whether i am realli busy
or i procrastinate and became busy
but nonetheless..
i did many things for the past few missing days!!!
will do an update..
feel realli great!!
it has been great..
i had so much fun sia
great instructors make wonders
the instructors that i want to be fixed with are all not in fixed grp.
bad point about bbdc! tsk.
and so..
under the recommendation from a senior instructor..
i got my fixed group. *whopee!*
haben start with the instructors.
2 malays.
but, i can feel it from my bones..
from my bones.
that they are fun.
i do not know why but the malays/indians instructor are better
i am not saying chinese are not good.
but as the saying goes:"when u are good, u are very very good. When u are bad.. you can really be REAL BAD"
well.. this is a thing i realise. *no offence*
however, i feel that this is our culture.
generally, malays and indians seem to take things more slowly and they enjoy the process.
while chinese...
from the example of our forefathers.
they are more ambitious and pushy to get things done. hee..
well yea.. am so looking forward to my next driving. am doing great for the past lessons!
must be as zai as jestine for the PT. I will pray for tons of rain. heeZ..
*congrats jestine! so proud of ya!*
watched alot of movies wor..
after exams.
stardust, enchanted and golden compass. (considered many for i am not a movie watcher)
i must say it is realli an enjoyment to watch a fantasy film.
to b immerse in the world of creativity and magic!
did i mention i like stardust ALOT?
very magical. VERY! i do not know why 8 days give 2 star.
probably of the plot. Which is the usual kind of fantasy.
however, i must praise the director/author for the humour that it brings.
it is really an enjoyment to relax, laugh and be magical! hahaha..
i am impressed with the author.
and do u know i have seen the author in person before?
gosh.. thinkin back now..
'm realli angry with myself for thinking that he is just an ordinary author for sandman and did not realli pay any attention to him when he is eating in borders. GOSH!
how could i?!?
people queue up for hours just to get his signature while i am just standing beside him and feel that he is just an ordinary author.
but i must say he is realli good!
after hearing so many reviews about him.
i decide to pick up a few of his books if i go to the lib.
next up, enchanted.
good movie.
the movie live it up to the fairy tales plot like story that only disney could bring up. :)
i think the most enjoyable and most impactful part is the mass singing at the park.
hahah.. i enjoyed it alot. i think that is impactful and the only magical feeling that the movie gives me.. loves the arrangement!
next up..

catch it on the first day of showing.
'm very excited.
din realise it was a cronicle.
can't wait for the next one..
hopefully.. they are able to produce the next 2. *shrugs*
it was not as magical as stardust and lack humour.
however, comparatively to stardust.. the plot is great!
love the storyline.
love nicole kidman and eva green.
both of them brings up the charisma of their own role. Love it, love it..
i love women of steel.
it's beyond words.
if u love fantasy.. do realli catch it.
it is not as grand as lord of the rings but it has a good plot to tell. :)
went with sistaz to movies.
it's been a long time!
have fun!! and a very relaxing evening.
sing ktv with sistaz..
good timing..
to release the stress out from the exams!
found that there are not many good songs in the market nowadays..
n i began to catch harmonizing.. abit only. hurhur..
practise makes perfect..
i must practise more!
have steamboat with tat they all..
hot food.
my flu got better.
i'm left with my cough!! *darn*
eat full full and eat ah chew dessert is wad i would say a FULFILLING and satisfying meal!
too bad ching cant make it.
but seriously..
tt day..
all of us..
cleared our nose.. tink tt day the steamboat realli power!
(we think ching's nose will also be cleared too!)
(to tat: sorry.. i say the wrong place and made u walk arnd in the rain! sorrie!)
(to yan: sorry u missed too! all the best for today's exam ya!!)
went out with my april!! finally..
had a dinner only..
short but still fun..
talk about life and work..
i can feel her anxiety.
wad shld we do and wad is best for us in the current situation.
i got to..
know more about art.
know more about her.
she became different.
different from the kid i knew when we were little kiddos.
She grows up to be a wonderful woman.
with thinking.
with ambition.
with love. :)
we are all growing..
din we?
and so is my little bro who went with us.. :)
-=moving out of pgp=-
room is damn dusty.
i have tons of things.
and i alr missed my room now!! hurhur..
i will b back soon!!
-=cousin's 21st bday=-
went for my cousin bday!
got alot of ppl!
she is one lucky kid..
with so many ppl celebrating her big day with her
i am the only cousin..
the rest i think are not free to come..
'cos the next day..
some of them are flying to hainan island to do some CIP..
mumsie did not go too.. tsk!
for the hainan island..
i did not join 'cos i always say i busy..
i think if next dec.. when i THINK i am not busy..
i will go.. hurhur..
it's like an annual family affair to go over hainan..
my cousin's house is realli big.. it can house so many people!!
i amused myself with golden horse at her party!
and i got disgusted when i see a disgusting freak singing. sorry.. i realli cant stand him. unless he do smth good that impress me.. i will still ban him from my list. yesh.. i know he is good. he is power but i believe he can do better.. argh!
okie yeap.. so it was a slumber party with many of her onz frens changing into Pj to suit her theme! cool!! and at the cake cutting, we took a picture tog! it's been so long since we took a picture with just the 2 of us infront of a cake.. and we finally do it on her 21st! :) Happy birthday!! :)
oh well.. cant remember what else i did.. but yeap.. the missing days are helluva fun n busy.. just cleared some of the things i need to do. felt great.. buti have more to go.. before i leave for bkk..
and i love my tv more n more.. becos of discovery and national geo!!! love it! my source of entertainment now.. i can understand why some of my frens can b glued to it for so long.. I AM A VICTIM TOO!!
upcoming events:
1)steamboat with sistaz!!! *yeah! another one!*
2)nanking movie with ahlao2 and hl!! whoo hooo!!! waiting v long le!!!! *i am gg to be very EMO*
3)games n binging with ahlao2 n hl!!
4)dimsum, food and many more with exam clique!
5)boi's bday
felt like having a meetup with my jc classmates wor! hee.. kinda miss them!
oh yeah.. many people leaving for SEP..
it seems like so MANY!!!
count with my fingers i think got more than 5 nearing ten.
all the best to you all!!! :)
*secretly praying for my korea!*
tt's all folks!~
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