident today..
i hope he is not too traumatised!!
oh yeah..
so in the end, he finally walked out.
went into the room.. and his girl came out.
i suspect she came out to check on me..
but she "act act" go into kitchen to..
"take things and off light!"
not a pretty war for the last paper.
but oh well.. it has ended..
so yeap..
REALISE i haven't loginto msn for SO LONG!
n i am not the only one k.
many of my friends also mia when it is the exam period!
i am gg to revamp my blog..
please await!!!
just now go toilet saw a guy inside.
near the bathing area..
think he stunned when he saw me..
but i seriously no feeling..
(i dunno why!!!)
den i continue to brush teeth.
den i realise..
he may not know tt i have notice his presence..
i assume he is just gg into the toilet to take smth for his girl u see..
den i think he stress!!!
i dunno why
but he just make lots of noise to signal me that he is there.
i think he is thinking of ways of escaping.
he ran out.
i think he will think i will SCREAMED!
but on the contrary..
but yeah. not his fault.
so wad did he do..
he move around the bathing area. sneeze. wash hands.
my god. that is farnie!
sorry, me bad.
he is realli suay.
lucky i am really easy going about having guys in the cluster probably becos my boi frequent there too. but too bad my boi"hum ji"...
go toilet also go to level b1. hurhur..
ppl's boi dare to go into the toilet alone!!!
just to share
a farnie incident today..
i hope he is not too traumatised!!
oh yeah..
so in the end, he finally walked out.
went into the room.. and his girl came out.
i suspect she came out to check on me..
but she "act act" go into kitchen to..
"take things and off light!"
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
this is wad i heard from the radio. quite inspirational. hope u all enjoy and think about our own life and time.. :)
有一天, 林夕在和她的一位朋友讲电话。
林夕想了想, 回答道:“不会。”
“哦。可是我会!” 这是她的朋友的回答。
after listening to this conversation. the moral of the story is not about whether to know when u are gg to die okay? :p
but rather to reflect on our life.
Many a time, we procrastinate the many things we want to do.
Seriously.. time is controlled by us. It's something we have control in compared to time/death/life which is something that we cannot control. Don't wait till the last minute and came to realise that there are many things that we have not done and acheived. And at the end, feeling empty. Live life to the fullest. It is you who made things happened right.
Right now.. Think of the things that you realli want to do or accomplished.
Planned it.
Do it.
at the end of the day, you will be proud and exclaimed to all, "I did it, :)"
有一天, 林夕在和她的一位朋友讲电话。
林夕想了想, 回答道:“不会。”
“哦。可是我会!” 这是她的朋友的回答。
after listening to this conversation. the moral of the story is not about whether to know when u are gg to die okay? :p
but rather to reflect on our life.
Many a time, we procrastinate the many things we want to do.
Seriously.. time is controlled by us. It's something we have control in compared to time/death/life which is something that we cannot control. Don't wait till the last minute and came to realise that there are many things that we have not done and acheived. And at the end, feeling empty. Live life to the fullest. It is you who made things happened right.
Right now.. Think of the things that you realli want to do or accomplished.
Planned it.
Do it.
at the end of the day, you will be proud and exclaimed to all, "I did it, :)"
Friday, November 23, 2007
苏打绿 无与伦比的美丽
this song had been out for long..
i like it.
i was thrilled when their second album was out.
i just listen.
With repetition,
or perhaps the change of taste in music..
i begin to feel a tremendous pull towards this song.
i sometimes wonder how can such a simple song
brings u such emotions
when all you have to do is to
sit dwn and LISTEN to the song.
i like it.
i was thrilled when their second album was out.
i just listen.
With repetition,
or perhaps the change of taste in music..
i begin to feel a tremendous pull towards this song.
i sometimes wonder how can such a simple song
brings u such emotions
when all you have to do is to
sit dwn and LISTEN to the song.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
join a contest
i just joined a contest!
i register myself..
while sourcing for past year papers.
joining this contest, makes me think of my past and future.
been surfing the net alot lately.
reading articles, blogs and etc.
it got into me..
WHAT was i before i go into university/year1 sem1?
well, those days were like "normal" days..
work, play, enjoy, slack..
good days huh..
i realise i never really did alot of things.
i have tons of dreams.
i have tons of aim.
and at the end of the day..
i spent my time on work, play, enjoyment, slacking..
