after jamming.. i and yz went to meet tat for dinner..
i treating tat..
guess wad we eat??
*die.. y is it always food? hahaha*
yz say he wanna try 麻辣火锅.
so we went to his cheapo fren intro shOp to eat..
hahaha.. the bois ordered a 中辣 for themselves n i got the chicken soup!
it's so cool la..
the food!!!
as in, not alot of variety but i never eat before so vv excited..
okie.. i is super excited.
i like the soup
think it is not hot cos i only drink abit..
but u shld see the two guys
sweat like nobody's bizness! hahaha..
and both of them eat smth v disgusting..
and both of them nearly 辣死 or 麻死..
guess wad.. it's only 12 bucks..
eat until we vv full..
and decide to play arcade awhile before we go to swensens for our EARTHQUAKE!
oh mi gosh!
we are so sinful...
here's some pic!

the ma la steamboat!!!

close up!!!

guess 我们是谁??

james bond?!!

we r crazy..

we r bored..

they drove me crazy!!!!

stars!! the thinnest fingers are mine!!!

they want to tk this pic to show u all that i finish the earthquake!! EVIL!! it's not me! i swear.. is the 2 of them!!! i'm innocent!

i n fatty got same left hand.. (he say one.. haha.. see the lines.. is abt the same!)

can guess who are the 2 idoits who cover their face? tt's us!
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Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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