Sunday, July 09, 2006

truth or dare..

This is dedicated to all my friends, especially to my jie meis:

Do u have the tradition to write your resolutions at the beginning of a new year..
here's smth nice for ya which i read from a book --

How many times have you prayed for a life "less ordinary" than the one you're living?
If you are being honest, you'll say "Often."
Can i challenge you to a dare?
Today, stop praying for anything other than the life you have!
Join me as we tear up that list of resolutions.
You don't need them anymore.
All you have is all you need.
But more than that, all you have is all you could possibly want.
Give thanks for your most "ordinary" life.
This is how miracle begins, as we embark with sense of adventure seeking the splendid in the sinple gift of everyday.

1 comment:

princess-jolene :) said...

oh~ that's interesting! :) so maybe we shouldn't ask for more than we already had..