Thursday, November 30, 2006
i am not depressed.
feel something is missing.
i've learnt quite alot for the past few weeks.
i've learnt..
真的会让你每天都有这种感觉吗 ?
如果, 你有努力和天分。。
still got alot.. but i seem to forget.. :)
remember this phrase from someone. (forgot who.. 'm sorry)
"I seem to lost myself while trying to find the new me."
find it very true.
my normal "no life" routine (i think my sistaz know wad it means lar..),
made me realise that everybody is caught up in the rat race.
be it u r working or u r studying..
"A fulfilling life is better than slogging your life for good results.."
may sound familiar to some,
may sound stupid to some.
i fall into the first category.
so familiar..
but i realise..
by having a fulfilling life..
would mean good results.
good results are actually a subset of fulfilling life.
men wans
fulfilling life = money + power + status
dun say its untrue.
whatever you want for a fulfilling life,
it somehow are tied up with that three WOW words.
for wad..
you have been living in this sort of world for so long..
i'm still finding myself..
but the problem is..
i am very slow in looking for things.
have been thinking of hospitality again..
i need to 打很多电话。。 (mei will know wad i mean..)
darn it.
but i scare i 打了。。
i seriously need a treasure hunter's spirit in my life..
girl (april),
i am damn proud n so jealous of u..
Sunday, November 26, 2006
this is what chingy says when she receives my card.
i wan to say i 被你们摸到too.
SUPER DUPER touched!
我一个人又冷又累在library mug..
hoping i can get some warmth.
probably a jacket..
'cos the stupid me can hold my jacket in my hands and realise it is lost only a few hours later..
it is my bday prezzie somemore..
'm totally disgusted with myself!
yar.. so i m freezing in the lib..
no jacket man 'cos he got exam.
and i also shy!
i met my sista..
woo.. shan mei mei, i love ya..
hahaha.. she brought 2 jacket.
1 for her n 1 for me.
to use till i buy a new one!
u all is my besta frEnz
den.. this morning..
i receive a call..
ching mei mei..
she says her mama cook food for me..
she bringing to school for me..
rant the whole day wanting to eat homecook food n woohoo..
got home cook food to eat liao..
tho i vv shy..
ching mei mei's mama food is nice de wor..
am so excited!
happy happy!!
back to my JApan..
i read until i wAn to sleep.
Nara, Hein, Tukugawa, Meiji.. think miss out smth in between.. den u must rmb all those stupid ppl. i now only can rmb Fujiwara.. who marries all his daughters to the emperor.. Eeewwwwew..
okie.. back to the books!
JiayOu pEeps.
JiAyOu BOy~
JiaYOu Moi~
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
i'm the late musketeer..

