Thank you..
i want to thank this very special person of mine!
*smile.. u r being published on my blog*
okie.. this person..
he make it a point to write to me..
thank you.. knowing that i would love to receive letters..
tho most of the time in his letter is mostly suaning..
but hey..
hahaha.. its like when we are in school.. but the suan-ness is not so intensive..
thanking you for making a point to write even tho u r busy or u are overseas or u are going to camp! thanks!!!!!!
Cant thank enuff..
the thrill and happiness i get when i see envelopes in my mailbox did not decline!
thank you TAT!
i will write to you when i can find the time!
*my break is not flexible and sometimes it does not allow me to write.. and when i am done writing.. i need to find the trading post lady to buy stamps.. so peeps.. who are still waiting for my letters.. er.. give it sometime k.. sorry.. and give it sometime for the mail to be returned to me and den send again.. you dunno how D*MB the postman can be here.. (just joking))*
spank his ass and get him to work! muahahah
shit man...
now tio cheng already lar....
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