watcha looking at dude?
cute little thingy right? finally! i can put a checklist to one of the places that i wanted to go in Singapore!
mint, musuem of toys. well, mint stands for most interesting smth smth but i forgot!
it's a cool place to go!
wondering where to go for the holidays, put it in your agenda. Quite eye-opening! love the toys featured there. u will have some surprises over there.
admission fee: adult-$10 (this dec got 25% discount!), child 2 to 12-$5, below 2-FREE, senior citizen-$5
there's package price too! can check their webbie!
opening hours: 930am to 630am
guess where i took this? THE LIFT! cool!!!
oh yeah! no flash photography!
this will result in the paint of some old toys to drop off. u know this goes back to the sciences.
no further explanation!
insides of the museum.. it's a 5 storey building. takes abt an hour or lesser to finish touring, quite small. more than an hour for cam-whorers and maybe the whole day for toy lovers!
love the architecture. you know this building is designed by some famous architect!
boy says he always see this face when he was small. a must take pic. i think we got generation gap! hurhur..
this is what i call my childhood memories! i rmb i had one of the look-a-like as a toy!! so cutie right!
this is everybody's childhood games. i think they leave out rubber bands. i rmb how i take the rubber bands and twine it together to play zeropoint! hee...
i love this door.. "this way to childhood favourites" it's like making u gg back to the past!
same monkeys but different country.. can u imagine it? it is a hit k! :)
we know this man! hee..
some posters!
these are all old posters! real somemore. it's so nostalgic!
toys. like many of the things we see today are created for many purposes. social, political and economical factors plays a part too. this is one great example. And yeap.. it is a hit too!
dino!! (i rmb i was called dino when i am in sec school.. -.-")
great place! do consider it!
less updates as i do not have "access" to the internet at hm.
i have internet..
it's just tt..
it's a hassle u see..
it's not a wireless one..
and the tv and story books are a better pulling effect.
got some unexpected calls!
sharon called.
as usual.
no hellos.
stunned me with qns or statements.
took me awhile to register her! haha.
1 day work.
i is poor.
this is smth i can reap.
next, hl mei mei called.
apparently she is back.
back with ahlao2 n my pri sch mate.
they went ahead with the suggestion that i got for us to go batam for 3 day 2 night.
i missed it this time.
next time,
it is moi with u guys..
time for me to eat the darn good seafood tt they had. slurrps.
she called to hook me up before she left with her dar to desaru.
we settled 2 things at one go.
tmr: nanking
xmas eve: sentosa's airconed kampong hut
never heard of it right?
me too.
so we were discussing what to do and when to meet?
(this is bad. i found out that my schedule alwaz clash with ppl. when i am busy, moi frens are free. when i free, they are busy! roar!)
so yeap,
while talking, tog with her ahlao,
he say this thingy out!
damn cheap.
ntuc member cheaper!
bad pt: no toilet just common toilet n no tv.
well.. can't ask for more ya.. with the price u are paying.
altho u get better stuff at changi but hey! dun comprain.
at this time of the year.
we is lucky to get one la.
thanks ahlao2 who standby at his comp n book for us!
so yeap.
the 2 hls are happy.
one got to go her fav beach bar n play fire crackers.
one got to have her bbq.
very easy which is me right.. *shakeheads*
yeap. 1 hr call. got this done! great!
so inpromptu but i liked.
hopefully, we dun end there.
i still want my games!
better have more meetups, ahlao2 gg norway.. gosh i gg miss his crap.
tho still got half a year to go.
but when sch reopens..
time is gg to fast forward X8!!
oh yeah..
tat sms me and ask me abt next outing.
hopefully it can pull tru before i left! :)
hopefully, dimsum!! whee..
smth crop up at hm.
got busy!
no choice.
and i miss my subcomm meeting. :(
haiz.. haizz..
sad.. andy still tell me that after meeting we joining the prog comm to ktv to try try the songs!
oh well, i guess there's other chance..
waiting for vice to do smth..
and wating for voices chalet!
speaking of that..
i tot of the ecp outing that we had.
tho a short one..
but we had fun!
but the best part, i would say is dinner!
imagine us ordering so many food. stingray, mussels, kangkong, oyster egg, prawns and etc etc..
the dinner cot us 5 bucks each.
and we is darn full when we leave the table!
i love blk85!
good food man!!
next time go eat zhi char.. defi must call tons of ppl. it realli makes yr money worth!!!
yeah yeah..
hols had been monotonous.
think lazing arnd is not good for the human body..
'cos of this..
my procrastinating skills had up alot of level alr!!
*shake heads*
and counting the days to sch reopening..
i can feel a very big stone behind my back!
tons of work to be done.
and sure enuff..
my work is not done!
bless me ppl.
i need to clear all my stuff by this week.
i can.
time past by so fast..
could u slow dwn abit, please??
yeah ppl.. in case, no post,
happy holidays and have a wonderful X'mas n New year..
1 comment:
i was at the asian civilisation museum and realised they left out zeropoint too! don't know why. perhaps they were not really childhood games.
Merry Christmas!
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