muahahah.. yep.. the late musketeer is here to blog about her idea! muahaha...
tt's my idea. sweet right.
tho i came so late.. and everything is done.
and not all my ideas are used!
All the best~ Together Forever! :p
okie.. am bored.. so decide to blog..
have been raining for days.
have been reading for days.
i is BORED!
i is SIANZ!
so many overdued post..
will keep u guys update again!
muahahah.. wad else is new.
tok to me if got lobang! :)
JiayOu peeps!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
for him..
Saturday, November 18, 2006
to kill time.. n oso some tots
tat n sern, muz b now in their bed sleeping their heads off.
i still have to wait till shyan to return me my keys.
its ok.
i shall use this time to blog.
it's a crazy week.
how crazy is it?
dun wish to elaborate.
but its the worst.
*i think*
the effect of this week is still on me.
mayb tt's my life.
in any case.
wld really thank all those who realli help me out.
esp. tat. (for yest.)
cant thank enuff.
me, yanyan, chingy will rmb u!
n whoever that i see/tok to this week.
it matters. :)
thanks for this mOrning, boys!
realli a GOOD therapy for me.
minesweeper, toking cok, movie, tibbits, the company..
wad more can u ask for..
when u actually plan to study overnight in central lib.
*ooh.. n i complete a mission for tat.
feel damn proud too.
tho, tt "mission" was meant a small getaway..
but my suayness will never decrease..
so stupid things happen again and with tat's help.
somehow.. it's solve.
budden tt mission was fun!!!*
hahahahaha.. darn!
oh yar..
and when i woke up from that nap..
and realise dawn has come..
the feeling is good.
i seem to forget my stress.
took a walk at the balcony.
i even caught sight of an airplane with the orangy-blue sky as backgrnd.
and with stupid jokes by the two of them..
hahaha.. best time of the week!
one sad thing would b the grave of fireflies cant load..
if i know.. i shld have watch the classic.
would like to tok abt this person.
vv gan dong.
tho she nvr do anything.
but tt concern she gave me,
makes me feel so loved n so guilty.
she is my er.. childhood fren?
born 2 mths after me.
and we grow up playing n studying together till we r pri 5 (tt's when we separate).
i can still rmb some of our childhood memories.
n it really feels good to think back.
that separation drifts us apart.
men are weird.
frens who are so close, can become so distant when each of them has different agendas in life.
i'm so happy..
she is doing so well.
alwaz an artist, forever an artist.
she did not prove me wrong. :)
when we r small..
we stick arnd doing our art hmk together..
hahaha.. i alwaz vv stress up.
her drawings all A wor..
even my mama says she talented.
so when u choose to go *shit, forget. Laselle? Nafa?* art school lar..
i know she will excel.
she is doing great.
hey girl.. realli u r doing great. :)
men.. tho separated..
but then
there's smth in you that u will never forget.
tt smth is call memory.
it is alwaz there in yr heart.
y heart but not somewhere in yr brain.
hmm..i feel tt..
things tt dun make u forget/reminisce is smth that touched yr heart in someway or another.
disappointment, love, sadness, etc etc.. all these...
are from yr heart.
not yr brain.
therefore, once yr heart is being affected in someway.
u will never forget.
that's how i feel.
well.. yep..
our 2 families are close.
that's why when we look back.
besides us affecting each other.
our family members do play a part.
u rmb my granny.
i rmb yr bro, papa n mama.
somehow.. to hear tt they are doing well.
it feels good. :)
thanks for showing concern on tt day.
n thx for encouraging me!
jiAyou! jiAyOu! jiAyOu!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
it's back
"it's back ah.."
den i ask her is it very obvious.
she say yes.
it's back.
'cos its the time of the sem again.
it seems worst.
vv angry!
i hate this time of the year.
i cant breathe.
i've drowned on some days.
and revived for some hours and den died again.
"4" this number is what i'm looking forward to.
"17", end of my misery?
"XX", will i die of disappointment?
i is 懦弱。
i is 可笑的。
the fact had actually never left me.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
when i am walking,
when i am on the bus,
when i am stoning..
wad is life.
wad do u wan in life?
can u control yr life?
i believe in destiny.
vv silly.
but somehow, i choose to believe it.
finished my "Notebook",
different from the movie,
but then again..
it got me thinking.
there's the part, where Allie realise she got Alzemier.
And Noah, who loves her dearly,
was there with her when the doctor tells them the condition..
good or bad.
it is yr life.
and that's it.
wad's there to live for?
live for yr family?
when u dun remember them?
well, many will say, its good to forget.
but, is it?
to Noah,
it's devastating.
knowing yr love one is sick.
got to see this show in the evening yesterday.
the granny died infront of his hon.
how sad can it be to see yr love one leave u?
got to hear alot of stories nowadays.
feel sad about life.
it's unpredictable.
how it affects someone.
and it somehow got me to think about my granny n grandpa again
at the age of 15.
do i know wad is the meaning of parting?
can i feel the pain?
mayb yes,
a little.
wad about my grandpa.
i alwaz rmb the red eyes i saw.
can i feel it?
mayb not then.
but i can feel it now.
mayb i have matured.
i think.
i went to visit him yesterday.
not really visit,
juz to bring food for him n my uncle.
he asked me," 'm i working now?"
it's ok for the elderly to forget such things.
memory fails.
and he got a lot of grandchildren
cant keep track of everyone right?
but tt's not the 1st time he ask me.
its ok to think tt i am graduating.
but he ask me whether i am working..
on my way home,
i rmb my grandpa to be the strong n healthy guy.
it seems like
after my granny left.
his health deterioate.
plus so much things happen at home recently.
is he happy?
i wOnder now..
as in the emptyness w/o my granny.
who controls it?
you, me or destiny.
i walk pass the pgp canteen.
saw the little girl i alwaz saw in pgp.
wearing school uniform..
watching tv in tv room.
walking arnd
doing the little things tt she like.
i saw her.
sitting alone in the canteen.
reading in the dim light.
waiting for her mummy to close shop.
do i feel sad for her?
den i ask myself.
y shld u?
she is happy.
Happiness is how u define for yrself.
my life is good.
way too good.
i juz dun cherish it.
i will juz live it to the fullest.
juz dun have anymore regrets.
i know i make a lot of silly mistakes.
take alot of wrotng steps.
hurt alot of people.
can i make amendments?
no point looking back.
mayb i shld look forward.
miracles will happen for people who wants to fight on but not for those who wish miracle will JUST happen in their life..
Friday, November 10, 2006
loSt tOuch
i tend to forget the joy it brings me.
'm happy.
i decide to pick up a book and read.
For many many months...
or perhaps,
for a year..
i keep wanting to read..
time forbids me
i pick up the "Notebook".
and it become some sort of my bedtime story.
tho its only a few page.
I'm happy.
please let it continues..
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
就像他说的: "我是个罪人吗?"
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
* 如果骄傲没被现实大海冷冷海啸
穿过风又绕个弯心海仍旧像往常一样 *
# 最初的梦想紧握在手上 最想要去的地方
怎能在半路就分合 最初的梦想绝对会到达
实现了整个渴望 才能算到过了天堂 #
Repeat * # #
Sunday, November 05, 2006
歌手:五月天 专辑:听不到你
Saturday, November 04, 2006
sitting dwn by the window with a FM.
looking out of the window.
I love 151.
the non-aircon one.
sitting by the open window and let the wind blow into yr face..
I love the night @ vivo.
sitting there n stoning.
What do i actually like..
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
say byebye!
my lappy gg to say byebye to me.
it auto shut down again!!!
dun pull stun on me..
i have tons of work this week!
i have a "wonderful" life
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
fcuking ugly world..
if one day, u look nto the mirror and ask yrself why are u so ugly..
it's ok.
you need not go into depression.
the whole darn world is ugly too.
so why waste yr energy on being sad when everybody is ugly too..
i am very angry. very very angry..
till to a point i wan to slap everybody..
i have not been so angry since i am back till now..
wad the hell..
come on people..
let me tell u something.
when u grow up.
Dun ever think that u r force to take care of yr parents.
this is wad u should do.
yes you!
wad you have now..
is not drop from the sky.
is what yr parents provide u
so one day..