i am not saying its not good..
but ya..
looking back..
i feel empty..
mayb i am not brave enough to step forward.
not brave enough to do the things that i want to do.
or perhaps...
i am still young!
but newae,
for NOW,
i can still play, enjoy, slack for all i like
and in addition,
i have the courage to do wad i like! (it somehow grew into me! heng ah!!)
so yeap..
i set a goal..
i am beginning to see that i am realising it.
even it cost me to be damn poor
but still i is SATISFIED!
one of the big word i always dream of but did not have the courage to do it when i was younger.
as i grew older. .
i decide to change my life.
My very first step,
i remembered was to go cruising with sisters..
it is realli a big thing for me at that time!!
but the sad thing..
i do not know why i stop travelling after that..
things changed.. (heng! i think i knocked my head somewhere)
i have gone out of Singapore very semester break now and i am enjoying IT.
So yup.. (back to the point)
i saw this contest.
with a grand prize going to New Zealand!!
i signed up!
i travel and i blog.
isnt that great?
So y not?
i am not aiming for the grand prize actually..
just the consolation will do!
so i began to think back and look at my life now..
i feel more enriched as i am doing things i realli enjoyed!
in addition,
doing it with love.
i am a lucky girl too..
to find someone who share the same interest as u.
a some one to go tru the journey together!
I have decided that even i didn't win the contest..
the blog will continue to stay
and it's about love and travel!
i hope this blog(when done)
is able to provide the same insights/information
for people who love to travel..
or perhaps
just for leisure reading!
so stayed tuned for the blog..
after exam.
i will do the necessary.. :)
*pray that we will win the contest! i dun mind gg to New Zealand!*
i register myself..
while sourcing for past year papers.
joining this contest, makes me think of my past and future.
been surfing the net alot lately.
reading articles, blogs and etc.
it got into me..
WHAT was i before i go into university/year1 sem1?
well, those days were like "normal" days..
work, play, enjoy, slack..
good days huh..
i realise i never really did alot of things.
i have tons of dreams.
i have tons of aim.
and at the end of the day..
i spent my time on work, play, enjoyment, slacking..
i am not saying its not good..
but ya..
looking back..
i feel empty..
mayb i am not brave enough to step forward.
not brave enough to do the things that i want to do.
or perhaps...
i am still young!
but newae,
for NOW,
i can still play, enjoy, slack for all i like
and in addition,
i have the courage to do wad i like! (it somehow grew into me! heng ah!!)
so yeap..
i set a goal..
i am beginning to see that i am realising it.
even it cost me to be damn poor
but still i is SATISFIED!
one of the big word i always dream of but did not have the courage to do it when i was younger.
as i grew older. .
i decide to change my life.
My very first step,
i remembered was to go cruising with sisters..
it is realli a big thing for me at that time!!
but the sad thing..
i do not know why i stop travelling after that..
things changed.. (heng! i think i knocked my head somewhere)
i have gone out of Singapore very semester break now and i am enjoying IT.
So yup.. (back to the point)
i saw this contest.
with a grand prize going to New Zealand!!
i signed up!
i travel and i blog.
isnt that great?
So y not?
i am not aiming for the grand prize actually..
just the consolation will do!
so i began to think back and look at my life now..
i feel more enriched as i am doing things i realli enjoyed!
in addition,
doing it with love.
i am a lucky girl too..
to find someone who share the same interest as u.
a some one to go tru the journey together!
I have decided that even i didn't win the contest..
the blog will continue to stay
and it's about love and travel!
i hope this blog(when done)
is able to provide the same insights/information
for people who love to travel..
or perhaps
just for leisure reading!
so stayed tuned for the blog..
after exam.
i will do the necessary.. :)
*pray that we will win the contest! i dun mind gg to New Zealand!*
days still go on..
booked the airtics le..
there is so many hidden cost mind u.
Also, each seat u choose cost 5 bucks!
How come i dun see so many hidden cost at jetstar??
i'm going budget.
so what can i say.
their timing is relatively better..
and relatively cheaper by a few bucks..
(after the hidden costs.. i am not sure how cheapie it is.. )
but newae..
my trip is booked!!
29th Dec to 3rd Jan
leaving at night and coming back at night
5 days and 5 nights!
hotel wise..
still sourcing..
nothing seems good.
