It has been a rather crazy week..
for my body..
i'm still uncertain abt why am i so tired..
is it due to
1) lack of excercise and laziness
2) I'm really busy
this week was quite eventful that lead me to my deep sleep this afternoon from 1030 - 1630 after my morning class..
i practically concuss. knockout.
waking up and realizing that I've slept for so long was indeed scary.
but no matter wad..
i choose to believe that my tiredness is due to the 2nd reason
not the first!
these are the series of events that happened:
Monday -
first day of work.. and it is quite hard for me.. as Spineili was rather busy on that day.. =.= after which i rush down to career talk. After which, back to room to study for my vocab test.. that studying part was never ending
Tuesday -
School time. start work at 4. It was tiring too but fun. boi meets me after school. rush back to room so he can gib me a mock test.. before i go on to battle. slept real late.
Wednesday -
8am starts school. and was half happy half astonished that the vocab test was only 10mins. y astonished? 'cos I've spend 1 week studying and was still unsure of alot of things.. -.- and for that 1 week.. i am testde for like 10 mins. y happy? 'cos that means little vocabs are tested. haiz.. so after school.. i rushed my meeting minutes. hoping to touch the proposal. but did not. so at 4 i went to work. came back realli late.. started working on proposal with a TIRED body. at 1157, my dearie boi came to stun me with a cake for my bday and we celebrated the big day for like 1 hr and i went back to work on my proposal. I finished the whole darn thing at 315. with a mind whirling in outer space.. at other times.. i still can compile n look tru stuff. that night was terrible.. i cant wait to press the button "save as" and close the comp.. perhaps.. it's becos seeing someone sleeping so soundly beside u wasnt realli a great motivation! hahahaha..
woke up real early.. like 7 plus 'cos my alarm went. With 2 lazy bugs in the bed has to set the alarm clock earlier.. i was right. the 2 lazy bugs.. was so tired that they went back to sleep for an hour like tt. woke up and rushed dwn to career fair. the rush was realli a rush.. cos you have to rush to look professional and good! crazee shit. hahaha.. the career fair drained us out.. lunch was worst.. Munchie monkey was slow and irritating. the wait realli drained us out! luckily I've had good frens accompanying for lunch. and the afternoon was well spent with boi for my bday celebration! night came back and work on german hmk till 130 plus.
woke up early for my 8am class.. I felt TERRIBLE.. 'am so tired. when "boss" send sms abt not hving a meeting.. i decide to go back room to sleep..
yup.. 1030 - 1630
i was in a concussed mood..
hopefully next week will be better! HOPEFULLY..
I have a semester test on Friday.. ROARZZZZZZZ