u got yr own family..
and they are smth that is important to u at that point of time..
( please use yr darn brain - without yr parents u will NEVER have existed and had such accomplishment. )
if u want to be filial to yr parents.
do it the right way.
dun think that bringing them out is smth wonderful u had done.
And u r filial.
good that u have their heart.
let me tell u wad is monkey see monkey do.
if u let yr child see how u neglect yr parents.
let me tell u.
when u r old..
u will experience it too..
cfm guarantee plus chop.
read before 小木碗?
tt's it!
and peeps,
if u got time.
please do go n visit yr grandparents if u have time.
dunno wad to say to them its still ok.
show that u care.
u all understand not??
Singaporeans is really smth else..
i wonder how effective is all the campaign that the govt is trying to instil into u.
i think nothing goes into those inconsiderate ppl's brainer.
mayb i shld do my part in repeating wad the govt is trying to go into.
they want a polite society.
remember the 4 million smiles??
please dun smile at the elites only..
if u wan..
smile at the people arnd u.
darn it!
if there's alot of people taking the train..
do u have to worry that u dun have a place to sit.
(mayb its becos there's smth wrong with yr legs and u desperately need to sit down no matter wad..
oops! me bad.. really.. i am so bad.. i dunno that the feeble legs of yours after a few hours of SHOPPING will result yr legs to give way.. and u dun care any image of yours and had to snatch that only precious seat with an elderly..
i am not a doctor.. but i can give u an advice/advices. if u are poor, drink milk. if u have some money on hand. go get a car. u dun have to throw face n will get a comfy seat without fighting.. isn't it cool?!)
to girls..
if u need to attend to smth which is important to u but..
u are meeting yr bf..
and u dunno wad to do..
if u are worried that yr bf is angry for being late..
and decide not to do that important thing..
u can jolly well, say gdbye to him forever.
if he is the one, no matter how long..
he will still wait and respect what you are doing..
y becum a 笨女人。
so yar..
ppl is ugly..
the world is shit..
do yr part..
dun you think i am scolding everybody except myself.
i is ugly too..
nuttin will ever change.
wad the hell..
i am still angry..
meaningful song..
歌手:范玮琪 专辑:一比一
Monday, October 16, 2006
please see the post before first!!!!!!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
long lost frEn?
it's been how long?
i think the last time we communicate is when i am having emerge this year.
like km..
the feeling is the same..
so whenever,
i think of a higher hokkien ah beng..
a drummer,
a guitarist,
a not a christian christian..
i'll remember the times our clazz had together..
abit strange.
i dun rmb how i study in JC.
i only rmb the times when our class are waiting for the next lesson to start.
the times we went to the fish tank.
the times..
we dunno is studying or slacking..
the times they suan me! *darn it*
hahahaha.. how i miss tt class.
and wonder how come the situation is not as bad as i tot will becum.
bao is leaving..
wad will our situation b like?
i really wonder..
i thank those who had a part in my life.
i miss you all.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Free Hugs Campaign
Come on peeps.
A day a hug keeps the sorrow away..
it's really nice.. but Singapore is too conservative..
But please..
ppl like *ahhem* dun abuse it.. (joking!!!)
it's a gesture to show that u care~
i care!
pls pass on..
Thursday, October 12, 2006
taboo words..
Vivien says in wadever we write..
We must never use words such as SHOULD n WOULD.
i agree.
Will blur the users.
I begin to learn.
I will try not to use it.
ppl.. try not to use this words..
if u want to tell me smth.
i dunno u want or dun want.
作词:f.i.r 作曲:f.i.r
good song. vv meaningful..
altho i dun like to sing the chorus! hahahah..
i am a woman on a mission
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
life Vs swing
and while i am swinging, i got this thinking pop into my head.
people ususally compare life to a see saw..
in life when there's up, we will surely have down.
so i shall compare life to a swing.
mayb not swing. but the experience on sitting on a swing
ever walk past a playground full of kids playing happily with the swing?
ever notice the happiness they had when they go real high?
next scenario..
ever walk past a group of teenagers/adults perhaps swinging?
especially girls.. *i am not stereotyping or anything*
screaming at the top of their lungs to ask their fren to stop pushing them so high??
maybe this theory of mine only applies to ppl like me.
likes the thrill of going high.
wants to feel the freedom?
wants to feel the carefreeness?
and den..
when u are about to go real high..
u stop
u became a coward..
scare of falling.
*tho u jolly well know, u wun fall*
and u stop!
i think i will just swing at a comfortable height..
darn it. wad's the use of working so hard and the result u get is fcuking not wad u wan.
just aim low. mayb i'll feel better.
(it may mean another thing.. i'm not smart.)
did i tell u all i saw hwa hwa on monday??
so busy till i forgot..
mao han!
i saw him outside mac.. like thief like tt.. muahahaha..
no lar.. vv aimless.. dunno what to do.
needless to say..
what is his purpose le lar hor.
updates.. he coming to engine lea.. NUS one somemore..
is this a bad news or good news?
i think life will be better.. i can laff more.
oh ya..
talk for awhile..
den i rmb wad ah ngia told us when we have gathering..
*i think its true..*
he change abit..
but then he is still our hwa hwa..
he ask for another gathering..
alwaz like tt..
den i rmb mei's entry.
i realise too.
they have becum a very special part in our lives.
how i yearn for our sec school life.
I think that's my best years!
cant go back.
only can yearn for it.
but isnt it wonderful to go back.. and stay there forever.
ceteris paribus
how i miss the times.
thanks for everything friends!
i love my sisters too~ :)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
another vv sad song..
however, am proud to say is jay's creation.
::the chorus::
please.. if u got prob.. dun avoid.
go n solve it.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
an advice! *proud*
someone ask me something.
about wad to give to girls lar..
want to know wad girls look out for nowadays.
(u know.. scare give wrong things ma.. as in the girl will appreciate not.)
den we talk and talk for so long..
keep saying must depend on the girl's character and wad she looks out for.
i say something cleber!
i say:"Why must think of things to please girls lea? if she likes what you give then that means she is somehow your type. No point to please someone that has to make you do things that only make that person happy!"
Got point hor..
Saturday, October 07, 2006
for fun..
i think this is not right..
but i think this is farnie..
have wireless at home?
always kena tap by yr neighnours..
go to this website..
and i think they will never tap on yr network ..
cos i think..
check it out!
it's damn cool lar.
but i suspect my 娘 is going towards 可爱路线
like my sistaz's 娘
my sistaz's 娘 all damn cute one lor..
den when i was lamenting to them my my mum not cute..
den she do stun to me...
i think this is a trend..
all the 娘s in the world decide to go 可爱路线
i think my sistaz dunno wad happen yet..
so i shall say here..
this is wad happened..
moi: 没有, 不是讲了咯?
娘: den 有月饼吃吗?
moi:不是讲了咯, 婆婆讲要拜拜了才可以吃, 所以没有带去学校..
*beware! this is the stun part*
娘: obigood lar.. 没有回家, 没得吃咯. (pls.. her tone is damn farnie one.. abit act cute abit suan..)
kao.. kena suan by my niang!
but the moral of the story is that..
is damn farnie la..
woo~ wad is happening man?
Friday, October 06, 2006
sorry peeps..
due tO some technical problems..
my links n tagboard
so give me some time to put it all back ah..
Thursday, October 05, 2006
interesting reads...
means u are tired from your studies and need some reliever??
so here i am..
not gg to bore u with my nonsense..
read if u wan..
it may b boring.. hahahha..
i shall read tmr..
i must finish my ICC first.. ROAR.. (hf's n zommerang's fault.. =.= i vv sleepy!!!)
but alot of course mates says the article is not bad..
ooh.. i like this sentence. from one of the article in tt webby,
"if you don’t like what you see in the mirror, don’t blame the mirror"
what if...
set my tired mind.. really thinking..
and i stress..
Very meaningful..
i bet u think of these problems before..
*food for thought*
took from
By Daniel Sokol |

