1 month?
i cant remember..
so many things happened for the past few daySSSS..
and i freaking wanted to blog all about the experiences and thoughts
but i am freaking too busy/L.A.Z.Y ..
SO today..
after my driving lesson i felt like writing/blabbering..
therefore i shall blog..
topic by topic..
hope i did not miss out anything! =)
It's the month of Feb! Yeap.. the most exciting month of the year..
'cos its the month that yours truly pop out to the world.
its a month for celebration!!
As usual.. CNY falls onto Feb.
being the cny baby also..
i sorta celebrate 2 bdays..
So you can see..
i am in a very festive mood.
(in other words.. if i slack.. i will not feel so guilty!!)
this cny is sooooo loongggg!!!
but i sorta enjoyed the simple affair and the slackness that i got..
got to bring my bro out to play..
have been neglecting him..
partly becos i have no time..
but i feel that it is more of i do not have the cash to sponsor the outings that i always organise for us. SOB!!
however on the side note..
I feel that.. he is as busy as me lor.
when i am back hm during the weekends.. he is always away for his CCA..
(would hope that St. John's could shape him up and i shan't be so worried abt him!!)
so yup.. on the first night of cny..
boi, me n bro went to watch CJ7.
would like to thank the sponsorship of 30bucks from my papa!!
slack on the 2nd day.. more of work on my proj.. HAIZ!
but still.. i feel relaxed compared to normal school days!
3rd day is super happening..
in my aspect..
my "one year come back once" cousin is back for the new year!
and my granny had been sick in health..
So granny wanted to have a bday celebration before she leaves
i am v neutral about the luncheon and etc..
but on the day itself..
when i heard tt e are going to tung lok! i high!
gosh! private room for the family..
my aunt is rich!
the food is realli good to a standard!!
yum yum! =)
on the side note.. the new year had got me into doing alot of thinking..
before the new year, things were rocky at hm.. i got to know alot of things that parents wun tell their child. i got to know that if i fail in my life.. i know.. i wun die off so easily.. my life is sorta planned by my parents.. but the ultimate path.. i have to make the decision. And yeap.. so being the typical kiasee singaporeans.. i sorta do some planning for the future.
i sort of finalised the things i am going to do. Think of the money that is incurred. And think of the money that i want to save up for various things. I think i got too carried away and i went to check on all the insurance i had and made plans whether to buy more or not! hahaha.. perhaps i just want to make sure that i have something to fall back on and also to make good financial plans. I do not want to double buy sia~
yeap.. drift off too far. But yup.. the "australian" cousin is back with a bf(whom i saw last year??).. and they are going to get married this sept!
wedding held in Australia and den back to singapore to "treat" the family members here! I tot i will get to attend those normal weddings that we had in Singapore but i doubt so! *btw!! i want to re-emphasize to someone that the wedding ring's "CARBON" is so darn big!* oops i drift again! the whole darn point is that.. my cousin and i had sorta the same fate.. After her A's, she left for Aust for her degree.. think is cos of grades or what not.. and then she graduated and joined one of the good accounting firm in the world. Got her PR, stay there and meet her ABC bf and got married and will stay there happily ever after.. My fate is sorta the same for the first part.. but i choose to play with my life and try for nus! During the CNY, i kept having the same thought over and over again.. WHAT if.. WHAT if i never got admitted to nus? What if i choose her path? So what am i now? An accountat with a PR? Met a ABC or angmoh?? Got married and happily ever after?? Woot!! the thought of it realli make me shudder.. We were so close last time, took almost the same path.. but now.. our life is so different.. hohoho!! oh well.. i am enjoying my bit in NUS so i am fine!! yeap.. so dun you think it is so scary?? that one decision can change yr darn life?