i still like my boiyoke boutique..
chance upon this hostel.
can u believe it, it's S$5 bucks per night.
not bad too!!
well.. i seriously dun mind since my boutique is gone.
i could save and spend more on my trip.
I just wonder do they have common toilets??
all i ask for is a cable tv to watch discovery when i am back at night..
a toilet in my room.
if u all need anything from bangkok tell moi..
i will bring it back for u.
P.S no fried insects from the streets!! i will be detained at the airport..
seriously, no mood to study!
once proj is over..
i think my sem is also over too!!
been indulging in chocos.
It's BACK!!!
choco craving..
BROKE from all the snacks and eating!! :(
just one more week!
cough did not get better.
and it got worst when i stop eating the medicine due to the strong drowsiness it can caused me to have..
FIRST time...
i got this effect..
well.. i will just endure..
i think i will just save it till after exams
and use it as sleeping pills!
since i dun have the habit of sleeping early!!
it will come into good use if i realli cant sleep at 12am/1am.
back to the books.
booked the airtics le..
there is so many hidden cost mind u.
Also, each seat u choose cost 5 bucks!
How come i dun see so many hidden cost at jetstar??
i'm going budget.
so what can i say.
their timing is relatively better..
and relatively cheaper by a few bucks..
(after the hidden costs.. i am not sure how cheapie it is.. )
but newae..
my trip is booked!!
29th Dec to 3rd Jan
leaving at night and coming back at night
5 days and 5 nights!
hotel wise..
still sourcing..
nothing seems good.
i still like my boiyoke boutique..
chance upon this hostel.
can u believe it, it's S$5 bucks per night.
not bad too!!
well.. i seriously dun mind since my boutique is gone.
i could save and spend more on my trip.
I just wonder do they have common toilets??
all i ask for is a cable tv to watch discovery when i am back at night..
a toilet in my room.
if u all need anything from bangkok tell moi..
i will bring it back for u.
P.S no fried insects from the streets!! i will be detained at the airport..
seriously, no mood to study!
once proj is over..
i think my sem is also over too!!
been indulging in chocos.
It's BACK!!!
choco craving..
BROKE from all the snacks and eating!! :(
just one more week!
cough did not get better.
and it got worst when i stop eating the medicine due to the strong drowsiness it can caused me to have..
FIRST time...
i got this effect..
well.. i will just endure..
i think i will just save it till after exams
and use it as sleeping pills!
since i dun have the habit of sleeping early!!
it will come into good use if i realli cant sleep at 12am/1am.
back to the books.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
its fully booked.
planning a trip is not as easy as it seems.
if u plan to go free and easy..
must be fully prepared and do full research wor..
i bless that guy who leave everything after exams!
i will find better hotel.
its fully booked.
planning a trip is not as easy as it seems.
if u plan to go free and easy..
must be fully prepared and do full research wor..
i bless that guy who leave everything after exams!
i will find better hotel.
Monday, November 19, 2007
*rubbing hands*
thailand i'm coming..
We compromise!!
5 days!
we are going there for 5 days!!
we are not going to Bangkok onli.
but 1/2 more cities too.
the name too chime i dunno how to spell..
taking A TRAIN!! wheet wheet!!
staying in boutique hotel.. Wheet! wheet!
*am lucky*
i am always too excited about my trip to the other lands.
i love to plan my journey!
have to stop here!
oh yeah!
i spending my new year with the THAIS!!!!!!!!!
i is happy!
*rubbing hands*
thailand i'm coming..
We compromise!!
5 days!
we are going there for 5 days!!
we are not going to Bangkok onli.
but 1/2 more cities too.
the name too chime i dunno how to spell..
taking A TRAIN!! wheet wheet!!
staying in boutique hotel.. Wheet! wheet!
*am lucky*
i am always too excited about my trip to the other lands.
i love to plan my journey!
have to stop here!
oh yeah!
i spending my new year with the THAIS!!!!!!!!!
i is happy!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
"Message to women: We should live beyond ourselves and our material wants, because every single one of us has a role in making this world a much better place." Areena Ng
another "wild" thought AGAIN
while on my way back to pgp,
after my relaxing session of dinner and ktv with boi..
*it's been a long time since we do these sort of things*
*it's a mini-celebratiOn to mark the end of our long term shit*
i got thirsty.
looking at blooie from afar..
i felt like buying their sparkling juice..
*the gasES that will rush down yr throat and leaves u with a sweet aftertaste after u sip down a mouthful of that juice*