Suppose you could save five lives by taking one - what would be the correct thing to do? Such ethical dilemmas provide classic "experiments" for philosophers. Here the Magazine presents four such quandaries and asks readers to vote on what they think is right.
[Magazine note: apologies but we have had a technical hitch with the votes. We've replaced the vote modules, and will add those already cast to the totals.]
Like scientists, philosophers use experiments to test their theories. Unlike scientists, their experiments do not require sophisticated laboratories, white-robed technicians or even rodents. They occur in the mind, and start with 'What if...'.
These "thought experiments" help philosophers clarify their understanding of certain concepts and intuitions. In the field of ethics, thought experimenters typically present a dilemma, examine the most popular "intuitive" response and then show the implications for real-world issues.
But such experiments are rarely tested on large numbers of people. So to reach a larger group, here are four typical experiments. Readers are invited to vote on how they think they would act in each case.
Here is a well-known example:
One day, you wake up in hospital. In the nearby bed lies a world famous violinist who is connected to you with various tubes and machines.
To your horror, you discover that you have been kidnapped by the Music Appreciation Society. Aware of the maestro's impending death, they hooked you up to the violinist.
If you stay in the hospital bed, connected to the violinist, he will be totally cured in nine months. You are unlikely to suffer harm. No one else can save him. Do you have an obligation to stay connected?
The creator of the experiment, Judith Thomson, thinks the answer is "no". It would be generous if you did, she claims, but there is no obligation to stay, even if that means the violinist will die.
So how is this bizarre scenario related to the real world? Thomson used the experiment to show that a pregnant woman need not go to full term with her baby, as long as she had taken reasonable steps to avoid getting pregnant. It is thus a "pro-choice" argument.
The violinist represents the baby, and you - in the hospital bed - play the role of the mother. If you think unhooking yourself from the violinist is acceptable, but aborting an unwanted foetus is not, what are the moral differences between the two cases? In both situations, you could save a person by bearing a great burden for nine months.
One major flaw with thought experiments, especially in ethics, is that they are rarely tested on people. The sample size is minuscule. The philosopher will simply assume that most people think that one option is right (or wrong).
Philippa Foot, a renowned British philosopher, believed that if a doctor, about to save a patient's life with a large dose of a scarce drug, was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of five patients each in need of one fifth of the drug (without which death would be certain), then the doctor should give it to the five. It is, after all, better to let one person die than five.
Elizabeth Anscombe, another prominent philosopher, disagreed: "There seems to me nothing wrong with giving the single patient the massive dose and letting the others die". As these assumptions about people's intuition are central to the arguments of many philosophers, and as these assumptions can be tested, why not do so?
One of the most famous thought experiments in ethics is "the runaway trolley". It aims to clarify how we should distinguish right from wrong.
Here is the scenario with two well-known variations.
A runaway trolley car is hurtling down a track. In its path are five people who will definitely be killed unless you, a bystander, flip a switch which will divert it on to another track, where it will kill one person. Should you flip the switch?
The runaway trolley car is hurtling down a track where it will kill five people. You are standing on a bridge above the track and, aware of the imminent disaster, you decide to jump on the track to block the trolley car. Although you will die, the five people will be saved.
Just before your leap, you realise that you are too light to stop the trolley. Next to you, a fat man is standing on the very edge of the bridge. He would certainly block the trolley, although he would undoubtedly die from the impact. A small nudge and he would fall right onto the track below. No one would ever know. Should you push him?
Philippa Foot would say that everyone ("without hesitation") would choose to flip the switch in the first trolley case, but that most of us would be appalled at the idea of pushing the fat man.
The philosophical puzzle is this: Why is it acceptable to sacrifice the one person in The Runaway Trolley Car but not in The Fat Man case? Can it ever be morally acceptable to kill an innocent person if that is the only way to save many? Should some actions - such as deliberately killing innocent people against their wishes - never be done? The last thought experiment explores this idea:
An enormous rock falls and blocks the exit of a cave you and five other tourists have been exploring. Fortunately, you spot a hole elsewhere and decide to let "Big Jack" out first. But Big Jack, a man of generous proportions, gets stuck in the hole. He cannot be moved and there is no other way out.
The high tide is rising and, unless you get out soon, everyone but Big Jack (whose head is sticking out of the cave) will inevitably drown. Searching through your backpack, you find a stick of dynamite. It will not move the rock, but will certainly blast Big Jack out of the hole. Big Jack, anticipating your thoughts, pleads for his life. He does not want to die, but neither do you and your four companions. Should you blast Big Jack out?
If the roles were reversed, what would you advise your trapped companions to do?
Thought experiments, although abstract, possibly implausible and open to different interpretations, can have important repercussions on the way we think and act as individuals. They raise thorny questions about morality in medicine, war, politics and indeed in everyday life.
Is there a difference between killing someone and letting them die? Are consequences all that matter, or are there some things we should never do, whatever the outcome?
By pointing out inconsistencies in our thinking, or simply encouraging us to reflect on issues we usually ignore, they can sharpen our intellect and enrich our moral lives. They also make for great conversation topics at the dinner table or at the pub. But be warned: you may lose friends as a result. And stay away from caves and bridges.
Daniel Sokol is a medical ethicist at Imperial College, London.
wow.. long huh..
if u read everything finished..
