darn it.
was sore abt the whole darn thing.
yup.. was away for very long..
cos i am busy. and i am lazy to upload pics!
but newae,
have been to alot of great places in korea.
this weekend we decide to rest.
i have work to do.
but at least i am still able to read a book for this weekend!
love it!
am very excited. going to lotte world next week after mud festival.
and at such a fabulous price!!
cos us like 40 sing bucks to get in?
now gg with the school, it will cost us ten plus i think.
wadever is the case.
we save on transport and admission fee!
love everything here.
the food and the stuff.
it seems that it will grow on u.
sch is nt tt fun but hey.. everything else is great! hahaha..
cant wait for school term to end but tt means NUS/Sg here we are..
abit depressing.
but we still have to accept the fact.
since we import so many things..
CAN they import all the korean stuff back to sing?
the tibits are hundred times nicer and HEALTHIER!
i think i am gg crazy.
and i think when i am back in singapore.
i will be darn poor cos i will be eating korean often.
the bbq.
my kimchi chigae..
etc etc...
i must leng jing..
if u wanna venture..
go for korean food!!
to end off..
a group photo at gyeongju
and this is a picture of myself at 大长今's studio on my second trip to seoul..
love it!

more pics coming..
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