well.. yar..
MAIN point...
so i am thinking whether to buy that sparkling juice and i got a wild thought!
its realli "wild"
i think its kind of stupid..
i fantasy the best destress method that i can have for next semester!!!
since my cluster leader is selling her mini fridge..
aNd i thought it will be so great if i cAn just buy it to chill my champange glasses!
so that when i am STRESSED out.
i could go down to ashton.
buy myself a steak.
go blooie, buy myself tt sparkling juice..
run back to my room
switch on my night light.
on CHeer Chen music
and enjooooooy a nice and wonderful dinner!
tt's so perfect..
i could top it off with xiao xin!! (seems to be abit.. er..)
isnt this gr8??
after a day of shitness..
coming back to my tiny cosy little room
to enjoy this woot! dinner??
i said it in the first place..
it's a "wild" idea..
after my relaxing session of dinner and ktv with boi..
*it's been a long time since we do these sort of things*
*it's a mini-celebratiOn to mark the end of our long term shit*
i got thirsty.
looking at blooie from afar..
i felt like buying their sparkling juice..
*the gasES that will rush down yr throat and leaves u with a sweet aftertaste after u sip down a mouthful of that juice*
well.. yar..
MAIN point...
so i am thinking whether to buy that sparkling juice and i got a wild thought!
its realli "wild"
i think its kind of stupid..
i fantasy the best destress method that i can have for next semester!!!
since my cluster leader is selling her mini fridge..
aNd i thought it will be so great if i cAn just buy it to chill my champange glasses!
so that when i am STRESSED out.
i could go down to ashton.
buy myself a steak.
go blooie, buy myself tt sparkling juice..
run back to my room
switch on my night light.
on CHeer Chen music
and enjooooooy a nice and wonderful dinner!
tt's so perfect..
i could top it off with xiao xin!! (seems to be abit.. er..)
isnt this gr8??
after a day of shitness..
coming back to my tiny cosy little room
to enjoy this woot! dinner??
i said it in the first place..
it's a "wild" idea..
wild thought
i got this wild thOught after reading 'herworld'..
well.. have anyone planned their grad trip?
I bet those who wants to have a grad trip have already thought of the potential places that they could go.
So let me guess..
quite spot on right?
well.. me..
after reading the article..
i am not going there to hunt or see animals okay.
i can hear some snickering somewhere.. **hmpph**
well, ask yrself this..
for the past 3-4years, what is the goal that u are aiming for that motivates u to slog in this school of yours?
what is the purpose/motivation for u to move on and finally to this final stage of graduation??
come on..
after working so hard for so many years..
we are breed to work for our cause..
its NOW time for us to work for other people's cause.
this may sound bizarre but i felt like changing my trip
to an "eye-opening" one.
living there, seeing them and learning.
i bet the days u are there can teach u a hell lot more about life than what u have been studying till now..
i am contemplating to join the UN or fight for the rights of women..
(hey! i heard snicker again!!)
i am tired of the rat race..
I cant win newae..
isn't it better to do smth i like
and of a more important cause??
all the nice talking..
can i really do it..
am i ALLOW to do it?
time will tell..
well.. have anyone planned their grad trip?
I bet those who wants to have a grad trip have already thought of the potential places that they could go.
So let me guess..
quite spot on right?
well.. me..
after reading the article..
i am not going there to hunt or see animals okay.
i can hear some snickering somewhere.. **hmpph**
well, ask yrself this..
for the past 3-4years, what is the goal that u are aiming for that motivates u to slog in this school of yours?
what is the purpose/motivation for u to move on and finally to this final stage of graduation??
come on..
after working so hard for so many years..
we are breed to work for our cause..
its NOW time for us to work for other people's cause.
this may sound bizarre but i felt like changing my trip
to an "eye-opening" one.
living there, seeing them and learning.
i bet the days u are there can teach u a hell lot more about life than what u have been studying till now..
i am contemplating to join the UN or fight for the rights of women..
(hey! i heard snicker again!!)
i am tired of the rat race..
I cant win newae..
isn't it better to do smth i like
and of a more important cause??
all the nice talking..
can i really do it..
am i ALLOW to do it?
time will tell..
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Are you one of them?? SUPER FARNIEEEEEE
New school semester:

