hahaha.. since alot of ppl nvr see him before!
he is a legend man~ okie la...
he gets on my nerve sometimes but he sometimes is vv cute de lor~ hahaha
oh yar..
y legend? 'cos he damn fat!!!
it's been a long time since i am home.. *he miss moi sia*
and den when i am finally home..
i am gg to the States!
i think he super upset! and i dun have time for him too! poor boi!! hee~
i will buy nice things for ya~
i dunno if i am evil or not..
i hope he dun know. if not i is dead meat..
hahaha.. these are his pics!
dun b too stress abt his size k! hahahaha..

haahaa.. wad's yr reaction?
i think its in the genes ba~ i last time also tt fat! hahaha..
but he is a nice boi.. sometimes only..
when i am rarely at home!
hahaha.. he will try to 照顾我! so sweet right..
i remember one day.. i walk until leg sore.. den i go home tell him my leg sore..
he give me a funny face.. den say.. "ok lar.. later help u massage!"
fwahahaha.. but this type of thing "gu gu ji bai" (hokkien)
u try asking him whether he will share his food not..
see wad he say to u!
he "bo hue" u lor!
that's him! wad to do!
but he sometimes really get on my nerve ah~
like recently..
fight in school or something.. den dun wan to admit wrong sia~ fight with my mum in the midde of the night.. made my dad fed up.. den made me nearly cannot go states.. cos all bad mood.. i say wad dey dun wan to care! i felt like killing him!!
budden its something vv normal in the house lar.. so.. hahaha.. xi guan le~
den hor.. recently..
he 偷吃 my choco for yz's "farewell" prezzie! (i am in the toilet)
when i go into the room.. i saw him faster put back the 盖 of the container..
i do tt choco thing do until i mlh..
den i vv angry!
ask him whether he got 偷吃 not..
den he look at me innocently.. (好的不学, 学 my bad habits!)
wah.. he shake head wor.. die die also dun wan to admit!
den i force open his mouth!!
i saw my choco inside his disgusting mouth!! i really wan to box him.. but he run too fast den i keep shouting den my mum scold me! roar! hahaha..
den hoh.. nvr mind..
sunday go home..
roar! saw my farewell gift crumpled!!!!
i tell u i really boiled!!! i really wan to take a parang to the swimming pool n chop him up! ( he is swimming with dad!) den i shout again! my mum box me again!!!!
*she say i nvr put in a safe place!*
roar! i put tt place.. he cfmed cant touched one!!! roar!!!
*i'm so sorry!!!! i really got put in a good place!*
den hoh.. when he is back! i really roared at him.. he so stressed up.. my mama see me so pek chek also try to say say abit!
den he say.. he wanna use internet.. den not tall enuff.. den stand high high.. lost balance.. whole body crushed on the poster!
i boiled! i dun wan to tok to him! den he stressed!!!
den i ask my mama to laminate for me
n fatty say he promise to be careful (as if)
but after a few hours.. i became good frens with him again..
and he decide to let me sleep on the bed and he sleep on the mattress..
fwahahaha.. i is evil sister! but i dun care!
- gonna miss u.. 肥肥 -
P.S my daddy call him 小胖! hahaha.. opps! *shan, reminds me of u!*
haha.. ur brother more or less look the same leh.. round round but cute cute..
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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