so we checked out for our hostel and embarked to the korean village which is nearby!
we went to the wrong one initially and finally made it to the place we wanted to go!
we saw lulu, a taiwanese girl whom we shared a room with at the hostel and we decide to walk around tog!! She's realli a nice gal and she has been touring around for one day.. meeting fren in the evening and she is going to live with her!!
so this is realli a nice place.
very traditional and pretty.
as usual.. lots of kids for excursion!
that's really nice!!
the pictures shall do the talking!! :)
people doing caligraphy in there!
this is the time capsule which the seoul mayor and the ppl buried. it was to be taken out 500 years later? i forgot.. but i wont live to the age to see it. As they found many stuffs that are left behind on this site, they decide to benefit the future generation to let them know more about their country! :)
this is lulu!!

as u know.. koreans are smart ppl. their house has a heating system for the winter. this is the replica of it! hahaha.. the children are so fascinated! one even got knock on their head as he forgot there is a ceiling on top.

the games they play last time!

we can see the seoul tower from here!

while we are touring around the place. a group of ppl aproach us to play skipping rope. saying this is a game they are playing and they need tourist to play with them. boi was volunteered by us. hahaha.. wanna take a pic of them.. and they invite me into the pic!

they were to jump ten times with so many ppl. but they did it. and the prize was their company soy sauce.. dear is sad.. cos it is heavy!! hahahah

yeah.. and this marks the end of the korean village. we took a train down to myeong dong.. and it ginseng chicken!! woohoo!!!!!

i tot it will be very ginseng-y. i dun like ma. but it turns out to be great. the ginseng is in the rice de.. so the soup is delicious. oh.. the rice is glutinous rice wor!! woohoo.. i am hungry le.. i am salvating now..
and then we walk arnd the shopping district. went to ice-cream creamery.. i think is the name. famous usa icecream. woot. not bad. defi better than the singapore ones..

tadah!! yum yum..
saw a man selling corn.. which i saw many ppl eating.. SO i GOT one. IT's humongous.. BUT.. it is not the juicy kind that we got in singapore. SOB.. chewy de.. hahaha.. didnt finish the whole thing. :p
walk around for a while.. and decide to grab a donut.. that we never see before. forgot the name but the mascot is a lion. see the brown donut. it is shape like the lion's mane. Not that bad, i would say. but my fav is still krispy kreme. hurhur!! oh.. DEFI than SINGAPORE's "famous" donut.. i am beginning to pai chi singapore stuff more n more.. :p
at around 4-5 like tt. we cab back to the hostel to get our luggage and then take the same cab to go to seoul station! so worth it!! hahaha.. we took muganghwa back. not ktx.. a 2 hrs ride.. we slept tru-out! woohoo..
Seoul is not tt bad la..
more exciting places coming up!!!!!

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