Friday, March 21, 2008


'm in "standby" mode for the moment..
the standby here would mean my work is on standby..
and slacking comes by..

being coup up is not a good thing for me.
I WATCHED more shows
I gave MORE excuses
and i grew more plain lazy..

'm irritated by this lifestyle!! RAH!! 
i begin to feel the impact of laziness growing in me!! aka stupidity

leave this topic aside..
so yeap..
while on MY standby mode.
i do lotsa and lotsa of surfing..
went to read blogs.
went to interesting sites.
went to explore travel sites.
etc etc..

pop by some of my sec school fren's blog.
oh my oh my..
it's been years since i ever get in contact with them
i would say almost all of them is DOING VERY GOOD.
from their posts..
i can feel the maturity in my friends.
I still remember the times when we were still in sec school with the cock face,
with the thinking "future is too early for us to consider" mentality..
but now..
look at them!
i would say that many had already path out their future and is working very hard towards it.
their dreams.
their passion.
their strengths.
it is so comforting to see a friend doing so well..
must jiayou wor!! =)

And yup..
i decide to give myself work..
if not..
i will not only lost my ability to walk..
in a few more weeks..
i will also lost my ability to think..
i do not want my prophecy to come true.. rah..

it so happened that i was doing my work diligently again..
and it got to me that i need to send an important email to my beloved gallup friends..
so yah..
doing the nitty gritty stuff..
and all the dramama chatting with friends..
i decide to give up my work...
AND i end up talking to my beloved lisze about travelling..
this is my 死穴.
i can REALLY talk about things that i am passionate about u see... 

so she got me energized once again.. 
showing me blogs and stuff.. 

she is realli good.. 
for the next few days.. 
i keep looking at various blogs or sites.. 
got me very excited for my trip and made me set my mind on writing my bkk blog.. 
I had been postphoning.. 

There's over 400 photos leh!! 
the uploading already gives me problem desho.. 
so forgive me sia~

but now.. since the passion is still burning.. 
i have decided to make the bkk posts up asap.. 
SO that hl and ahlao could also make use of my experience as a reference!! 

I had decided.. 
And so i will do it.. *smirks*

[damn.. i can feel a tinge of laziness is seeping into my bone again.. ROAR!!! ] 

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