i bet it set u thinking, right?
how deep is our mind?
how scary it is?
Can we ever know the answer?
Monday, October 02, 2006
save my blog!
it is super duper ugly in Internet explorer.
use mozilla to read my blog..
it is nice!
*and i juz add a tagboard*
but then...
me n my big mouth
i would like to CORRECT this statement.
is either i am crazy that day or i am still in a holiday mood.
super late nights is back.
not going home during the weekend is becoming an option.
i am also looking into the option of sleeping late n waking up early and go to central lib to mug.
~or should i say to make central lib my second home in NUS?~
and to skip lecture.. 'cos i need to finish my SHITS (tt's juz a consideration)
What's efficiency?
to complete my stuff?
or to complete my stuff at a given time?
sometimes i tell myself.
the time u exceed spending on smth is not necessary a bad thing.
it means more effort is put in.
it will be good.
there's a limit to everything ba~
i cant b exceeding time everytime.
too much time spent may not means good quality.
It may still be shit.
i seem to forget how you will feel to finish all the shit that you have on a given day.
i know i have it when i am in zhss n when i am in states.
it IS siong.
not siong. IS super duper siong.
i tot i found the feeling back.
but then again..
*all the pilings of shit.. (really lea.. all sorts of different one!)
shall not tok abt it.*
it's like an internal struggle.
you wan swee swee but u also wan fast.
how can~
to me.. is cannot one.
i shall continue to have this internal struggle.
everyday, i will have different rounds of fight between time n swee.
but i know swee alwaz wins.
(but when i am tired.. i will consider letting time wins) ==> and that's when fear comes into play too.
my life rox man!
that's me. =.=
*i shall announce. i'm so screwed.*
my habits have change.
but i still dun feel accomplished.
come on..
let me feel it once more..
i shall make it happen.
i am a woman on a mission.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
~love story~
66 chapters.
i have read it before but briefly.
so today, i decide to read it again.
At one go.
With one feeling.
it's like a sine curve.
story is building up in the beginning and den slowly it reaches its peak and then the peak falls.
however, this story has more than 1 peak.
when there's more than one peak,
it would mean that there's more than one trough too.
So as the story progress,
each chapter gets longer.
with more details to add.
the author wants to convey more?
or is it becos there are too many things not to be missed out?
I have read that book before.
BUt not at one go.
after finish reading it.
i am speechless.
it's a good book.
I learn alot.
grow alot from it.
and i realise i have been foolish.
(people learn from mistake dun we?)
i think at some point in time,
there's only one word to describe me.
de javu. (hope i spell correctly)
its like its all coming back to me.
I FELT like reading the part 2 of the book.
However, it is not out yet.
juZ for fun
haha.. it's cute..
mayb it's becoz i have lost contact with programming..
so when i see this..
i find it rather amusing..
function stableMatching {
Initialize all m M and w W to free
while free man m who still has a woman w to propose to {
w = m’s highest ranked such woman
if w is free
engage (m, w)
else some pair (m’, w) already exists
if w prefers m to m’
(m, w) become married
m’ becomes free
(m’, w) remain married
Saturday, September 30, 2006
must i always be so reliant on n its thesaurus???
i need to do smth abt this!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
i cant breathe..
but i am still taking it easy..
i is dead.
dooms day coming.. hahah..
but then again..
i think..
all of us need to take a break!
so i am taking one too~
mid term break is coming.. yeah n boo! (dun ask me why..)
it's a breather for all of us..
*i hope. cross fingers!*
it juZ got to me..
its the last week to chiong all the fun n go back to the boring uni life..
and hereby i announce..
i am going to pamper myself with THERAPYS!
muahahah.. so wad's the first therapy?
i dun really know..
but here's a list of theraphy i hope i can attain by end of next week..
here goes..
ktvtherapyretailtherapymindnsoultherapymoneytherapymusictherapyeattherapy n etc etc..
but then again..
all these therapy boils down to one problem.
nair mind.. must pamper myself for the last lap..
getting excited for the break..
saw jh's msn nick: "ORD mood", felt like changing mine to: "mid term break mood"
tok abt the break..
i wan to say..
i am getting claustrophobic..
tt's scary!
i am asking myself this qns repeatedly..
am i trap in school for too long?
or am i trap in my room for too long?
i need a break..
i need to go out..
the fresh air..
see the nice scenary..
get my books out of my sight..
i wan to live by the sea~
here's something else..
to my friends oUt there..
i decide to be garang guni..
but is high class that type k!
so if u feel that u have too much unuse stuff..
u can give it to me.
i will do u a favor of having it!
since i is a high class garang guni..
here's a list of things u can give me.
- cds
- clothes, shorts, pants, dress etc etc
- accesories
- bags
i cant think of wad stuff u can give me! hahaha..
ok la.. you may b wondering why do i need all these stuff right?
dun think i am a crazy woman.
i was planning to see my old n usuable stuff online!
so need more stuffs to sell.. hahaha
u may b thinking of the proceeds right??
okie lar.
*after much discussion with moi-self*
i decide to take 5% commission of the total sale.
k, joking..
i just need stuff to sell online..
so mayb u give me the pic, n a stated price n a description of it.. i help u post online.. and all the proceeds goes to u!
*i good fren lea*
okie.. update me if u wan to sell or give me stuff!
-pls~ since it is gg to be use as resale stuff.. it must be of a certain quality..
u know.. not torn or "yellow" tee-shirt (发霉).
lalalalalllalalala.. sell all my stuff for my therapy!!!
talk abt online shopping..
i think i am addicted to it..
and i have friends who keep giving me website to go n see!
especially, there's sprees~
i is poor woman dun torture me!!
but.. since.. i cant go out window shopping..
I will do my own little "window" shopping through the windows of my computer..
no need walk so much..
there's so many things i wan to buy!
ooh.. someone STOP me!
Monday, September 18, 2006
not related by blood but are closer than kins
(tho some people say we do have some similar features)
We do not have anything in common..
(talents wise lar)
We are brought together by fate..
We laUgh 2gether..
We 酸 each other..
We dO stUpid things 2gether..
We cRy 2gether..
We play 2gether..
We stand by each Other eVerytIme..
We make a fOol oUt of oUrselves 2gether..
aNd ppl cAnnot cOmprehend..
