Tuesday, May 22, 2007

a beautiful day

okay.. i got a beautiful day today~~
so it all started when mh sms me to contact another boss of gallup..
and i arranged for an interview at 12.
i prepare myself to go out.
and i din realise that i was actually not early..
so i decide to flag for a cab.
guess wad..
when the cab stop infronts of me..
i did not go up..
i look at the uncle and was trying to confirm with him whether he is going to pick me up..
and he nodded.
i is stunned!
tt taxi is special..
infront it realli looks like a normal taxi but behind it.. it has a carriage.. like a mini van..
can put stuff behind..
i board the taxi..
and look at the surrounding..
big n nice
and i chatted with the uncle all the way..
and he tell me..
tt's the only cab tt is available in singapore..
it is only 3 days old!!
lucky luckY!!

got to gallup~
(yeap, tt's right.. i cant stand myself lazing at home with no income and everybody is doing something.. so yeap.. gallup!!!)
yeah.. did interview..
sam seems not v interested..
den after one round..
he shook my hand and says welcome aboard..
went tru training n slacking for most of the time..
and finally got to call respondents at 2 plus - 3 ba~
i call until i headache..
dunno is never eat lunch..
or i speak too loud den headache..
i made 7 calls..
i felt tt not bad le..
but then again..
it just seems tt everyone called alot more..
i also dunno why..

well well...
wan money..
call more..
i decide to pia le..
dun care..
i need lotsa n lotsa money..
old liao..
cannot account no money..
need to save up..
got protection also..
mayb i began to earn.. i should target at wad age i shall made my first $XXX??

oh yeah.. so i end work la..
pia to bbdc for my basic theory..
took a train dwn to batok n wait for bus..
thanks to a boi who waited so patiently for me today and decide to acc me all the way till my tests ends.. *hugz*
okay.. so took a cab dwn. cos i is late.. n no bus yet..
when i reach bbdc..
i am just in time for the test..
they give out slips n i went in to get ready..
it seems scary..
'cos my first evaulation test nightmare still lingers in my mind.
i scare i fail again.. 'cos of stupid qns and lang phrasing..
(seriously.. my tutor is so darn correct.. BTT is not to test yr skills but yr language. but u have to study also to know what they wan too.)
yeap.. n the test was a breeze..
cannot b too confident..
so i recheck..
felt real confident..
and i end my test~
hahaha.. nothing to be proud of..
but still hello..
its smth impt to me..
i fail this test.. i have to wait for dunno how many donkey years to retake it.. and i cant apply my PDL.
well, now.. i can safely go drive..
but the think is...
there's no lesson..
but in any case.. it is okay.. i still feell happy..
have a nice way to end my night ....

BUT sometimes...
yr life may not be as perfect as u tink it is.. (please proceed on... reading the next post~)

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