it's been a week(i think) that i have blogged.
was away!
and am getting lotsa fun. :)
Weekend went for work training.[was employed by toys-r-us for stock taking for 1day!!] BORING! but since i am getting paid so why not! The training is llloooooonnnnnggggg.. Sian. wanted to go RED DOT museum to explore. However, due to the overshot training. Red dot is postphone and i made an impromptu suggestion to another couple to fulfill our gaming outing. Oh my! we had so much fun! hahaha.. And we got a cheap package for 4 at minds cafe. :) (it comes with so many snacks and any drinks of your liking off the menu.)
[oh yah.. if any of you all plan to go red dot museum. I would suggest to go on the weekend! found out that there will b a bazaar during the weekend till 6pm. The museum is till 8pm. Admission ticks is reasonable. :)]
yeap.. and sunday is moving back to PGP day. Oh man.. it sure is tired to move house. And i forgot to bring my radio n some long ling long long. tsk!
My room is still unpacked and messy.
I vow.. to make my very best to make the room tidy.
Monday is good. Slack the day off. With modules woe on hand. Went to meet sec frens at chomp chomp! the company is good. However, i feel that the food there is over-rated n over-priced from the good food i have eaten so far. Tsk. However, still a good place to meet up with frens living along the nel line. haha! The meeting is held for my dearest girl who is leaving for Sweden. (envy!) She is going out there to see mountains, feel the cold and touch the famous European culture. I am going to miss her man. And she is SO going to owe me for the Italy travel book that i loan her. U better take care of that, girl. It is my bao bei wor. (thinking of which.. i shld stock-up more travel books.) So to bao da wor. I demand a full coverage of the places she went to. So i can use that as a research for my trip to Europe. muahahaha!
yeap! so tuesday came. WORKING DAY!
was depatch to united square!
stock taking was easy. but it is boring.
And at the end.. we always end up slacking. However, it is so tiring when we are going towards to the end for restocking! (the job is overnight you see!) u know..
when mental and physical tiredness attack, you will feel super duper tired and drained.
Gosh. I am so darn tired after my work.
Got free cab back to PGP on the following morn. Work till 730am!!
However, i would say that the ppl there are nice. They are a bunch of lians n bengs. i would say that that night was not cold n lonely. People around me is realli nice!! They will try to make conversation with you and help you around. I feel that sometimes some ppl would prefer not to make frens with these ppl, however, i would say that tho the beautiful language they like to use is not of our preference, they are some of the true-est people that i ever saw. They are what they are. I admire them for that. They accept who they are and best of all, they are realli nice! Some of them, i realise do possess the quality of a leader. They are hardworking and most importantly, they have dreams. I really respect some of them.
well.. so i got back to pgp on wednesday morning. Slept for 1 hr plus? and went off for my driving. But before that, i met a seller for one of my modules and got the notes. I want to share this experience with you all as she is someone that realli makes my day! Well, i got off the shuttle bus and i know who is the seller as we had told each other about our dressing. I smiled and went over. What got me in surprise was the hand that came out to greet me. It was a firm one. I like firm handshake. And she is really cheerful and talking to me. We chat awhile. She told me she is a graduate and came to school specially for the selling of notes. I am so stunned. Her notes aare so organized and it is like brand new but with lotsa information la. I feel ashamed at one point of being a messy person. However, what got into me is that she told me that she did not want the useful stuff and effort that she had put in to go into waste and so she decided to sell her stuff away. People, she sold the stuff @ 4 bucks. With research done by her. Came all the way to school to give her goodness to me. the 4 bucks dun even cover the transport n the lunch she wants to have at arts canteen. I am deeply touched. And before we parted, she still wish me all the best for this modules. GOD. I cant express the happiness that i have got from her. She is realli amazing. I wish her all the best too! :)
yeap! that is really amazing, isnt it? i feel good the whole day! :) And after my driving.. i carried my tired body to voices chalet. Oh my.. when i reached there.. the good stuffs got eaten le. TSK! hahaha.. but still i got good satay man n bbq boi to do nice chicky for me. Got potato salad too. Gwad. That is good. And ling ling long long. This chalet is kind of special. As the juniors are kind of bonded alr. With just a guitar.. they sing tru-out the night. We are stunned. It never happened before in our past voices chalet. The seniors on the other hand just mingle around and started bitching and catching up. Hahaha.. that was realli fun!