Y in this wOrld there exists the 4 Of us?
U cant comprehend?
U thInk we R weIrd?
U thInk we r trying to A.A?
it'S up tO yOu all tO think whO we Are..
aS lOng aS we R haPpi, wE dUn give a DamN.
it's beEn some timE...
7 or 8 yeaRs?
so whO's counting?
dOes it matter?
wAd it matters wOuld be tHaT we will alWaz be there fOr eaCh other tilL wE neEd tHe walkIng sticks.
tHanks sisters~
LoVe yOu all LotZ..
thAnks for being there.
thAnks for not asking.
tHaNks for dOing yr mighty best to make me sMilEz.
thAnkS for trusting.
tHaNks fOr supPorting..
and lastly, thAnks for being you~
i feel good when i am with u all...
i dUn feel sO sad when times are bad..
bUt it's only when i leave you all i feel worse...
yOu all dO haVe the mAgiC powEr tO make the day shIne..
CaN't Thank enough fOr whAt yOu all have donE.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Light the candle of love
mayb you would want to think of the children around in the world who are victims of the internet child abuse..
You think that your problem cant be solve..
think of those abused children who cant even fend or speak for themselves..
So how great is your problem compared to theirs?
Please read:
The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves.
But you can.
With your support, we can eradicate this evil trade.
We do not need your money.
We need you to light a candle of support.
We're aiming to light One Million Candles by December 31, 2006.
This petition will be used to put pressure on governments, politicians,financial institutions, payment organisations, Internet service providers,technology companies and law enforcement agencies who have the power to work together to eradicate the commercial viability of online child abuse.
You have the power to get them to take action.
Please light your candle at or send an email to
Together, we can destroy the commercial viability of Internet child abuse sites that are destroying the lives of innocent children.
~You were once a kid.. you know what a kid should deserve.~
Thank you.
i love my brother
Thursday, September 14, 2006
thanks mingyang..
for enlightening me..
so dun affirm me..
i am not a 3 year old kid.
i know wad's my standard..
i am no cleber kid.
i dun have a good command of languange.
i cant converse well in whatever language that i know.
i know wad's going on around me..
i know i may be crazy..
i know i have my high-ness which some may never comprehend.
i have strange thinking which i dun understand myself sometimes.
that's me.
just dun affirm me telling me stuff just to please my ears.
it's useless..
I know myself.
i dun need pacifying.
i am not a kid.
i'm just me.
dun lie, dun cheat, dun hide.
P.S I have eyes. I can feel...
*thanks.. no comment wanted for this post!*
Monday, September 11, 2006
bad habit..
which i dun really encourage myself to do that..
i got a goal..
i hope i can learn to sleep early..
i shall try my uptmost effort to make it works
bless moi..
*let's set 2am for these few weeks till midterm*
-mid term play like hell-
*come back.. try to sleep at 1 or 12!*
-fat hope.. but i hope i can! it's not wrOng to dream-
Sunday, September 10, 2006
how i miss you all..
It's been a long time..
Very long..
and i had lost track of when we had one.
tho it's long..
but we still dun change.
nOt one bit..
and i just lOve the way it is.
the way we behave after so lOng..
the way we talk..
the way we feel abt each other..
the way we dun feel any qualms after not meeting each other for very long.
i juZ lOve today.
too bad it is a short one..
but the luNch was good..
i think it's becos of the company that we had got.
so wad's the update?
today there were ten of us.
too bad.. hui gor gor(muahahaha..) n hwa hwa not free to come..
they went overseas.
think it is for army..
and the rest nvr reply..
but i am quite satisfied with the turnout la.. got 10 lea..
oh yeah.. kel is nOt here.. he went to US to stUdy le~
so we went to the big swensens in town to have our lunch..
Wad else is new?
nothing! hahahah..
i sms them to meet at orchard mrt @ 11am.
and wad is the time that we finally left the mrt stn?
i think its 1145.
i is cleber.. i know they will surely b late.. n i nvr put 12 if not.. hahaha.. i really dunno wad will b the time for us to start eating..
*den ching says. next time see ah loo sms, she knows wad time to reach le.. PI!*
so it is the usual people who were late again as usual. (except ah ngia)
but it is fun to see this standard..
aNd our blur queen eileen woke up at a wonderful timing..
i think she woke up at 11am. hahaha.. and sO we had to wait.
oh yeah..
mar and the poly guys went into army!
haha.. and marcus got real thin lor!
army really do wonders.
hahha.. opps!
we tok alot of cock lar..
not just thAt...
we r still lame as ever..
still blur as ever..
still 搞笑 as ever..
oh my gosh..
today no hwa hwa n jh..
alr so farnie.. i cant imagine the next one! hahaha..
and also..
jasmine's bro is gg to get married..
so cool..
we wan to 喝喜酒。。
too bad.. we dunno him.. if nOt we sure can go..
and den.. when we tok abt this..
the tOpic inevitably will b linked to lionel n xh..
结婚! 结婚!
its so cute to see them lar..
hahah.. and so is oUr conVersAtion about their relationships..
they have been tOgether since sec 4 ba.. Cool~~
i wan to be the wedding planner..
ok.. 姐妹团!
u know..
lionel says zoo vv smelly so dun wan to go zoo with xh..
den today i go tell him..
den he stress and tell xh they will go next time..
xh says last time is he has to listen to her..
den now.. is she has to listen to him..
so cUte hor.
aNd lastly..
we ask them to get married n ask lionel to saVe
n lionel's reply is tt his army $$ all spent on xh liao..
no more...
hahahaha.. u see the both of them!
okie.. set.. i die die .. wan to see u all get married!
oh yeah..
times flies..
especially when u are grOwing up..
u dun realise how times flies~~~~~~~
and u r gRowing up as a rate that's so fast..
xh says her bro alr reject so many girls and stuff..
i still rmb the times when i went to her hse and her bro was still in primary sch..
and he is like a small boi..
eating parsley w xh to irritate me..
cos i dun like the smell! hahahaha..
and 粪妹..
last time like charcoal..
cos play bball..
nOw is girl liao..
and wans to b white..
even i am darker than her! hahahaha..
and she is as stUpid as ever..
yp is as lame and irritatIng as ever~ hahaha
got sColding from eileen todAy..
obigood lor..
i remember one incident..
is abt eileen n i went usa recently...
den ch say:"OHyo"
den i stress..
i say" is OHIO (o-hi-yo) k"
den xh says..
"ah loo pronounce wrongly is it.."
i look at her with stun eyes..
and she says..
"ah loo alwaZ prOnoUnce wrongly.."
shan is worse lor..(oops! hee~)
oh.. lastly..
hope ch, eileen n fen mei found their dao ming si!!
*ch i know u wan dao ming si too*
hahaha.. so fun..
here's some pics!