At the first week:

At the second week:

Before the mid-term test:

During the mid-term test:

After the mid-term test:

Before the final exam:

Once know the final exam schedule:

7 days before final exam:

6 days before final exam:

5 days before final exam:

4 days before final exam:

3 days before final exam:

2 days before final exam:

1 day before final exam:

A night before final exam:

An hour before final exam:

During the final exam:

Once walk out from the exam hall:

After the final exam, during the holiday:

At the first week:

At the second week:

Before the mid-term test:

During the mid-term test:

After the mid-term test:

Before the final exam:

Once know the final exam schedule:

7 days before final exam:

6 days before final exam:

5 days before final exam:

4 days before final exam:

3 days before final exam:

2 days before final exam:

1 day before final exam:

A night before final exam:

An hour before final exam:

During the final exam:

Once walk out from the exam hall:

After the final exam, during the holiday:

Sunday, November 11, 2007
one more proj to deal with..
with no more energy and no more motivation left.
i really want to step back.
but nah..
just one more only..
and in any other case..
i is stepping back alr..
i told boi this.
next sem!
i swear!
i will never put in effort into any proj!
i will just be an obedient member..
do my work on time
and yeah..
life goes on..
i am simply just sick n tired..
school hasn't drain me tt much!!
the first time that i have slept that much is on thursday night(8 hours) and last night(12 hours)
*roollllsss eyes*
these nights have great effect on my cough.
tho it is still bad..
but it is not so frequent alr.
i am waiting for the day that i cough blood out.
i think its about time..
well.. on a side note..
if one day.. if u realli cough out blood.
first thing to do..
is not to panic..
cos u are not having any lung cancer or tubercolusis (not sure with the spell)
it may be due to the frequent friction that u have on the throat that result the blood..
if it gets serious
my recent blog on the post "ROAR"
seems to be a well received one!!
boi says it depicts my anger in a cute way
and eemin used it to describe her day..
everybody mood is bad!
all thanks to the reports n projs that are due-ing in NUS..
i am feeling betta.
1) left one more to go
2) i can't wait for next sem
3) i am gg for holiday
4) i plan to go japan! (if i'm gg to korea)
5) i get to sleep more
6) Simply.. i just heck care of whatever is coming by..
went to the 2am dessert bar featured in 8days.
its really cool n EX.
wanted to hold my mini 22nd bday celebration there.
with a few frens and sisters..
chilling out drinking wine and eating arty desserts.
i rmb my graduation trip..
i decide to forego it.
sorry!! :p
admire the chef!
i admire her character
to get a loan from her dad to open her dream..
like i say..
having a dream is wonderful.. :)
*P.S if u hv a dream.. please work towards it, not keep on dreaming it.. it will become stale n i will call yr dream to b daydreaming!!*
i got a new liking!!
i began to have interest in fantasy!
can't help visualising myself,
sitting dwn in a cold cafe,
drinking hot latte,
and immersing myself into a magical world..
however, looking at my schedule for the dec hols..
i doubt i will have the luxury to bury myself into books again.
in any case, i am still doing things that i like..
so i guess..
after all, i am compensated!
SAM is ignoring my sms.
i wonder he just lazy or what..
i have to try sharon.. (she is nicer!)
if not..
i am on a job-hunting mission again.
no choice.
i have to provide the expenses for my drum course n the holiday that i am going!
sob :(
i cant wait for exams to come..
i is crazy..
i think i really kan kai..
oh yeah..
i decide to go british council to brush up my ang moh..
it is realli disgustingly disgusting..
i am all motivated!
(tho i have thought of it be4 but i'm not so motivated at tt time)
after the presentation on friday..
by one of my course mates..
HE MOTIVATED ME to take up the course!
he is so captivating..
*i dun understand/absorbing what a single shit he is talking abt*
i just want to listen to him..
he is that good.
i will do it upon my graduation.
since they dun provide private lesson.
*i is so regret that i never heed advice to go for public speaking, driving and drumming before admitting to NUS. It's just one word to describe why i never do it: LAZY!!!*
