hahah.. no lar. this is my first reaction when voices clique say go ecp blading..
i was like: " har.. go expressway?"
ECP = East Coast Park
hahah.. aNqi was damn high on going
she got the crave to blade very long very long liao!!
and on that day.. she was super high
and i am supre freaking scare..
those who went skating with me shOuld know hah..
three on blade.. the rest on bike!
kao.. we took like 2 hrs to reach lagoon food centre..
n my leg was sore..
the blade was big for me!
hahaha.. n sometimes.. i lazy.. i will hold on to Raymond and he cycle me for quite a distance!
i is a lazy girl!!! hahahaha..
however, it was quite fun!
after lunch.. i decide not to blade and gave my blades to huili..
i is tired n freaking scare.. hahaha.. (i fall once btw!)
and Ray took over Mh..
n the only standing gal is aNqi!
hahaha.. i decide to walk with Ray..
he ah..
fall like nobody's business..
i am so freaking worried la~ hahah.. where got ppl blade until like tt!
until half way, the guys decide to change to double bike..
and i decide to hop on one bike and go cycling!! cool..
we went to a jetty.. and we saw RAINBOW!!!
woohoo~ it's been a long time i see rainbow le..
guess wad..
after returning the blades..
huili suggest a wonderful place to have dinner!
can anyone guess??
okie.. i think no one will think of it..
and the guys complain its not nice!
(huili din know the auntie today off 水准)
okie.. smth bad happen too.. louis lost his hp..
poor boi! its a brand new hp sia~
okie.. after dinner n some searching for my air tics n louis hp.. (both to no avail)
we decide to go Esplanade!
to sit down n chill ba~
but instead we walk to the merlion!
i really sua ku teng!
i never walk tt bridge before! hahaha.. the night scenary is nice!
however, we feel that it's abit dark.. think they switch off the light somewhere
i like the breeze~
and the merlion there was also wonderful!!
okie.. i think we r pigs!
after our night walk..
we... we... we...
we went to gluttons bay to eat.. hao jian n chicken wings!!
opps! fei si wo men!!
and after our supper we went to aNqi's hse to ton!!!!
we played 7-up!!
n i am the winner!! yeah...
i is clever de lor..
all lose!
at aNqi's place.. we watch dvds n play daidee till morning!!
and everybOdy konked out and we woke up at like 10 plus..
and continue our next Outing!
Suki sushi buffet!!!
wahahahaha.. fei s wo men!!!!
had so much fun!! hope to do it again..
it's abit sad.. that cant join u all for the malaysia trip!
take more pics n videos for me ah!
pic-to time!!!!
Before setting off...

At the jetty...

he's trying to 耍功夫!!! hahaha..

can u see the rainbow???
At Merlion there...

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