oh my.. i got a great news from MArk on that day! When we hear the news we are like so duper high. My dear fren here is going to propose to her gf next year. Which is the end of yr4. Oh my.. The best thing. Voices members are engaged by him to do the surprise proposal! woohoo.. @ art hse! woohoo.. i dun care. by hook or crook i must b present. Mark, i can play the triangle well. ding ding! hahaha.. or i can contribute my camera. I can take photo! hopefully.. i got my SLR or semi-SLR by that time! I can do that service for free!! wahahaha.. u cant believe the highness when he tell that to us. The band is employed. Song is chosen. I wonder where can i play my role in this biggy thing. Mayb i shall think of surprise for him! yeah.. and so in two years time.. I get to eat a wedding dinner from a friend! All the best, boi! We, voices, is good in event management. We will defi do something swee swee for ya! woot! i cant wait!!
Speaking of event management.. Some of the seniors sat dwn n talk cok after 10pm about what we wanna do after we graduate. [y 10pm? 'cos huang jin lv(the li nanxing show) finish alr. The first time in chalet too. Everybody(almost) is glued to the tube for that show. When you look into our chalet from outside, everyone is very serious. Everyone is focused! Ginnie took a picture of it. If i got hold of the pictures i will sure blog it. :p] yeap.. and so.. alot of us came to realise.. what we study is not realli what we wanted to go into. And a few of us wanted to open an event company! hoho.. We is sort of experienced k, considering the fact that we did emerge for so long. So we began to fantasize. Plus we lup in the cafe that amanda wants to open and boi's jazz bar. Seems alot huh. But seriously, the events co. really can work out. Hahaha.. We got so many willing parties somemore! haha..
We even got an evil plan. Do lots of gigs that is enough for voices den we will do gigs for our company! hahaha.. Save $$ for our dream! But first, i think we voices need to build up karma. The past year, we very suay. Hopefully, our luck is better for this coming year.
And so we spent the night talking cock n playing nonsense games which makes everyone, even the guys scream! have so much fun! hahaha.. and yeap.. too many ppl. Chalet too small.. we all din sleep well or slept. hahahaa... the next morning.. we all like panda. Went ECP and i found the cha chan ting tt "hdb tai tai" introduce. Got v high! and we caught alvin ng and ou xuan filming at ECP. hahaha.. The last stop of the day is at some wulu sea sports centre. It is actually beside the National service resort chalet at tanah merah. Went there for KTV. hahaha.. din sing.. some of us just enjoy the sea n the airplane as we are so darn near to the airport!!!
Got to learn about planes' landing and got to see close up planes flying past us. On top of it! Tons of star to see too.. woohoo!!!
good fact to know. I mean if u are interested to know. I'm amazed by it when i know about this fact and i got to see the fact displaying right in my eyes. Do you know that when the plane is about to land in an airport.. they have to do a circular landing. like go in one circle before landing. And if the air traffic is high, they have a circular route to follow. Take a queue number and go in circle till their turn to land. Saw one or two plane going in circle. That spot is great! hahaha.. love it.. but too wulu! At the end of the day, we called for 4 cabs back to the chalet. They come together wor.. hahaha.. so fun! like having a parade like that..
And so we got back.. tired! but under the influence of some guys, they had macDonald supper at arnd 2plus?? i stayed back with boi to look after the chalet. 'Cos there's some girls asleep in the chalet. hahaha.. Woke up the next day feeling realli TIRED! but still.. i had so much fun!
Thanks peeps! And i can feel a stronger bond between the juniors and seniors as the days goes by!!
-.-" school reopening.. EeKs! hahaha..