i begin to detest lazy.
but i cant help it.
i am born with it. :p
just random tots..
there's so many tots these days
but i just cant remb or have time to pen it dwn..
last piece of advice!
if u are tired.
go out!
it makes wonder!
~i love the way how simple things can bring up a smile~
~i love the way how effort and quality work comes together to bring up a success~
with no more energy and no more motivation left.
i really want to step back.
but nah..
just one more only..
and in any other case..
i is stepping back alr..
i told boi this.
next sem!
i swear!
i will never put in effort into any proj!
i will just be an obedient member..
do my work on time
and yeah..
life goes on..
i am simply just sick n tired..
school hasn't drain me tt much!!
the first time that i have slept that much is on thursday night(8 hours) and last night(12 hours)
*roollllsss eyes*
these nights have great effect on my cough.
tho it is still bad..
but it is not so frequent alr.
i am waiting for the day that i cough blood out.
i think its about time..
well.. on a side note..
if one day.. if u realli cough out blood.
first thing to do..
is not to panic..
cos u are not having any lung cancer or tubercolusis (not sure with the spell)
it may be due to the frequent friction that u have on the throat that result the blood..
if it gets serious
my recent blog on the post "ROAR"
seems to be a well received one!!
boi says it depicts my anger in a cute way
and eemin used it to describe her day..
everybody mood is bad!
all thanks to the reports n projs that are due-ing in NUS..
i am feeling betta.
1) left one more to go
2) i can't wait for next sem
3) i am gg for holiday
4) i plan to go japan! (if i'm gg to korea)
5) i get to sleep more
6) Simply.. i just heck care of whatever is coming by..
went to the 2am dessert bar featured in 8days.
its really cool n EX.
wanted to hold my mini 22nd bday celebration there.
with a few frens and sisters..
chilling out drinking wine and eating arty desserts.
i rmb my graduation trip..
i decide to forego it.
sorry!! :p
admire the chef!
i admire her character
to get a loan from her dad to open her dream..
like i say..
having a dream is wonderful.. :)
*P.S if u hv a dream.. please work towards it, not keep on dreaming it.. it will become stale n i will call yr dream to b daydreaming!!*
i got a new liking!!
i began to have interest in fantasy!
can't help visualising myself,
sitting dwn in a cold cafe,
drinking hot latte,
and immersing myself into a magical world..
however, looking at my schedule for the dec hols..
i doubt i will have the luxury to bury myself into books again.
in any case, i am still doing things that i like..
so i guess..
after all, i am compensated!
SAM is ignoring my sms.
i wonder he just lazy or what..
i have to try sharon.. (she is nicer!)
if not..
i am on a job-hunting mission again.
no choice.
i have to provide the expenses for my drum course n the holiday that i am going!
sob :(
i cant wait for exams to come..
i is crazy..
i think i really kan kai..
oh yeah..
i decide to go british council to brush up my ang moh..
it is realli disgustingly disgusting..
i am all motivated!
(tho i have thought of it be4 but i'm not so motivated at tt time)
after the presentation on friday..
by one of my course mates..
HE MOTIVATED ME to take up the course!
he is so captivating..
*i dun understand/absorbing what a single shit he is talking abt*
i just want to listen to him..
he is that good.
i will do it upon my graduation.
since they dun provide private lesson.
*i is so regret that i never heed advice to go for public speaking, driving and drumming before admitting to NUS. It's just one word to describe why i never do it: LAZY!!!*
i begin to detest lazy.
but i cant help it.
i am born with it. :p
just random tots..
there's so many tots these days
but i just cant remb or have time to pen it dwn..
last piece of advice!
if u are tired.
go out!
it makes wonder!
~i love the way how simple things can bring up a smile~
~i love the way how effort and quality work comes together to bring up a success~
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
little things in life..
clear a few stuff..
later i am going to write my b2c.. and hopefully there is no more shit..
after clearing my b2c,
morning i shall do my SE asia!
