i felt good.
probably becos of the wonderful day i had with dearie and the wonderful dinner!!
as Wednesday was a free day for me.. i slept tru the morn.. I initially wanted to do work.. =.= but i was too tired. but at least i did my laundry.. hahaha.. met with boi n jieyin and went back to dorm to sleep the whole afternoon again.. THAT BAD!
and so i told boi that this morning i want to go to school to study for my korean! was really happy that i am able to read korean words already!! from zero to someting! :p
so this morn.. we board the 1010 shuttle bus to school. bought 2 big packets of milk and smuggle our breakfast to the lib. I think we can eat inside.. but it is safer to be discreet!! hahaha.. The morn is pleasant. we work on our project indivdually and then went for lunch. Cram for like 2 and a half hours for korean test! hahaha.. so much fun! okie.. not tt fun. but it's like learning like a child.. it's not easy.. but it's fun! had pak bing su with dearie.. we are considering it as a treat for ourselves! it was great! n then we cont with our last lap of cramming! Jieyin came from dorm and we went to classroom. The day is realli pleasant. Slow and nice.. nothing to rush.. newae.. test was okay.. cos u just vomit out wad u memorise. This is wad it was tested:
1) consonants
2) our classmates name
3) 8 national heritage
you may think this is nothing.. like how is it useful in the future.. I would beg to defer as this is a good tactic.. SHE made ME MEMORISE all the consonants n some vowels.. so i know how to make the word out.. pronounce it and write it. ZAI! good tactic..
yup.. so after class.. slack arnd cos emma did not on her phone and then we met her for dinner. She is realli nice! We met her during our campus tour. she is our guide and later she became dearie n jieyin's grp mate. She is really cute and nice. Her english is good!! i mean the best i have known. And i realli admire her as she has toured almost all the europe countries while doing her intern in netherlands! I so wanna go europe!! *please let the oil price fall*
newae.. emma so wanted to bring us to this restaurant. italian/mexican and etc. it is sort of a fusion. It's abit ex.. but the ambience and the nice lady boss made it all worthwhile!! =) Pictures shall do the talking!! newae.. emma had been here 3 times this week. the food portion was a lil small for jieyin so she is able to sweet talk(bargain in a nice way) to get us free coffee.. IT's good. It's english cups. i felt so european! Had a wonderful chat and we took a cab back.. I realli love the place. tho is cost like 17 sing bucks for a pasta. It taste realli good!!! n the portion is okay.. the company is great! this realli marks a very nice ending for the day. =)

the girl beside hohyeon is EMMA!


what i had! it was so nice!! i had a similar dish in chjimes before. It cost 25 dollars and it is not tt great.. haiz.. this cost only 11000won.

wad hohyeon had..

dearie's craving satisfied! This is yummylicious!

the coffee they gave us free! so pretty right..

i like this sort of sugar.. always seen it in comics when the queen is having her tea! but apparently jieyin says it can be found in singapore.. i was like "REALLY?"

my messy hair.. :(

outside the place!!
the lady boss is nice.. she says next time when we are going back again.. she will give us more food! hahaha.. i will.. :p Emma is gg there again.. she wants to bring the western guys over!! =)
thank you EMMA!!
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