grp photo


the guys tt came

the chiobus~

act cute~

the two zhabo tt went US~
*i love you all*
Thursday, September 07, 2006
my girl..
whenever, i read her post.
And it is always these sort of posts that she post made me admire her..
i like the way she thinks.
i like the way she writes.
i like the way she phrase.
she amaze me once more..
with this post..
which i think its true.
and i think its worth knowing..
it's worth to know wad sort of person u are.
and it's worth to know wad sort of person u need to be..
i love you gal.. :)
here is wad Jasmine wrote.. (peiseh.. dunno how to link.. so i will paste it here..)
Understanding woman
From new clothes to new accessories to lipo on hips, tummy and thigh.All girls would love to have a fairy godmother by the side and grant all our wishes with a wave of her miracle stick.
Pamper her with everything and anything...
*triple buts....
Don't ask her to make choices. Don't pamper her with choices. Guys, don't make yourself and member of the opposite sex miserable too. Because given our nature, we tend to think a lot. We will always think of alternatives and ask ourselves if there are better choices available. Unless you don't mind a looooooooong reply, don't give us too many options to choose from.
Well, at the same time, I don't deny that it's really sweet for a guy to ask a girl for her opinion (this shows that he respects her decision too).
Sounds contradicting yea? =)))
I know.
It will takes a lot of effort for a couple to reach that mutual stage whereby both parties take turns in role playing the part of the decision maker.
Thats why I'm thankful for baby's endearing effort in being sensitive to my needs and helping me to take choices out of my hand so I won't have to fret over it =)))
Similarly, for my babyboy,I will always be there to help him out in his decision-making.
For that, I promise you.. =)))
Lastly, I shall end this with a quote by Russell Peters:
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
there's no light outside..
i is freaking tired..
there's so many things to do..
cant sleep..
cant go toilet..
cant eat..
coming back from US, school and settling down.
It's crazy..
It's stressful...
However, i am happy that i am still able to enjoy the most simplest and wonderful things in life.
its really a magical thing.
when u r tired.
when u r stress.
when u feel everything is not right..
simplicity makes it all worthwhile..
and many may think tt this is rubbish..
but it is so true to me.
and all it takes is just a simple mind to look at simple things.
let me gives you of the simple things in my life that i am so happy with.
-a simple conversation with my jie meis.
-a simple and lame joke made by anyone.
-a simple photo that I saw when I open my pgp's door.
-a simple breakfast
-a simple song
-a simple morning. With the sunshine and morning breeze.
-a simple walk
-my FM
-a long bus ride home
-a simple dinner
-decorating my room
-my creativity
-etc etc..
there's so many things that i did.. but i forgot.. roar~
really.. its cool.
just look at things simply and u will feel better.
even if you found a small little ant on yr table.
and it can be wonderful..
*observe how the ant works or how it looks, u will be b amazed!*
I LOVE SIMPLICITY! muahahaha..
hope all of you are too..
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
A new life.. A new beginning..
i know my life will be changed.
I know it.
and it is true..
I began to set new goals for myself.
I began to look at things differently.
I expect my life to change for the better.
I hope i will not be the nua kia as before.
(i am still nua for my everyday life~ muahaha)
i hope things will remain the same as now..
as the sem goes by...
*cross fingers*
Got PGP again. Decide to make it really a good place.
it's a new beginning..
yeah.. and it is becOming a room i wan.
i still have more things to add..
to make it more homely..
i cant wait..
i cant wait till the day i am fully satisfied with the room.
expectations on oneself is higher..
i is exhausted..
i is siAnz..
it's only week 4.
and i can feel that it will be tougher as days go by..
All i can say..
is that i only look forward to Friday @ 2 pm.
1.5 days to relac!
- give me a good start and den keep it going the way it is -
P.S wanna whine abit.. think bad luck is coming back.. my printer is spoilt and so is my night light!! please gO away BAD LUCK!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
我还在学习 II
傻瓜就是傻瓜... 嗨~
Friday, September 01, 2006
learning to be stronger.
i am trying very hard.
and i know i can do it.
i am still learning.
learning to smile when the times are bad.
the smiles may be small but..
i know i can do it.
i am still learning.
learning to look at things simply.
it is hard given the harsh reality of life but...
i know i can do it.
i am still learning.
learning to be less melancholy.
it's a bad habit of mine but...
i know i can do it.
i am still learning.
learning not to overestimate myself.
it's smth i always thought is not true...
however, it is so true tt i'm so glad tt i did not make that mistake.
i have
and i am still learning..
Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened. -- Unknown
N 年后,
X 年后的今天。
终究他们爱过, 但也错过彼此。
this is a story that shan wrote..
its a story that the sistaz know.
its a story that the sistaz are trying to remind each other that we will nvr ever be in it. .
its a story..
and a sad one..
ching says..
this songs suit the story..
so would like to post it here to complement the story..
i would say.. that's life.
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. -- Helen Keller
Sunday, August 27, 2006
my sistaZ
but to say the truth.
i feel that they are the one who brightens up my life..
guiding me and making it worthwhile towards each day.
thank you sisters!
1st post in 1105
vv long..
i think i is crazy..
but i think it is vv true..
we man..
are begining to lost our directions in searching for the simple things in life..
first, blog entry in this blog. weird.
but then again. this week, i attended 2 lectures that shows video on two very different things. One is abt ICT, for CS1105 and another one is for Japanese studies. One is about technology, one is about life. it got me into thinking after watching these vid.
well, for the CS1105 video. I feel that the video keeps on emphasizing how wonderful all these technology is going to be in the future but i would beg to differ. the use of technology improving our lifestyle may be great but do the people ever thought of the underlying problems that will arise?
Just some random thoughts after watching..
1) life is great with technology. But it is great to the people who have the money to buy and use the technology mention or to the whole mankind?
i seriously feel that this will arise more discrimmination and also social caste system will arise. Some people will be deprive of something. The world may not be as wonderful as what te scientist had thought it will be.
2) do all man has the knowledge of handling these techology?
3) so in the end, who is controlling who? we, men, controlling the techology or the technology controlling our daily life?
sadly, to say. i am being controlled by the technology around me. i cant leave my laptop. i cant leave my electronics. and i am dependent on all of them. i still remember the times when i am in JC. Everybody is so dependent on the calculator, even the simplest sum like 9 X 8, we have to turn to the calculator. And then the impact of how important the calculator is to us, when we are dumbfounded by the slow reaction we have when we are ask a simple maths qns without the use of calculator.
Just like laptop. It is really a good invention. Making things easier n more convenient. All the work is done there. And believe me, when it crashed, so is your world. it is really a scary thought that, now, technology is something we cannot live without and is slowly controlling our lives.
So can u imagine the future with all the good robots and technology to make our life easier than before?? It's a good thought.. but i would rather that there is technology that will benefit the whole mankind as a WHOLE. Where no one is being excluded. But that would be difficult isn't it. Considering the fact of the opportunities that are given to different people around the world. The world is really unfair.
~side track a abit: i heard before this story. It's about if we distribute the money equally to everybody in the world. It will take less than a decade for the clever businessman to earn all the money and result the world into the current situation right now.. where the poor is really poor and the rich is really rich!~
from the video, we see that people get to choose the baby they like. the place they like to go to be right before their eyes. Well, good thought. but i hate it. That technology shown had ripped us of the most basic thing in life. The beauty of simplicity. It's wonderful to be able to see something you wanted to see from a country. But wouldn't it be better for you to go to the country yourself and experience the REAL beauty of the country. Having that technology, will only made people lazy and lost the sense of being adventurous. The baby.. having to choose your baby is fun! you get the best out of the best. But is it what your baby wants? Why do you have to decide for them what they need to be when they grow up? What happens to those baby who are born naturally with no good features or brain? Are they going to be the outcast? What will happen in the near future? More fighting of whose baby is the best? More argument of whose the best of the best. Is it going to be a better world or worse?
i seems pessissmistic. it's not like there's nothing beneficial the technology can provide. Technology can be good. But it is always a double edged sword. It can be good and it can be bad when people started to abuse it. I just feel that the abuse rate will be high.
second vid, this vid is about how baseball is important to the Japanese. Well, i love the way, how the teenagers work hard together just for the competition. Life is tough for them, all the school work, pressure and the trainings. But they are happy. 'Cos they are working happily towards what they wanted. Well, this is something i think technology can't give to the human being. The emotions they had when they lost or when they win. The process they work together, the relationships they build. Well, it is this simple stuff in life that i really feel that technology really cant bring it to the mankind. Technology, somehow, seperate us mankind. It someone made us anti-social and forget about the little n simple beautiful things that we had in the world.
-i am just someone who likes simplicity-
Happy birthday Bao'En!!!
we do her prezzie till we sweat.
we got her a scrapbook, a vid, a mp3 n lastly vouchers for marina square!
she is lucky de, 'cos she has us!!!!
well, i spend the whole day do the vid. i reallydo till i sweat.. n i really got sick! hahaha..
but den again.. i love the prdt. well, love the first part.. the second part of the vid.. its like i am buying time! hahahaha.. well, that's me! but i really is proud of the first part..
as usual.. i gg to show u all the vid!! hahahaha..
*bao cry lea.. when she saw the vid.. i is proud.. and would like to thank shan's for the idea n the rest of the peeps who send me their pic n messages for bao.. if not i dun think this vid will work!*
hahahahahahaha.. nice??? [no more vid liao.. i need rest.. no more creative juices!]
for yr fyi, my sister is from hongkong. so she is older than us by 1 yr..
well, she booked a ktv lounge and invite all her close frens from sec sch, i think jc n uni ba~
seriously, i dun really like her uni frens lar.. too 杂了. but no matter wad, it had been a great day! seeing all the old frens, talk abt the future.. and also "凡旧账". i also dunno why.. i got so high.. go around say hi. eat ah n drink!! (lucky nvr got drunk.. sistaz dun allow me to drink! hahaha.. scare i sing abc..) and sing alot of songs.. 'cos no one seems interested so i sing lor! hahahha.. it's really a cool celebration. 'm so happy that bao is really enjoying herself!
girl.. rmb u will alwaZ b our princess n must alwaz think before u act. play is play but dun over play! :)
newae.. would like to share a conversation tt we had..
hahaha.. it's really a cool one.
moi: eh.. got gf liao not?
yq: nope.
moi: so is single n available lar.
yq: no lar.. not available.
*i gt excited! tot got new gossip!!! thinking mayb he is jio-ing some zhabo!*
shan: y not available??
yq: 浪费钱!!
me n shan: hahahahahahaha..
really.. vv stunning.. his reply.. both of us expect some gossips.. den he say this.. think the previous one too bad le lar.. hahaha.. but shan n i really had a good laff!!! :)
he's a good guy tho.. i need to leave early n bao dun let me leave.. and force me to drink dwn a glass of beer.. i tell u.. the first mouth i alr buay tahan.. den i look at yq PLEADINGLY. muahahaha.. den he vv nice.. drink it up for me! hahaha.. if i drink tt thing.. i think they need to carry me home!
really enjoy myself.. tho its only for like 2 hours?? 'm sorry have to leave early, princess.. 'cos my mama die die also dun wan to give me keys.. hahaha.. love ya lotZ.. will meet up again!
*and thanks for the ride home! too bad we cant catch the moons!*
okie.. time for pic! :)