i can finally say BYEBYE to all projs..
projs has not been so dreadful for the past few sems..
but this sem..
its especially shit..
in the past..
it is still shit..
perhaps the intensity is not that much..
sHould'nt comprain..
i am thankful its coming to an end!!
its the time of the year..
when i can excite myself!!!!
tat told me about the korea summer schoool
saw the poster for 2007 at engine before..
and was anticipating for the year 2008..
one farnie thing is that..
i delete the email away..
'Cos i saw it coming as a summer school for computing modules..
guess wad..
i am so darn interested..
have alr set my foot on going!!
what a pity that some of the modules offered is those that i have cleared..
if not i am able to clear my core..
WHEET!!! i can't wait!!!
I begin to love summer more n more.
after korea..
the next summer..
hiak hiak.. GRADUATION TRIP!!!
Europe/china.. i am coming..
well well.. beside all these..
today, i want to thank geyao for inviting the main comm dwn to their prdn..
tho small scale..
but hey,
still a good job done!!!
*i think yh was deemed to be one of the best singer*
well.. would like to apologise..
'cos we noisy ppl back there are having tons of fun n laffter!!! hahaha..
*it's not our fault! we realli cant control!!!*
had actually anticipated to b a relative slow n quiet one..
in the end, it turned out to be darn entertaining!!
oopS!! *shh*
after looking at the prdn.. well it sure brings back tons of memories..
*quite similar.. can't blame.. but william say no same..*
* okay lor.. haha.. we accept!!*
*we had our fun!!*
well well.. besides this point..
i realli miss my comm!
i think we realli is 神
i had my best..
and now i hope the freshies will too!
actually for every year i wished for the same things to the freshies..
if it turns out well..
this is smth they will never forget.
like how me n boi never forget our emerge days..
sem ending..
hate this sem..
*to the core*
but i would waNt to say the same thing again..
school is fun..
i love the things i learn!
but i still love my club the most..
it is realli the driving force..
People never know what we do.
people never know the pain we put in.
people dunno how zai we are..
i must realli say..
where got club like that..
"it's super zai la"
okie.. hahahah..
we know can le!!!
this is the clip of our mini concert..
i love this 2 the best..
one is acapella.. they spend so much time on it..
*we are not acapella group.. in case u think we are.. hUrhuR.. can challenge reso le!*
the other is a song by jiani and songsong..
i never hear tt song before.. i hear le.. i can feel the emotions that it can bring..
the both of them does'nt realli have the chemistry feeling! hahahaha..
*the best clip.. i cant seem to encode.. it is my FAVOURITE for the sem.. medley of fir songs.. i think u hear le.. u will stunned till faint..
seriously.. Shaun lao shi.. spent sleepless night just to think of linking up the songs.
I WILL UPLOAD ONCE I AM DONE!! alr got scolding from someone far away.. tsk!!
i will... SOON!! after all the disgusting stuff*
i hope all of you ppl out there..
will pursue what u all like.
u only have 1 life..
what's the best thing to do than to live for the best?
isn't that the best thing in the world??
so cliche!
enjoy ba!
i will upload more of the good clips!!
the best is yet to come..
clear a few stuff..
later i am going to write my b2c.. and hopefully there is no more shit..
after clearing my b2c,
morning i shall do my SE asia!
i can finally say BYEBYE to all projs..
projs has not been so dreadful for the past few sems..
but this sem..
its especially shit..
in the past..
it is still shit..
perhaps the intensity is not that much..
sHould'nt comprain..
i am thankful its coming to an end!!
its the time of the year..
when i can excite myself!!!!
tat told me about the korea summer schoool
saw the poster for 2007 at engine before..
and was anticipating for the year 2008..
one farnie thing is that..
i delete the email away..
'Cos i saw it coming as a summer school for computing modules..
guess wad..
i am so darn interested..
have alr set my foot on going!!
what a pity that some of the modules offered is those that i have cleared..
if not i am able to clear my core..
WHEET!!! i can't wait!!!
I begin to love summer more n more.
after korea..
the next summer..
hiak hiak.. GRADUATION TRIP!!!
