bear with me..
go tru my post exams with me slowly n painfully..
but to me..
gosh!! i really enjoyed sia~~
okie.. so wad's my next activity??
ok! i went school again!
and i meeting some of the peeps for jamming.. (die.. dunno can write here not. i chop chop)
shall not say more.
this is one of the song they jam.
got to learn guitar also.
but only one chord
C major..
if i not wrong..
so exciting..
but from then on
i only know C..
i is so "CLEVER"
Piggy say i got guitar look! hahaha..
den he took some phOtos of moi holding guitar..
some pics n videos...
吻别part 1 (at the end of vid, louis forgot his lyrics)
吻别part 2 (jazz 吻别den rock all the way)
吻别part 2 (jazz 吻别den rock all the way)
got to learn guitar also.
but only one chord
C major..
if i not wrong..
so exciting..
Piggy say i got guitar look! hahaha..
den he took some phOtos of moi holding guitar..
but from then on
i only know C..
i is so "CLEVER"
some pics...

耍酷!! gosh! i think he wants to drink ice cool.. (okie.. i know i lame!)

mh n louis on guitar.. one is zai kia.. one is er.. not so bad la.. a good beginner.. hahaha..

beginner teaching moi~~ no lar..
louie is also a not so bad guitarist..

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