Oh well back to the third day.. so after the GOOD dinner.. went back hm and mama suddenly say she wanted to go see see the OG sale that is currently on.. GOSH! i ish dun feel like gg la. but i feel that i shld acc my mama more.. so yup.. we went! I think my dad is being generous during the new year.. Cos he gave us his gold card and ask us to sign! but yup.. having the same character.. the whole shopping trip was just "window shopping". Nothing cheap n good caught our sight.. Just bought a "executive" bag at 12 bucks? (U.P 24 plus bucks) and mama paid it tru cash.. went home for like 30min and went off to bukit timah to wait for boi's car to bring us(boi, boi's 2 sis and me) to island creamery!! IT's realli good!!! every flavour is a surprise! Especially the pineapple tart ice cream! It is exactly the same! too bad the famous teh tarik icecream is out and there is no more tiger beer flavor.. if not we defi will buy back for the love ones to eat! After the ice cream outing.. we went to clark quay.. hahaha.. just to bring the small sis to see the "big people's world".. she dun like it.. ACTUALLY, we all dun like it! hahahahaha..
the 4th day was kinda simple.. (*ahhem* my chi bday!) went to meet bao, david n mei in the morning for breakfast. simple affair.. just to meet up n chat! Will miss her.. will go back hk soon(i hope!) but i would hope that she comes back! hahahaha... in the afternoon went off to boi's hse to "bai nian" and stayed for dinner! went with him to temple to bai tai sui. it was a new experience! have some protocols to follow but all done to hope for a better year. =) and yup.. after dinner.. we went to clark quay to find hl n man! 'cos we tot we could meet up in cck as the nel girls had cck bfs but plans changed so yup.. destination was changed.
that day was special.. 'Cos the nel girls had birthdays on the same day. Me: chinese, her: english! but it was all meant for meet up and to wish each other happy new year!!
side track again:
hoho.. finally talk to hl today after cny.. had not contact each other since!
it is farnie to listen to all the stuff that happen to her and ahlao2. i feel that.. hoho.. she is going to get married soon! i am waiting!!!
well yup! so the cny break is over~ so here comes my BIRTHDAY! hoho.. was not quite enthu about me turning 22. this means old n responsibilities.. stress! but still i had a sweet and simple affair with the love. Simple but effort-y prezzie to start of the "celebration". Followed by cabbing to clark quay to eat cocoon n butterfly.. hahaha.. what i mean is indochine! Am totally disgusted and disappointed with the service.. was quite excited about the food and ambience and COMPLIMENTARY SERVICES. but i got turn off by the service and this leaves me with the food n ambience.. the food is *okay* only.. i can find better stuff which is cheaper in Singapore. It is only the ambience that i would say is good. BUT in my advice.. I think the whole place sucks! it catered to ANGMOHS only.. unless u look VERY EXPENSIVE or u look ANGMOH.. i doubt u will get good service.. 1/5 rating! 1 for the ambience! but luckily.. the dessert shop at clark quay made my whole day shine!! the strudel is marvellous and it is cheap. 6 bucks only.. the "feel" is good, i totally enjoyed myself there. =) *thank you for the prezzie and the treat!*
so after my bday.. there comes Valentine.. Wanted to go Noogeez at ritz in the afternoon but due to foreseen circumstances.. it was cancelled.. and we decide to go for the simple affair to cook a "nightlight" dinner for ourselves! Y a nightlight?? hahaha.. no candlelight.. so i switch on my nightlight to give my room the ambience! Went to buy the ingredients on wednesday night.. the cold storage at holland V is 24 hours! woot.. i love it to bits.. imagine me still shopping at ten plus?? hahaaha.. yeap.. so a simple affair was cooked. the whole dinner cost us like 20 plus. and we eat till we are "STUFFED". hahaha... and i got a specially made bearie for prezzie! heez.. a wish i made at US finally got realized. tho i very much wanted to be at the process.. but i know i still have chance! *thank you!*
what i whipped up!!
i neber really blog about my driving much.. 'Cos there is realli nothing to blog about. Manual is not easy.. Especially for ppl like me.. boi wanted me to do manual cos it realli structured your brain and everything.. i feel that this is very true. The drivings that i had.. realli drives me to the limit. However, i am getting the hang of it already.. For now.. the things i do is work and driving.. work and driving.. quite tiring but i want to finish my course before my test!! It is also today's lesson that drives me to write! hahaha.. the instructor i got is super nice! super crap and super farnie! this is the first time in my whole driving that an instructor ask me to drive in barefoot. ITS a torture k!!! pain sia~~ n i doing circuit.. imagine half clutch all the way.. hahaha.. *nb* he enjoying my pain-ness lor! hahahaha.. but he gives me rest stops to go to gear 2.. where i can relax my left foot and then will go back to my half clutch position!! he keeps crapping with me and telling me about alot of stuff.. SERIOUSLY, he is good! or mayb this is my style of learning.. but i did my crank course, S course and directional change all by myself! he just keep on yakking n yakking.. distracting me.. At one point he just tell me to turn and yak yak.. and expect me to reply to him.. Wah seh.. i scare i hit curb n he wants reply.. hahah... he even wants me to buang the curb. He says" Just relax and reverse.." I knew i am going to hit the curb but he said that i shld go on something like i am still far! DAMN! with the suspicious mind, i reverse slowly and "BONG!" i hit the curb.. he laffed! -.- but the point of tt was to tell me that i must know how much i shld reverse during test. i feels that he believes in independent learning style..