Europe/china.. i am coming..
well well.. beside all these..
today, i want to thank geyao for inviting the main comm dwn to their prdn..
tho small scale..
but hey,
still a good job done!!!
*i think yh was deemed to be one of the best singer*
well.. would like to apologise..
'cos we noisy ppl back there are having tons of fun n laffter!!! hahaha..
*it's not our fault! we realli cant control!!!*
had actually anticipated to b a relative slow n quiet one..
in the end, it turned out to be darn entertaining!!
oopS!! *shh*
after looking at the prdn.. well it sure brings back tons of memories..
*quite similar.. can't blame.. but william say no same..*
* okay lor.. haha.. we accept!!*
*we had our fun!!*
well well.. besides this point..
i realli miss my comm!
i think we realli is 神
i had my best..
and now i hope the freshies will too!
actually for every year i wished for the same things to the freshies..
if it turns out well..
this is smth they will never forget.
like how me n boi never forget our emerge days..
sem ending..
hate this sem..
*to the core*
but i would waNt to say the same thing again..
school is fun..
i love the things i learn!
but i still love my club the most..
it is realli the driving force..
People never know what we do.
people never know the pain we put in.
people dunno how zai we are..
i must realli say..
where got club like that..
"it's super zai la"
okie.. hahahah..
we know can le!!!
this is the clip of our mini concert..
i love this 2 the best..
one is acapella.. they spend so much time on it..
*we are not acapella group.. in case u think we are.. hUrhuR.. can challenge reso le!*
the other is a song by jiani and songsong..
i never hear tt song before.. i hear le.. i can feel the emotions that it can bring..
the both of them does'nt realli have the chemistry feeling! hahahaha..
*the best clip.. i cant seem to encode.. it is my FAVOURITE for the sem.. medley of fir songs.. i think u hear le.. u will stunned till faint..
seriously.. Shaun lao shi.. spent sleepless night just to think of linking up the songs.
I WILL UPLOAD ONCE I AM DONE!! alr got scolding from someone far away.. tsk!!
i will... SOON!! after all the disgusting stuff*
i hope all of you ppl out there..
will pursue what u all like.
u only have 1 life..
what's the best thing to do than to live for the best?
isn't that the best thing in the world??
so cliche!
enjoy ba!
i will upload more of the good clips!!
the best is yet to come..
just endure one more day..
just tmr..
i will finish off what is NEEDED to be done for this week and i shall PAMPER myself!
i defi will...
newae, jay's concert is alr sold out on the first day for public sales... $#^&
i will spend more on other things den!
holidays.. here i come..
*counting dwn to my convocation day... which is 1.5years more...*
i will finish off what is NEEDED to be done for this week and i shall PAMPER myself!
i defi will...
newae, jay's concert is alr sold out on the first day for public sales... $#^&
i will spend more on other things den!
holidays.. here i come..
*counting dwn to my convocation day... which is 1.5years more...*
Monday, November 05, 2007
slacking again..
well.. back..
v sian..
tons of things to do..
but nonetheless..
the end of the week is great..
i especially like the mini concert and the weekend resting to heal my tired soul the best!!!
the mini concert is wonderful..
i cant wait to show u the clips..
its in the process of encoding..
(comp is so laggy)
oh my god..
that is so great..
i like ppl who put in effort..
and i like ppl who work for a cause..
we are one whole gang who are working for a cause..
i am also happy we get an upperhand again..
i cant wait for emerge to come..
i am actually fantasizing it..
- back to reportSSSSSSSS-
v sian..
tons of things to do..
but nonetheless..
the end of the week is great..
i especially like the mini concert and the weekend resting to heal my tired soul the best!!!
the mini concert is wonderful..
i cant wait to show u the clips..
its in the process of encoding..
(comp is so laggy)
oh my god..
that is so great..
i like ppl who put in effort..
and i like ppl who work for a cause..
we are one whole gang who are working for a cause..
i am also happy we get an upperhand again..
i cant wait for emerge to come..
i am actually fantasizing it..
- back to reportSSSSSSSS-
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