went out with tat..
2 months le.. and still.. old habits dun change..
he still loves suan-ing me.
*Thanks ah..* hahaha..
tat vv nice.. he come to my house to fetch me! yeah.. feel important! hahaha..
we went to watch My super Ex girlfriend.
okie lor.. the show.. hahaha.. farnie.. but the plot is like no sense..
Just purely for entertainment..
walk around. and den we decide to go hk cafe! yeah~
the one in kovan!
tat first time in kovan..
hahhaa. i bring ppl to a place they dunno and in exchange they bring me to their territory!
alot of ppl sia~ and the ambience not bad~
vv fun.. but keep on eating.. feel fat! hahaha
and got alot of cam whoring..
just select a few for all of u all.. wahahaha..

at cinema..

at the cafe!!! wooh~ pretty hor? :)

lastly.. another pic of us~!
heard that there are many branch in singapore.. Grass peeps we shld go one day! :)
haha. kovan's hk cafe nice ah? that's something new. i always hear bad reviews about the place lah. haha!
yes.. i think xin wang not bad.. the branch at cineleisure not bad.. :) i lvoe the mango ice!!
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