without teaching me anything.. he just ask me to go into the crank n S course.. Just by one demo of directional change.. i am on my own.. i feel darn great at the end of the day man.. n smth farnie happened at the circuit today.. a motorcyclist instructor fell off from bike today. supposedly to be scary.. but he made it till very farnie.. think the instructor pushing bike and start engine! with no helmet! i din notice much.. just saw the fall.. woot! oh well.. hahaha.. lucky not serious.. And at the end of the day.. he tells me about the socks he buy.. hahaha.. that was realli fun! and i feel that he looks like the hongkong actor who act as zhou xing chi's 大师兄 in kongfu soccer!! hahaha.. hope to get him again!!
today's lesson realli made me feel great! i mean super great! hahaha.. i love a good lesson. den i can imagine myself on the road.. i love drving to a certain extent. and love the convenience it can bring.. but i do not think i will drive unneccessarily.. *shrugs* So on my way back.. i began to fantasize about my first car! hoho!! Guess wad is the car that i very much wanted to drive since young?? I have a liking for JEEP! that was my 小时候的愿望. but i dun mind owning one if i can!
hahaha.. oh well.. just a good lesson! hope more of such lessons will come!!
please pray for me that i will pass my test! i dun want to wait v long for a retest!
driving is so darn EX. i dun wan to pay for more!
Life & school
well.. where shall i start? alot of things happened sia~
i will just go random! hee..
went for 2 interviews for dunno how many donkey years ago. one for applying for korea summer school and the other is for crowne hotel! the first interview was unexpected. I was informed that i am not qualified for the prog as i do not have enuff cap. Oh well.. i guess this is fact and had planned for other stuff.. well.. the interview went well and it seems to me that it is not an interview but more of a sharing session. I dunno.. i know there will b chances that i wont be able to go.. but.. DAMN! i keep giving myself hopes. 'cos they give me hope! oh well.. wait for my good news. My application is sent to korea uni alr.. waiting for their reply only.. heez..
and the next interview was for the crowne interview.. it went EXTREMELY well for the first part.. but the second got screwed.. oh well.. i guess i do not have much experience and i do not know how to crap my way tru. the best part is.. they say as i am a degree holder, they are afraid they cant give me wad i want.. stunned! first time in my life.. i heard this sentence coming to me from a first person aspect.. i always hear this sentence in shows! hahaha.. oh well.. i did badly for other questions too so if i did not get the job, it is also fine! at least i had a good experience!! In addition, i cant work for them as an immediate staff so let's not waste each other's time!
and i got better as after the interview.. i went to marutama for ramen! the ramen i have been harping to eat for so long so long!! love the soup.. not realli the noodle. but the best part.. the char siew melt in my mouth! altho review was not v good. it is my fav! it only, ajisen ramen can use that soup! oooohhhh... The shop is very authentic too!! *to lisze: if u are reading this.. this is the ramen shop that i tell u to go eat with yr man. BUT the others got violent objection about having ramen! so u all skip the idea and went to clark quay for other food! hahaha*
now u see it...
now u dun!!
wad i can think of now is.. i am shag! hahaha.. projects and projects.. however, this sem.. i am better off! realli.. hopefully.. miracle will happen ah!! my SEA module is very happening.. I remembered for one lecture.. the teacher just announced that we will not be having lesson in class but outside! gosh! how happening can this be. we went to a gamelan(se2221 tutorial, which i wanted to took this sem but clash with el1101e, gamelan:javanese musical instrument) lesson for an hour and then went to the newly opened museun in UCC.. gosh! there got free food and beer till 10pm la. too bad.. after the musuem trip it was only 6pm and the freeflow of goodies wont start until it is 7 so yeap.. we all left after the trip.. so exciting right?? and the next day tutorial.. lecturer just bring us back to the gamelan room and we play tru-out the whole tutorial session! hahahaha.. The proj is darn cool too.. we going to do a mini prdn! As it is about SEA art, we need to make use of alot of social media preferably..