the 4 sisters who grew up together in sec school, we r the inseperable.. tho we r apart.. but we are still a part of each other! :)

love this pic! 'cos got all my beloved sisters! woohoo~

and lastly.. the cake.. vv chio hor.. but then again.. we think.. the cake is like.. er.. ok lo!

hahaha.. got to talk abt my 21st bday. 'cos i will b the first among the rest of the sista~
ching says.. she will invite the three sisters. go her house. and den, her mama will b bouncer, her papa will b bartender n her bro will be the light holder.. u know.. flash the light arnd.. make it look like the laser lights in club? hahaha..this is so farnie..
den iching ask me to go shangri la.. and have a ball.. theme of the the ball.. victorian time or like tt.. mao han.. i wear got the money.. even if have.. i dun think anyone is attending. so expensive to rent custome! hahahah..
but i got an idea to celebrate it.. i wanna do it by the sea.. haben really think abt it.. ching says we can do nothing.. vv boring.. den i think liao.. i feel that wad she says is also quite true.. but the feel n ambience is good.. and we can have a theme too! muahahaha.. budden again.. before i think any further.. i shld save up!! muahahaha.. mayb during these half yr.. i shld look for nice place to hold my party! muahahaha..
ching bday!!
woohoo.. 20th birthday..
and we sistaZ plan a wonderful day for her sia~ muahahah.. we had so much fun!!!
well well.. firstly, we decide to have a skirt day.. so everybody wear skirt.
and moi.. decide to wear the skirt i and ching buy at my fav shop!
this is a super duper mistake...
i was late in the morning liao.. den my auntie was washing the toilet.. so i cannot see how 夸张 i am.. den i have to wait till like 10 den i can see myself.. oh my gosh.. i is late lar.. and i see the 夸张 me.. i also buay tahan..
den my mama see me.. she says," i can see everything!" i super duper stress.. 'cos the top vv 透明!~ grab a tube n wear it.. but no time to care abt the bottom.. and den i left for school!
reach soc.. saw doreen n ching..
their shock expression tells it all.. i tell u, i is stress.. but i hahha.. took ching's jacket and wore it the whole time till i left nus.

me in jacket.. i too shy to walk arnd in my outfit in school.

this is my outfit.. vv overdress in soc.. muahahaha..

this is ching ching outfit.. she thinks she is overdressed until she saw me!
we went to cine for ktv! woohoo~ vv shiok.. its like 解脱! all the long waiting.. is finally over!! we have lotZ of fun! sing lots of songs.. n learn lots of song! muahahaha.. shan's singing improve le wor!! hahaha.. we r proud of u. n we gave ching ching her bday prezzie! vv nice de wor.. purple mp3!! we r good sista~

shan n mei

me n shan.. shan says making her face rounder will den 配合我. ('cos i gt round face)

me n ching.. i vv black n she vv white.. hahahaha

ching ching n her prezzie...
*did i tell u all.. ching's bro gave her angbao lea.. for her bday. its quite a huge amt la.. wahlao.. so envious. shan n i wan to be his god sister.. hahaahhaha*
so after ktv we decide to go for dinner.. was at a lost 'cos plan to go to a restaurant in bukit timah de.. but we are not exactly sure where's the place so we decide to settle for spagettitee (dunno how to spell). order pastas n soup! hahaha..

the food..

well, the serving is big for one person lar.. lucky we alwaz share our food! oh yeah.. me n shan got a conclusion.. As we get older.. we simply cant satisfy our needs. think of the times when we r small n we celebrate our bday with frens in cartel n swenson.. do u feel awesome @ tt point in time? but wad abt now.. if u plan for a celebration, i dun think tt will be the first few restaurants tt come into mind. You are now looking for a place with good ambience n good food n price. vv chim.. u made life difficult for yrself.. giving yrself stress!! but hey.. tt's life. u never get enuff of anything. :)
and den.. we decide to go take neoprint. they say when i am in states.. they went out they will always have smth to rmb me. hahahaha.. like have one more straw(in memory of ah loo) n one fine day.. they went to took neoprint.. n they draw a shit to represent me.. *shake head* hahaha.. so we decide to take another neoprint.. with the four of us! :)

while waiting to take neoprint..
den later we went for dessert. 'cos ch is sponsored by her bro.. we went nydc to eat mudpie. muahahaha.. abit sad cant get to eat fondue! hahaha.. it's okie!!

our mudpies!!!
well.. had been a fun day! tho we r like doing normal activities.. but with the girls around. the day will never be dull. we r alwaz full of nonsense. we cant stop laffing.. everything is fun n beautiful! enjoy yesterday to every bits! thanks gal! n ching hope u like yr prezzie..!!! its gd stuff! :)
love ya sistaZ~