Sunday, August 27, 2006

1st post in 1105

this is the first entry i did for my 1105 blog..
vv long..
i think i is crazy..
but i think it is vv true..
we man..
are begining to lost our directions in searching for the simple things in life..
first, blog entry in this blog. weird.
but then again. this week, i attended 2 lectures that shows video on two very different things. One is abt ICT, for CS1105 and another one is for Japanese studies. One is about technology, one is about life. it got me into thinking after watching these vid.

well, for the CS1105 video. I feel that the video keeps on emphasizing how wonderful all these technology is going to be in the future but i would beg to differ. the use of technology improving our lifestyle may be great but do the people ever thought of the underlying problems that will arise?
Just some random thoughts after watching..
1) life is great with technology. But it is great to the people who have the money to buy and use the technology mention or to the whole mankind?
i seriously feel that this will arise more discrimmination and also social caste system will arise. Some people will be deprive of something. The world may not be as wonderful as what te scientist had thought it will be.
2) do all man has the knowledge of handling these techology?
3) so in the end, who is controlling who? we, men, controlling the techology or the technology controlling our daily life?
sadly, to say. i am being controlled by the technology around me. i cant leave my laptop. i cant leave my electronics. and i am dependent on all of them. i still remember the times when i am in JC. Everybody is so dependent on the calculator, even the simplest sum like 9 X 8, we have to turn to the calculator. And then the impact of how important the calculator is to us, when we are dumbfounded by the slow reaction we have when we are ask a simple maths qns without the use of calculator.
Just like laptop. It is really a good invention. Making things easier n more convenient. All the work is done there. And believe me, when it crashed, so is your world. it is really a scary thought that, now, technology is something we cannot live without and is slowly controlling our lives.

So can u imagine the future with all the good robots and technology to make our life easier than before?? It's a good thought.. but i would rather that there is technology that will benefit the whole mankind as a WHOLE. Where no one is being excluded. But that would be difficult isn't it. Considering the fact of the opportunities that are given to different people around the world. The world is really unfair.

~side track a abit: i heard before this story. It's about if we distribute the money equally to everybody in the world. It will take less than a decade for the clever businessman to earn all the money and result the world into the current situation right now.. where the poor is really poor and the rich is really rich!~

from the video, we see that people get to choose the baby they like. the place they like to go to be right before their eyes. Well, good thought. but i hate it. That technology shown had ripped us of the most basic thing in life. The beauty of simplicity. It's wonderful to be able to see something you wanted to see from a country. But wouldn't it be better for you to go to the country yourself and experience the REAL beauty of the country. Having that technology, will only made people lazy and lost the sense of being adventurous. The baby.. having to choose your baby is fun! you get the best out of the best. But is it what your baby wants? Why do you have to decide for them what they need to be when they grow up? What happens to those baby who are born naturally with no good features or brain? Are they going to be the outcast? What will happen in the near future? More fighting of whose baby is the best? More argument of whose the best of the best. Is it going to be a better world or worse?
i seems pessissmistic. it's not like there's nothing beneficial the technology can provide. Technology can be good. But it is always a double edged sword. It can be good and it can be bad when people started to abuse it. I just feel that the abuse rate will be high.

second vid, this vid is about how baseball is important to the Japanese. Well, i love the way, how the teenagers work hard together just for the competition. Life is tough for them, all the school work, pressure and the trainings. But they are happy. 'Cos they are working happily towards what they wanted. Well, this is something i think technology can't give to the human being. The emotions they had when they lost or when they win. The process they work together, the relationships they build. Well, it is this simple stuff in life that i really feel that technology really cant bring it to the mankind. Technology, somehow, seperate us mankind. It someone made us anti-social and forget about the little n simple beautiful things that we had in the world.

-i am just someone who likes simplicity-

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