As my lecturer is a well-known artist(from his background, i feel that he is), he is actually here to organize a SEA festival for singapore. He had said that if our idea is good.. we will perform at the festival.. hahaha... SEE lOR!! Dun think it is all fun k.. This module is fun in one way and headache in another. As i am studying art.. the theory that is all behind it is CHIM! the readings i took freaking long to read.. and i am so behind time! wad's worse.. there's no lecture notes.. so i have to depend on my readings and lessons attended. If i get a back grade.. i will just SU it. since its about my experience! :) Wish me luck!
since like a long time since i went voices.. but my task is somewhat done le ba! on tt day.. i think i will wear nice nice n sit back n relax.. hohoho!!! went to MOS to feel the atmosphere a few weeks back.. hahaha.. it is fun! n boi dance like chicken little. Mh and sf damn know how to eat doufu la!! hahahaha.. tsk tsk!! got tipsy on tt day. daMn! and was like super high! boi got so worried that he acc me back! oh well.. the atmosphere is right and the ppl are high.. wad to do??!?!?!? I am more stunned with ginnie, yp, amanda n fione! gosh! stayed till 2 like tt den go hm! hahaha.. even the guys cant take it and went hm! I would say that these girls are good! they dance till so "oh my god-ly"! pardon, my words but yeap! their dancing is damn good.
Speaking of that.. I feel that.. voices got alot of talents! Seriously.. they can stun u in one way or another. And they are very good! there are so many leaders, creators, musicians in voices that i cant help but think that we are a multi-talented club. take mh for example, his editing is really good. yp, good leadership skills and i saw the photoshoped pic she took. I faintz.. ZAI! look at shuan!! i am dumbfounded! hahahahaa.. i feel that in the few years to come.. i will have alot of successful friends!! *the fact hor.. they not only talented.. they also smart! gosh!*
speaking of "smart".. i remembered the conversation that i and boi had. He is taking Singapore studies this sem. The USP de.. And he told me about the aritcle that he read. I am stunned! Do u know that most of the life sciences student who graduated from uni are only fit for washing testtubes? (to my friends who are in life sciences.. i am not twitching facts.. but this is wad the articles say! do continue to read) Well, or perhaps to do research la..
I am stun when i hear about this. I had always tot that life sciences is a difficult course to get in. What they do is a skill which the govt wants to develop. However, it is proven that the chances of bio-med growing big in singapore is 50-50. So if the graduates wash test-tubes.. who are the one that do the high research post??
He had said that it is foreigners who had tons of experiences or phD or smth that is employed to do this! Even his friend who is the first batch of life sciences came out to do a "small post" in nuh with a monthly salary of 2.1k or 1.9k?? i forgot..
oh well.. from the article..
it is said that further studying abroad and working overseas seems to be a more viable way for ppl who wants to do those research-y stuff! Isn't tt scary? i was traumatise for awhile.. *shrugs*
These days.. i began to appreciate the stuff that i had learnt tru-out my whole education.. in the past.. i feel that learning maths and sciences cant be applied to anything.. but this time.. i am so darn wrong.. wad we learn can b applied.. and it is so amazing that how our knowledge can b put into the real life situation!
met up with some sec friends over the past week.. had felt tt we are all grown up! actually i felt it long ago.. but i wanted to reaffirm this point! all of us had plans. those "cheeky" bois that i had known since young had now become man with ideas and plans. The girls are not blur queens nemore too.. they are more goal-oriented and have matured! We have grown out the childish phase and are now working hard for our future.. i wonder what will we become 10 years later??
woott.. dunno wad to write le.. but feel that i am now in a transiting phase.. or mayb perhaps.. i just wanted my life to go the right way.. *shrugs* or mayb i shld go back to the basic.. and focus on my current semester!
the future..
just let it happens??
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